
死ぬまで毎年IRONMAN HAWAIIに出るのが目標!体育2のironmaniaのroad to KONAな日々です!

Snow rucell run and private swim lesson

2014-02-11 06:12:17 | road to KONA
Run 19.25km1:37:28
Private swim lesson free style, back, butterfly, flip turn 0:30
Swim free style with flip turn 1000yd0:30

In snowy morning, our crazy Blue Ash multisports racing guys ran outside...
It was easy to run because the snow didn't freeze. So I could chase the "King" within the range I could see his back until the last.
But it was too fast for me. Because average pace was 5:02/km, and maximum pace was 4:13/km in the snow!

After that I had a private swim lesson at Blue Ash YMCA in the afternoon.
I tryed again free style, back, butterfly, and flip turn.
In my feeling, their achievement rate were butterfly: 50%, flip turn: 40%.


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