
死ぬまで毎年IRONMAN HAWAIIに出るのが目標!体育2のironmaniaのroad to KONAな日々です!

About Louisville

2014-10-14 01:10:41 | レースレポート
Do you know well about Louisville? If so, you would be better to skip it 'Cause you're bored...
It's the time for the people who doesn't know about it.

Louisville is one of city in Kentucky, the mid-west of the US. It's located in north west of Kentucky and not capital city of it, but it's the biggest one.
And it takes about 2 hours by car from Cincinnati, OH. So IM-LOU is the most convenient Ironman for me!
As you know, Kentucky is famous for Kentucky burbon, Kentucky derby, and KFC; Kentucky Fried Chicken.
Churchill Downs, taking place Kentucky Derby is faced on run couse. So you can see it fourth in run. Almost of famous Kentucky berbon distrillery and the house of Colonel Sanders, founder of KFC, are located in around Louisville, so if you can rent a car, you can go there about a couple of hours.
And in downtown of Louisville, there are many nice places as follows.

- Muhammad Ali Center
- Louisville Slugger Museum & Factory
- Belle of Louisville, steam riverboat
- Thomas Edison House
- Derby Clock
- Loisville Palace thather
- Thirsty Pedaler, riding bike with deinking burbon!
- 4th street live! finish line of IM Louisville

For more information, visit www.gotolouisville.com

How to fly.
Louisville has an international airport(SDF). There is no direct flight from Japan, but three major airlines has many flights from some American major airports, like Chicago(ORD), Atlanta(ATL), Dallas fort worth(DFW), etc.
But if you bring big bike case, I suggest to choose some middle distance flight from Los Angels(LAX), San Francisco(SFO), etc. Because small plane like Bombardier and Embraer, up to 50 passengers are used for short distance flights. Sometimes they can't carry big luggeage due to their small cargo space and door. So before you book the flight, you would be better to check the plain and choose at least middle size plain, like B737, A320, MD80, etc.
There is no public transportation from airport to downtown without taxi.

恐らく多くの日本人はルイビルなんて聞いたことないと思いますのでチラリと紹介を。ちなみにルイビルって非常に日本語チックな発音で、現地では全く通じません。強引に日本語読みにするなら”ルゥィヴォ”でしょうか? いまだに一発で通じたことがありません…

- モハメドアリ センター
- ルイビルスラッガー ミュージアム&ファクトリー、メジャーリーガー御用達バットメーカーの博物館&工場見学。お土産にミニバットもらえる♪
- ベルオフルイビル、オハイオ川を行く観光蒸気船。ハックルベリーの冒険気分。
- エジソンの家
- ダービークロック、仕掛け時計
- ルイビルパレスシアター、昔ながらの映画館
- サースティペダラー、バーボン飲みながら足こぎ屋台で市内観光
- 4thストリートライブ、IMルイビルのフィニッシュ、飲み屋街なのでフィニッシュ後すぐ飲みたい人はカードとパスポート持参でラン(USで酒買う時はどんなにジジババでも写真付国際公的身分証明証が必要)

もっと知りたい人は→  www.gotolouisville.com (英語)


2014 IRONMAN Louisville race recap Vol.3

2014-10-09 06:37:20 | レースレポート
In T2, I needed many time for not only exchanging bike gear and run gear but also taking a rest to recover from dehydration. T2, bike to run. 0:09:06

The run course has two times round trip in downtown of Louisville.

I couldn’t run from beginning by dehydration.

So I repeated jogging to the aid station, taking a rest, putting ice in my run cap in order to cool my head, and jogging to the next aid. But in the first quarter, I couldn’t keep it. So I walked.
After the first lap, we have to turn right in front of finish line for second lap. At that time, it remained 5 hours until the midnight. If I will walk all way to the finish line, there was a possibility I can't complete it! So I tried to jog again.
But in three quarter, my legs couldn't jog anymore. Even if I only walked, my heart rate exceeded 150, so I had to walk all the way.
About 2 hours later, finally I crossed the finish line with national flag of Japan.

Run 42.2km 6:46:59.
It was the longest time in my marathon running. My team mate worked at finish line as a volunteer and waited me. Thanks…


This time, certainly I completed it by 1.5 months training. But I couldn’t do training enough to qualify KONA. I strongly thought we need at least 3 months hard training for each IRONMAN. I have IRONMAN Maryland just 4 weeks later. I expect it will be tough race too for me, but I will do my best.


2014 IRONMAN Louisville race recap Vol.2

2014-10-06 23:16:09 | レースレポート
3. 24th IRONMAN Race Day.

Woke up at 4AM, ate Trader Joe's Japanese fried rice and miso soup for breakfast, and went to transition area at 5:15. Once went back to the hotel to put on the pump and went to the swim start at 6:30. Same as the last year, there was a long waiting line for swim start. Louisville's swim start is not mass start. It's individual time-trial start which dive into Ohio River one by one. So the race becomes naturally time-trial race. After 35 minutes from age group start at 7AM, it was my turn. Dive into light-brown color river. The water temperature was perfect for swimming by speed suit. No wave, no current, and comfortable water temperature; I guess it's the easiest swim course of IRONMAN, except light-brown water... The course has J turn. After the turn, we felt some current from right to left, but it was no problem. We need to climb the stairs at swim finish. The time was not so bad for me. Swim 3.8km, 1:15:02.


At T1, I spent many time to wear CEP's compression socks and UV arm cover. They're hard to wear for wet body. I'll change the socks to normal socks and calf guard at IM Maryland. T1, swim to bike, 0:12:35.

The bike course is partially 2 loops. It's almost flat but some tough hills includes it. I tried to keep my pace about 30km/h, following my plans. 1st loop was not so bad, but it was getting hot and humid on the way of 1st loop, so I felt dehydration by degree. Also my tire had air leaking from the screw of valve extender, so I had to have some short stops in order to refill air by cartridge. As a result, my bike rap was delayed about 40minutes from my expected time. 180.2km 6:43:24


2014 IRONMAN Louisville race recap Vol.1

2014-10-04 23:21:07 | レースレポート
1.Before the race.

This year, I had a plan to run IRONMAN Lake Placid and Maryland. But I had an admission by abdominal disease in June and had to stop my training for recovering from disease in June. So I had to transfer my entry fee from Lake Placid to Louisville, because it was too hard for me to complete the training for Lake Placid only one month. The interval between Louisville and Maryland is just 4 week. It's really hard to recover-and-ready for the next race. But there was no choice because all races has already sold out, except Louisville, Maryland, and Lake Tahoe which is held in the same weekend with Maryland.


2.To Louisville.

I had a business trip to Atlanta from Tuesday to Thursday in the race week. So I came back home on Thursday night, re-packing my luggage for Louisville, and went to Louisville on Friday afternoon. And I checked in the hotel, went to the registration and official welcome dinner party. After the party, I started to ready for my race gear for each transition. I felt little bit tiredness and slept in midnight.
In Saturday morning, I got up late for recovering, took breakfast, and went to riverside for swim practice. Ohio river was light-brown as well the last year, but it was good condition to swim by no current and comfortable water temperature. I have never heard there was mandatory wetsuit swim in Louisville.
After that, I ran Underpants run. It's not Ironman event, so everybody can run it, but we need to pay at least $10 for donation. I missed to run two times in Kona, so I was really excited and had already readied white brief only for it! It had 1.5 miles turnaround course on riverside, so it was good for warming up for the race.
After the bike and gear check-in, Louisville was surrounded by thunderstorm.


Canceled Toughman and Lake Placid

2014-10-04 18:17:40 | Weblog
I'm so sorry to leave my weblog off for a long time. Since the last update, I was terribly busy until the end of September.

After the last log, I felt the pain in my abdominal, so I canceled TOUGHMAN Indiana in the end of May. After that, I had one week admission in the beginning of June in order to take a treatment by catheter. So I had to stop my training until the end of June to cure my wound. Since I understood not to complete my training for Lake Placid with only half month, so I had to cancel IRONMAN Lake Placid which was held in the end of July.

Fortunately from this year, WTC started transfer program for IRONMAN and IRONMAN 70.3 in the US. So I transferred my entry fee of Lake Placid to Louisville which was held in the end of August. In truth, I wanted to transfer to the race is held in the end of season , like Florida, Arizona, and Cozumel. But Florida and Arizona had already sold out, and Cozumel was not available to this transfer program.

So, I'll update the race recap of IRONMAN Louisville.


