
死ぬまで毎年IRONMAN HAWAIIに出るのが目標!体育2のironmaniaのroad to KONAな日々です!

Americans should make an effort to understand non-native speaker's English!!!

2014-02-11 08:55:00 | Weblog
2/10/2014 No training

Today, I fought with my English teacher again!
When I was learning some phrases for polite requests, I asked to the teacher that "At first, is it okay to remember only "Could you ~" and "May I ~?".
Because I have a bad memory.

The teacher said you should remember all of them because Americans are bored by your poor vocabulary.
(I guess it means not only boring but also looking down on.)
But I think to tell the things correctly is more important than not to bore Americans.
I think, after I can tell the things correctly by one phrase, it would be better to learn the other phrases.

If foreigner will use incorrect Japanese, we Japanese makes an effort to understand it and accepts it. Because they're non-native speaker, so it's natural that they can't speak Japanese correctly.
I think strongly, "Americans also should make an effort to understand non-native speaker's English!!!"

I was very upset and excited, so I couldn't almost asleep last night...


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