
死ぬまで毎年IRONMAN HAWAIIに出るのが目標!体育2のironmaniaのroad to KONAな日々です!

Fight with cold...

2014-06-30 00:16:05 | road to KONA
5/10/2014(SAT) No training due to feeling fever since yesterday.
It was National train day. So there was some event at Union station at downtown of Cincinnati.
But I felt fever since yesterday, so I stayed home all day...

Bike 121.1km 4:22

My condition got better than yesterday, so I tried team riding.

I did my best but couldn't catch up 1st group. Then I lost the way and was caught up with 2nd group.
I recognized my condition didn't recover yet.

But I have Ironman Lake Placid in the end of July, so I have to ride more!
And after the lunch, I went to Indian Hill for additional ride.

But it was too hard for me... And my cold was getting worse again...

The top picture is the poster of 2nd annual Flying Pig marathon in 2000.


にほんブログ村 トライアスロンブログランキングに上場中!
にほんブログ<em></em>村 その他スポーツブログ トライアスロンへにほんブログ村>

Recovery week

2014-06-28 18:43:38 | road to KONA
5/5/2014(MON) No training due to recovery from Pig.

Swim 1000yd 0:30
Swimming for relaxing. But it was included 3 sets of 100 yd individual medley.

Treadmill 5km 0:31
Run for recovery. Not so fast.

I attended Japanese economics seminar studying the spirit of Mr Kazuo Inamori, a founder of Kyoto ceramics.
It's a monthly mandatory event and it also has a drinking party after the seminar. So I couldn't do any exercise...

Spinning 36.1km 1:18
I went to Blue Ash YMCA to ride on spinning. The spinning machine has cycle computer, DH bar, and SPD pedal. So it's good for TT training.

The picture is the poster of 1st annual Flying Pig marathon in 1999.


にほんブログ村 トライアスロンブログランキングに上場中!
にほんブログ<em></em>村 その他スポーツブログ トライアスロンへにほんブログ村>

Pig 4-way, Day 2nd.

2014-06-28 18:06:06 | レースレポート
42.2k Run

I got up before 5AM, grabbed a bite, and drove to the downtown of Cincinnati.
I met team mates at the hotel lobby and went to the start area.
We can book our baggage to school buses.

There was the start line on the road in front of US bank arena. The starting time was 6:30AM.
I didn't feel yesterday's fatigue. I kept my pace by heart rate.
The beginning of the course was same as 10k; crossing Ohio river to Kentucky side, looking around Newport and Covington, backing to downtown of Cincinnati.
After that, we climb the foot of Mt Adams at 6 miles. Then we go through Madison, Hyde Park, Mariemont, Ault Park, and Alms Park. And we go back to downtown beside of Ohio river, and finally cross the finish line at East Pete Rose Rd.
The course includes some hills, so I think it's not fit for making your PB.

I could through the half point without any problem.

But before 15 miles, my heart rate suddenly went up to 160, and I had to go down my pace.

And then, I was lost the lead to 3:50's pace runner, so I tried to chase it.
At 20 miles, It became difficult to keep 3:50's pace. I made the delay from 3:50's pace runner little by little...

3 miles to go, I tried to go up my pace, but I felt the fatigue of yesterday's race. so I couldn't...
About half miles to go, the gross time had already passed 3:50. But I rushed to try sub 3:50 by net time.

My net time was 3:50:22... Awe...

After the race, I picked up my baggage and went to the tent for 3-way&4-way challenge runners.

We can get the long sleeve T-shirt, medal, and medal display plate for 4-way completed runnner.

There were many branch shop at the park. The runner could get a beer and hotdog for free!

I met my team mate and took a relax.

We found out a pet piggy at the park. Oh, I'm so sorry. I'm eating your friends...
Before I went back home, I stopped by LA fitness for swimming and taking a bath.

They're the items I get by 3 days. I think it's a good deal for us. How about you?


にほんブログ村 トライアスロンブログランキングに上場中!
にほんブログ<em></em>村 その他スポーツブログ トライアスロンへにほんブログ村>

Pig 4-way, Day 1st.

2014-06-13 23:45:19 | レースレポート
10k Run net time0:55:24 pace8:57/miles overall place597 gender place379/1183 M45-49 division place43/142
5k Run net time0:26:36 pace8:35/miles overall place482 gender place365/1916 M45-49 division place36/191
Swim 1100yd 0:30

I woke up around 5AM, grabbed a bite, and drove to downtown of Cincinnati.
There was no baggage pick up service for 10k and 5k runners. But 4-way and 3-way runners needs to change their bib number, so there was the packet pick up service only for them.

The start line was on the road in front of Reds Hall of the Fame. The first was 10k start at 8AM.

It's NOT a race for me, it's warm up for tomorrow's marathon. So I don't need run faster.
The first half of the course was almost same as marathon, crossing Ohio river to Kentucky side, looking around Newport and Covington, backing to downtown of Cincinnati, and finishing at East Pete Rose Rd.

And then, l finished 10k by 55:24. It was soso...

I met my team mates at finisher's area. They'er also trying 4-way.
After about 30 minutes rest, we went to the start line again for 5k race start at 10AM.

The course was almost round trip of Ohio river side.

The first 2k, it was little bit hard to run. Because the runner was larger than 10k, a bunch of kids were to and fro on the course, and also many stoller ran on the course...
But after that, kids were exhausted and got easy to run!
I finished 5k by 26:36. It was good for me because it was warm up for marathon!

After the race, I visited the expo again to get many free sample. Because I paid $145 for 4-way! so I wanted to earn back the cost of entry fee!

Before I went back home, I stopped by LA fitness for swimming and taking a bath.


にほんブログ村 トライアスロンブログランキングに上場中!
にほんブログ<em></em>村 その他スポーツブログ トライアスロンへにほんブログ村>

Pig expo

2014-06-08 22:14:28 | レースレポート
Swim 500yd 0:20

After the work, I drove to the downtown of Cincinnati to make a registration and see the expo.
We can make a registration on Saturday's early morning before the race, but we need to get up early for 10k race start at 8AM. So I choose to go there on Friday.

First, I stopped by the registration desk of 4-way.

"4-way" means we run 10k & 5k race on Saturday and full marathon on Sunday. As reference, "3-way" means we run 10k & 5k race on Saturday and half marathon on Sunday.

After that, I moved to the expo. Flying Pigs invites you.

In the expo, we can enjoy the shopping of Pig's special items and special offer item.

In our team sponsor Fleet Feet booth has special offer for CEP compression socks and calf guard. I bought socks last year.

And I found 50% off CW-X winter long tights here! Of course, I got it!

After that, I got runner's T-shirts and poster. I registered 4-way, so I could get 3 each of T-shirts and posters...

Before going back home, I stopped by LA fitness to swim lightly. And I enjoyed Bulgogi at Korean House for last supper.


にほんブログ村 トライアスロンブログランキングに上場中!
にほんブログ<em></em>村 その他スポーツブログ トライアスロンへにほんブログ村>