
死ぬまで毎年IRONMAN HAWAIIに出るのが目標!体育2のironmaniaのroad to KONAな日々です!

Weight training and 1 spinning

2014-02-27 18:43:41 | road to KONA
2/24/2014 No training
Due to yesterday's fatigue...zzz

Weight training: Abdominal, Back, Leg press
Spinning 26km 1:02

Weight training and 1 hour spinning at Blue Ash YMCA.
I have done 2 times weight training per a week as my routine work.
Some guys says triathlete doesn't need weight training because we can train all of our body by swim, bike, and run.
But I haven't had a chance to train until I was university student. Because I didn't like any sports.
So I think it's good in order to make a muscle in my body.

Needless to say, the spinning after leg press was too hard...

The picture is baby back BBQ at Jim Dandy's BBQ for Tuesday lunch.
It's really awesome! Because it's made at the oven in front of restaurant.

Maca-cheese is also nice, but it's the best way to get a fat...
Unfortunately it's really expensive, so we can't eat it usually...


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Unexpected zombie run

2014-02-26 23:49:48 | road to KONA
Run Rockwood, Delta Ave., Riverside, Downtown, Mt. Adams, Madison road 24.6km2:11
Swim free style, brest, butterfly 1000yd1:30

We have running every Sunday morning.
A part of today's course was same as Pig marathon.
So it was good chance for me.

At first, I was supposed to run 20km. But our crazy guys invited me to additional 5km, so I have exhausted energy...
The last 5k, we had hill climb run at Mt. Adams...
My heart rate exceeded 170 and I couldn't control my body by my will. I ran like a zombie and fell down...

But my Sunday was never end...
I had an appointment of private swim lesson in the afternoon.
So once I went home, took a lunch, and went to YMCA in Blue Ash...
I really tired...


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Bike ride for the first time in 1 month!

2014-02-25 19:41:42 | road to KONA
Bike Loveland, Goshen, Stonelick lake, Pleasant Plain 78.5km2:40

The temperature exceeded 60F! Snow was gone! So I rode outside for the first time in one month!
The route is based on one of our favorite practice course (we call it "double white").
It's almost flat. But about two hours later, I felt terrible fatigue and hunger...
So I stopped by downtown of Loveland to grab a bite.

Unfortunately, the bar had temporary closed for renovations...So I had to bear with reward...


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Weight training and easy swim

2014-02-24 07:25:14 | road to KONA
Weight training abdominal, back, leg press
Swim up, 100IM 5 sets

I left the office at late night due to make a document for final tax return.
In the US, we have to make it by ourself even if we're office worker.

After that I visited YMCA at Blue Ash just 1 hour, and got weight training and swim.
IM wasn't continuous. It had 1 minute interval to each item...

The picture is portable gas oven which I bought at CAM Asian supermarket.
It's for an emergency, not for nabe.
Because most of facilities in my apartment are worked by electricity.
So if electricity will shut down suddenly, I don't have any item to keep warm and cook.


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Only treadmill run

2014-02-21 09:05:57 | road to KONA
Run treadmill 6mi 0:51

I went to LA fitness for training, But I had only 1hour until closing time.
So after the running by treadmill, I went home, and took a shower at home.
In country side of the US, almost of people use a car for going somewhere. Even if they would go to the shopping to the store in walking distance...
So some guys doesn't take a shower at fitness club, and takes it at home.
I think it's good for saving time, but not good for saving water and gas expenses of their house.

The picture is fried-oyster bento box of Ando Japanese restaurant for today's lunch.
Ando is one of Japanese restaurants which is approved by us as true Japanese restaurant.
Now we have only 2 approved Japanese restaurant in Cincinnati area.
In other hand, there are many true Japanese restaurant in Northern Kentucky area.
Because there is a huge plant of Japanese famous automotive company in there...


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Too hard for me...

2014-02-20 01:12:40 | Weblog
2/17/2014 No training

I have English class every Monday evening.
Today I learned some phrases for polite expression.
Some of them were too hard to understand for me. So I asked to the teacher "can I use only the others first?"
But the teacher said "if you'll use English in business, you should understand all of them".

In my current English skill, I think it's the most important thing to communicate even if my English is not correct.
As a result, I couldn't understand them, then the class was over...


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Only swim due to fatigue...

2014-02-18 14:01:02 | road to KONA
Swim (including private lesson) free style, brest, back, butterfly, flip turn 1200yd2:30

We Blue Ash multisports racing had 7 hills running at downtown of Cincinnati this morning.
But unfortunately I couldn't get up early due to fatigue of yesterday's spinning and weight training...
My heart beat was still fast. So if I'll go running, I wouldn't complete it...

After the oversleep, I took a branch, and went to YMCA at Blue Ash for swimming.
I swam about 1200 yard in two and half hours, including private swim lesson.
It was the first time to spend the long time for swimming after I completed IRONMAN Louisville.

The picture is the icicle of my apartment.


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Weight training, 2 spinning, petit swim, and snow shoveling

2014-02-17 08:15:21 | road to KONA
Weight training abdominal, back
Spinning 54.2km2:05
Swim easy 500yd0:20

After the English class in the morning, taking a lunch, and going to the book store. But I couldn't find out I want.

And then I went to YMCA at Blue Ash for training.
Recently, Saturday 2 hours spinning is getting my routine work.
After that, I had little bit swimming. No butterfly, no flip turn, just relax...

Finally I went home and shoveled the snow only from my car to my apartment. Great job!


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Shoveled snow

2014-02-16 00:41:13 | Weblog
2/14/2014 No training

It became heavy snow in the afternoon. So I went home directly because there was a possibility that fitness club closes earlier.
Arriving at home, I shoveled snow to make a road only from my car to my apartment.


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Only petit swim

2014-02-14 09:09:51 | road to KONA
2/12/2014 No training

I worked until past 9PM... So I was terrible tired and went home directly...

Swim free style, back, breast, butterfly, flip turn 700yd 0:20

I had a plan for Seiwa-jyuku in Cincinnati and Northen Kentucky area tonight with some Japanese.
So I swam little bit in the morning.
Seiwa-jyuku is the economy seminar which is founded by Mr.Kazuo Inamori, former chairman of Japan Airlines.
After that, we HAVE TO drink some beer, so there was no training after work.

The picture is Chinese buffet for my lunch at Twin Dragon in Tylersville, West Chester, OH.


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