
死ぬまで毎年IRONMAN HAWAIIに出るのが目標!体育2のironmaniaのroad to KONAな日々です!

VIP comin'

2014-08-02 23:26:55 | road to KONA
5/19/2014(MON) No training due to English class.

Run treadmill 8.6km 0:45
Weight training abdominal

I went to Blue Ash YMCA after the work and took running.

Swim 0.5km 0:20

I've two tough weeks every year because our company's VIP member comes two times per a year.
And it was the day which they came here!
So I stopped by LA fitness to swim little bit in the early morning, and after that I went to CVG to pick them up.
And of course, I attended their lunch and dinner.
It was the day of starting tough week...

Bike spinning 21km 0:58

I stopped by Blue Ash YMCA for doing spinning before VIP member picked up the hotel.

5/24/2014(SAT) No training

The tough week ended. I dropped VIP member at CVG in the morning. After that, I tried to train but I couldn't do it by the fatigue and abdominal pain.
It was the start of the nightmare...

The picture is the poster of 4th Flying Pig marathon of 2002.


にほんブログ村 トライアスロンブログランキングに上場中!
にほんブログ<em></em>村 その他スポーツブログ トライアスロンへにほんブログ村>


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