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成功へのtop ten tips

2009年07月29日 | ニューパラダイム人間学
Ashoka財団から面白いニュースが届いた。社会起業家やchangemakerを成功に導く top ten tipsというもの。



10) Have a sense of humor

9) Be stubborn and stupid

8) Know what you do not know

7) It is all about giving love

6) The project is not about YOU

5) Sports is the international language of business

4) Ensure your family is involved

3) Give credit all the time to others and in public, but criticize in private

2) The word " no" means "no for now," it does not mean eat sh*t and die

1) When you get sh*t from others, even though you feel you don't deserve it, learn not only to take it but more importantly, learn to enjoy the taste.
