
死ぬまで毎年IRONMAN HAWAIIに出るのが目標!体育2のironmaniaのroad to KONAな日々です!


2018-01-06 15:24:37 | Weblog



2015-08-02 18:34:59 | Weblog



Canceled Toughman and Lake Placid

2014-10-04 18:17:40 | Weblog
I'm so sorry to leave my weblog off for a long time. Since the last update, I was terribly busy until the end of September.

After the last log, I felt the pain in my abdominal, so I canceled TOUGHMAN Indiana in the end of May. After that, I had one week admission in the beginning of June in order to take a treatment by catheter. So I had to stop my training until the end of June to cure my wound. Since I understood not to complete my training for Lake Placid with only half month, so I had to cancel IRONMAN Lake Placid which was held in the end of July.

Fortunately from this year, WTC started transfer program for IRONMAN and IRONMAN 70.3 in the US. So I transferred my entry fee of Lake Placid to Louisville which was held in the end of August. In truth, I wanted to transfer to the race is held in the end of season , like Florida, Arizona, and Cozumel. But Florida and Arizona had already sold out, and Cozumel was not available to this transfer program.

So, I'll update the race recap of IRONMAN Louisville.




Go back to the US

2014-03-31 19:04:30 | Weblog
3/16/2014 No training

'Cause for shopping a bunch of Japanese foods and packing them.
I got some souvenior for myself.

These various flavor soy milk are really awesome! They were caused by Japanese technology!
Left to right; yogurt, grape fruit, marron, mango, peach, healthy coke!(It's limited sales until this September. Hurry up, if you want!), Kinako; soy beans powder, mixed various fruits, chocolat, banana, and sesami and honey...
Oops, I forgot to get pudding flavor...

3/17/2014 No training

I left my house at 6AM. My dad took me to the nearest station. Thanks dad...
It took about 2 and half hour to NRT by train and bus.
This time, I succeeded to upgrade to business class! So I went to Sakura lounge operated by Japan Airlines and took breakfast!

JL010 from NRT to ORD

New business class seat was really awesome! It can be flat bed! We can access the aisle without minding the other people.
It equips low-rebound matress and pillow too.

And also inflight meal are nice!

appetizers for 1st inflight meal,


main dish; Sauted rosy sea-bass.

and dessert; Mascarpone Mousse!

Light meal; Soy-marinated sea bream carpaccio Ochaduke (steamed rice with green tea based soup) and Premium Malts my favorite Japanese beer!

Washoku; Japanese traditional meal for 2nd inflight meal.

And finally, I could enjoy "Ama-Chan (the girl of Japanese traditional female diver)", the most popular Japanese TV drama now!!!

The drama had already ended the last year. In Japan, it calls the sadness caused by the end of this drama "Ama-loss"... LOL
As a detail for "Ama-chan", please refer the following site (Wikipedia).

About 11hrs30min later from the departure, I arrived at ORD.


にほんブログ村 トライアスロンブログランキングに上場中!
にほんブログ<em></em>村 その他スポーツブログ トライアスロンへにほんブログ村>

Go back to Japan

2014-03-25 19:17:30 | Weblog

I got up 5:30 and went to CVG by car. It took about 45 minutes.

AA3069 from CVG to ORD

It took about 1hr30min to ORD.
But we had to wait about 20 minutes until arriving the gate...

In this time, I had the ticket for premium economy seat of Japan Airlines, so I could use the lounge!
But it wasn't Sakura lounge operated by JAL...
If we wanna use Sakura lounge at overseas airport, we need the ticket for first class or business class, or need to fly 50000 miles or more per a year by Oneworld alliance flight. They're really hard for me...

I took Sushi and beer for breakfast. Of course, they were for free!

And fortunately, I got two free drink tickets! So I could enjoy one more beer!

JL009 from ORD to NRT

Everytime I use Japan Airlines to go back to Japan.
Because they gives good customer service, good Japanese food, and reliability, for the Japanese who works in the US .

B777-300ER for North American region was renewed in January.
The premium economy seat has big personal display, AC outlet, USB port, video input port, and low-rebound pillow.

And also the seat pitch is wider than the previous one.

Japanese premium beer "Ebisu" for welcome drink,

Teriyaki chicken for 1st inflight meal,

Sandwithch and chocolate cake for refreshment,

,and pasta with white sauce for 2nd inflight meal.

After about 12h30min flight, we arrived at NRT.

I went to the lounge for relaxing.

And then I went to the restaurant and ate Tendon (rice bowl with Shrimp and vegetable tempura) and buckwheat for early dinner.

I spent a couple hours at the airport and arrived home at night...


にほんブログ村 トライアスロンブログランキングに上場中!
にほんブログ<em></em>村 その他スポーツブログ トライアスロンへにほんブログ村>

Too hard for me...

2014-02-20 01:12:40 | Weblog
2/17/2014 No training

I have English class every Monday evening.
Today I learned some phrases for polite expression.
Some of them were too hard to understand for me. So I asked to the teacher "can I use only the others first?"
But the teacher said "if you'll use English in business, you should understand all of them".

In my current English skill, I think it's the most important thing to communicate even if my English is not correct.
As a result, I couldn't understand them, then the class was over...


にほんブログ村 トライアスロンブログランキングに上場中!
にほんブログ<em></em>村 その他スポーツブログ トライアスロンへにほんブログ村>

Shoveled snow

2014-02-16 00:41:13 | Weblog
2/14/2014 No training

It became heavy snow in the afternoon. So I went home directly because there was a possibility that fitness club closes earlier.
Arriving at home, I shoveled snow to make a road only from my car to my apartment.


にほんブログ村 トライアスロンブログランキングに上場中!
にほんブログ<em></em>村 その他スポーツブログ トライアスロンへにほんブログ村>

I skipped 3 miles run in the morning...

2014-02-12 08:24:22 | Weblog
2/11/2014 No training

Our Blue Ash multisports racing has 3 miles running at 6AM every Tuesday.
I couldn't almost sleep the last night, so it was no problem to get up early. But I skipped it because I didn't mind doing exercise...

I left the office at 8PM because of my work which I have to do that day.
After that, I joined the dinner with Japanese co-worker. Of course, with drinking. So there was no training...


にほんブログ村 トライアスロンブログランキングに上場中!
にほんブログ<em></em>村 その他スポーツブログ トライアスロンへにほんブログ村>

Americans should make an effort to understand non-native speaker's English!!!

2014-02-11 08:55:00 | Weblog
2/10/2014 No training

Today, I fought with my English teacher again!
When I was learning some phrases for polite requests, I asked to the teacher that "At first, is it okay to remember only "Could you ~" and "May I ~?".
Because I have a bad memory.

The teacher said you should remember all of them because Americans are bored by your poor vocabulary.
(I guess it means not only boring but also looking down on.)
But I think to tell the things correctly is more important than not to bore Americans.
I think, after I can tell the things correctly by one phrase, it would be better to learn the other phrases.

If foreigner will use incorrect Japanese, we Japanese makes an effort to understand it and accepts it. Because they're non-native speaker, so it's natural that they can't speak Japanese correctly.
I think strongly, "Americans also should make an effort to understand non-native speaker's English!!!"

I was very upset and excited, so I couldn't almost asleep last night...


にほんブログ村 トライアスロンブログランキングに上場中!
にほんブログ<em></em>村 その他スポーツブログ トライアスロンへにほんブログ村>

Because of heavy snow

2014-02-05 19:31:30 | Weblog
2/4/2014 no training

There was heavy snow at night.
All car ran by 30 to 40 mph on highway because rassel car had not worked yet.
In the midwest of the US, almost of driver doesn't use snow tire. So we can see many abandoned cars on the shoulder.
Also, many shops and services closes before their business time will end. I thought all fitness club would close early, so I went home directly.

This picture was taken in midnight. It looks like a midnight sun...

The heavy snow will continue by Wednesday.
And also, it has a chance of snow again in this weekend...
In Cincinnati, we can't ride outside until April. OMG...


にほんブログ村 トライアスロンブログランキングに上場中!
にほんブログ<em></em>村 その他スポーツブログ トライアスロンへにほんブログ村>