
死ぬまで毎年IRONMAN HAWAIIに出るのが目標!体育2のironmaniaのroad to KONAな日々です!

1 week to go!

2014-05-24 19:49:24 | road to KONA
4/28 to 4/30/2014 No training due to get rid of fatigue.

Treadmill 5.7km 0:35

After the English class, I went to Blue Ash YMCA and ran by treadmill.
It was the adjustment training for Pig.

The picture is Sushi lunch at Akashi Japanese restaurant, Dayton, OH.

I had a business trip around there in April 30th, so after that, I took a lunch there.
It operated by Japanese, so it was good.


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Volunteer & final run for Pig

2014-05-24 19:34:47 | road to KONA
Weight training abdominal, back
Run 17.7km 1:46

Today, there was indoor triathlon event at Blue Ash YMCA.
It's one of team event of Blue Ash multisports racing.
But it looked like too hard for me, so I joined as volunteer.

It contained 10 minutes swim, 20 minutes spinning, and 15 minutes treadmill.
Also it had some opitons, 2-ways(double) and 3-ways(triple) triathlon, duathlon, and each relay.

Of course, our team's "King", 4 times Kona finisher got 1st place.
But I was disappointed that he didn't choose 2-ways or 3-ways...

After that, I ran around Blue Ash for final running practice for Pig.
But I had energy burned on the way, so my running pace was getting slow...


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Hill climbing bike course collections Vol.3

2014-05-20 04:16:49 | road to KONA
Bike 102.5km 3:54

I'm still trying to find out good hill climbing bike course near Greater Cincinnati area.
The day, I tried Indian Hill area.

Indian Hill is famous as one of high class residential area at Greater Cincinnati area, and there are many hills around there. So it's famous for cyclist as hill climbing course.

These slopes were good, not too steep and not too short.
This time, I traced this route. But we can make many route in this area.
So I'll try to make more steeper course in around there.


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2 weeks to go!

2014-05-17 16:34:09 | road to KONA
Swim 1200yd 0:30

After the English class, I swam at Blue Ash YMCA for relaxing. I'm still continuing flip turn and butterfly.

Weight training Abdominal, back, and Leg press
Treadmill 4.8km 0:30
Swim 1200yd 0:30

1 hour training for weight training and treadmill at Blue Ash YMCA before the work.
Swimming at LA fitness Symmth after the work.

Treadmill 8.0km 0:45

Treadmill at LA fitness Symmth after the work.

Swim 1900yd 0:50

I had a business trip in the morning.
After that, I visited Japan West, Findley, OH for lunch.

Findley is one of small town between Troy, OH and Toledo, OH.
But this restaurant is operated by Japanese, and we can eat real Japanese food.
I ordered daily special lunch, Japanese style fried chicken.
It was really awesome and under $10!

The training was swimming at LA fitness Symmth after the work.

Spinning 25.km 1:07

Spinning at Blue Ash YMCA. I'm still continuing hill climbing menu suggested by Jurgen Zack.
And that day, my reinforcements from Great Britain arrived.


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Loveland Castle

2014-05-17 15:21:55 | Cincy赴任記
Jog 5.7km 0:35

It was Sunday! Sunday is training day. But I couldn't train because I had already tired by training for the last two days...
So I jogged around my comunity...

After that, I visited Loveland Castle by car.

In fact, It takes about 20 minutes by run. But the road is narrow and no sidewalk. Also there's crazy slope like the bike course of Challenge Phuket, Thailand and Noto Suzu, Japan, in front of castle...

It's a very small castle made by bricked small stones. We need to pay $5 as admission fee.
Also we can rent it for some event like a wedding.

It was really small and beautiful. But if you're not interested in history, it's enough to visit one time...


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Team run and swim

2014-05-14 07:24:57 | road to KONA
4/19/2014 (SAT)
Run 19.9km 1:56
Swim 2200yd 1:05

We had regular run on Sunday morning. This course is one of our home course because it has only a couple of signal on the way.
And also it has some slops, but they're not so steep versus some hills of Pig course.

After that, I swam at LA fitness. It was included 2 sets of 100yd IM and 4 sets of easy-hard interval. 2200yd was too hard for me...


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"Good Friday" bike

2014-05-11 00:57:30 | road to KONA
Bike 75.2km 2:43
Swim 900yd 0:25

The Friday was the holiday called as "Good Friday". What's that? I don't know. I guess it's a holiday which relates to Christ. But I'm not Christian. So please ask to Christian...

So I swam a little at LA fitness in Symmth, and after that rode a bike.
In this time, I tried to search new hill climbing bike course.
The course was almost same as two weeks ago's one. (Sorry, my GPS became out of battery on the way...)
Basically the road crossing the Little Miami river in this area has hard short slopes. But there are almost flat around there. So it's diffrent from mountain.
I need to continue searching for the course...


にほんブログ村 トライアスロンブログランキングに上場中!
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3 weeks to go!

2014-05-10 17:57:29 | road to KONA
Swim 1200yd 0:45

After the English class, I went to Blue Ash YMCA to swim for just relaxing. It included 2 sets of 100yd IM.
Whenever I swim by butterfly, I make big waves on the pool...

Spinning 30.0km 1:23

Spinning at Blue Ash YMCA. I'm still follow Jurgen Zach's hill climbing menu. It was really hard. After that I couldn't do anything...

Weight training abdominal, back, leg press
Treadmill 8.2km 0:48
Swim 1500yd 0:40

After the work, I went to LA fitness in Symmth and trained about 2hours.
I thought the bad things would happen the next day...

4/17/2014(THU) No training due to fatigue of the last day...

As I expected the day before...


にほんブログ村 トライアスロンブログランキングに上場中!
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"Hanami" jog at Ault Park

2014-05-10 17:04:12 | road to KONA
Jog 11.9km 1:16

We Blue Ash Multisport Racing had regular running in the morning. But my condition was still not so good since last Friday.
So I skipped it, went to Ault Park by car, and jogged around there with seeing cherry blossoms.

Ault Park is the only park which we can see Japanese original cherry blossoms called as Somei-Yoshino in Greater Cincinnati area.

Most of cherry blossoms had already passed full blooming, but they were still good.
I jogged in and around the park called as Hyde park, one of high society residence area in Cincinnati.
After that, I enjoyed "Hanami", seeing cherry blossoms at Ault Park.

BUT! in Ohio, drinking at public area is prohibited by state law!!! OMG!!! We can't enjoy drinking beer under the cherry blossoms!!!
So I ate sushi with sipping green tea...

In Las Vegas, NV, drinking at public area is permitted. So I wish that they plants a bunch of cherry blossoms...

And I took a Sushi at Ichiban Japanese restaurant at Hyde Park for dinner.
It's managed by Chinese, and also all of Sushi chef are Chinese.
But their quality and taste were good. They have all day half price Sushi menu. So I could enjoy Sushi until my satisfaction!


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"Really tough" flat middle ride

2014-05-06 07:03:09 | road to KONA
Bike 74.3km 2:49

Our team, Blue Ash Multisports Racing had middle distance bike ride in the afternoon.
My feelng was still not good. But the course was not too long and almost flat. So I thought it was no problem.

Actually, it was okay until about 60km. But the last 10km, I suddenly felt terrible fatigue, and my heart beat went up to over 180!
So I couldn't catch up guys.
I guess I need to take a rest for a while...

The picture is Troy's burger at Troy's cafe in West Chester, OH.
It's really fresh, like a Mos-burger in Japan. This is my best burger restaurant until now.


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