
死ぬまで毎年IRONMAN HAWAIIに出るのが目標!体育2のironmaniaのroad to KONAな日々です!

Searching for oil heater again...

2014-01-30 00:04:44 | Weblog
1/29/2014 All off

It was minus 9 degree this morning. God gave us fourth trial this year...
So after the business time, I visited 7 stores in order to get new oil heater.
But all of them are sold out...

When I left the 7th, it was 9:30PM... It's too late to go gym...

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Searching for oil heater...

2014-01-29 01:54:15 | Weblog
1/28/2014 All off

It was minus 5 degree this morning. God gave us third trial this year...
So after the business time, I went to Walmart in order to get new oil heater.
But all of them are sold out...
And the next, I went to Meijer.
Unfortunately, there is sold out too. But I found out an electric throw.
So I got it for substitute of oil heater.

No doubt, it's warm. But it's inconvenient to walk around the house...
I'll continue to search for oil heater...

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Catch a cold...

2014-01-28 00:19:28 | Weblog
1/27/2014 All off

I got the chills since last night...
So after the English class, I went home soon in order to fix my broken oil heater.
But unfortunately, it didn't fix...

Tonight would be minus Fahrenheit...
Tonight would be hard for me...

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Snow rucell run and private swim lesson

2014-01-27 01:27:32 | road to KONA
Run 23.78km 2:11
Swim easy, side kick, one hand pull, easy 1100yd 0:30
Swim lesson freestyle, back stroke, butterfly 0:45
Swim freestyle, back stroke, butterfly 0:45

We had a running in the morning at Symmth township.
Almost of snow was removed, but some road was still covered by snow.
Our route was 21.8km, but sometimes I lost the way, so I had to run 23.8km...

After that, I went LA fitness at Harper's point to keep warm in the whirlpool bath.
But it was out of order...so I had to swim in order to be warm.

And I had an appointment for private swim lesson at Blue Ash YMCA in this afternoon.
It's a privilege of enrollment of this month.
I learned not only freestyle but back stroke and butterfly.
Especially butterfly was too hard for me. Because I have never swam for 20 years! But I got some tips for it. After that I swam by myself not to forget them.
So now I have muscle pain around shoulder...

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0.83 spinning

2014-01-25 23:09:26 | road to KONA
spinning 24.2mi0:51

I couldn't get up early, because of muscle pain which was caused by yesterday's weight training.
I think it was too hard for me...

So today, I only worked out by spinning at Blue Ash YMCA.
I had already contracted with LA fitness. But almost all of my crazy friends uses YMCA, so I also contracted with there in this month.
But I have never seen them until now...

The picture is the spinning in Blue Ash YMCA.
It's equipped SPD pedal, aero bar, and heart rate monitor.
So we can see the distance we rode.

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God gave us trial again.

2014-01-25 01:23:53 | road to KONA
weight training back,stomach,leg press
aerobike with studying English 17.27mi1:05
swim easy 500yd0:15

This morning was -2F!!!
God gave us trial again...

After the work, went to LA fitness and took small training.
In tomorrow, we will meet blizzard...

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