

第1話 Curiosity killed the cat (勉強会用/小説)

2004年12月25日 | 勉強会・短編

【What should I do....? Anybody helps me...,please...】
Misa had been strggled in the dark place for a long time.She couldn't move, because her wrists and ankles were tied a rope. Her body had a lot of scratches for struggle.
【How many times does it passed when I was caught...My mother must be worried about me...】
Misa regreted that she shadowed those men out of mere curiosity. She was under impression that be an investigator, However, she was just a highschool girl, not an investigator, of course those men noticed her unskillfull shadow. After that,she was taken away and had been stay their secret base of operations. Shame on her! Misa is a 17 year old highscool girl who has a burning curiosity. Her skin was dark, because she is a member of athletics club. She is an idol of her school mates. It happend on Monday afternoon when she was walking down the street on her way from her school to home. That day, she didn't have a club activities and she left her school in the early time. As she came along the Bank of NOVA, she witnessed those men and heard what they said.




【What should I do...? Could someone help me...,please...】
Misa had been struggling in a dark place for a long time. She couldn't move, because her wrists and ankles were tied with rope. Her body had a lot of scratiches from struggling.
【How long has passed since I was caught...My mother must be worried about me..】
Misa regreted that she had followed those men out of mere curiosity. She had felt as though she was an investigator. However, she was just a girl and not an investigator, of course. Those men had noticed her unskillfully shadowing them. After that,she had been taken away and had been kept at their secret base of operations. Poor girl! Misa was a 17 years old highschool girl who had a burning curiosity. Her skin was dark, because she was a member of an athletics club. She had long arms and legs and she was idolised by her school mates. It happend on Monday afternoon when she was walking down the street on her way from school to her home. That day,she didn't have a club actibity and she left her school early. As she came along the Bank of NOVA,she witnessed those men and heard what they said.

キャラの説明をするときに、過去形で書いたほうがいいのか否か迷った挙句、現在形で書いてしまった。なぜか色黒ってとこだけ、wasって書いてしまった・・。最初、現在形でも何も言われなかったけれど、そこのwasを見つけた、ポールが、物語をかくなら、こっちの方がいいね。と、一度はそのまま直さず通り過ぎたところを全部過去形に直し始めた・・!しょっちゅう、(前回もS&Rの添削の際)物語は過去形で書くから、その過去形で書いてある物語の中の、更に過去の出来事は過去分詞を使って書くってさんざん言われていたのにもかかわらず、またもや、同じ間違いをしまくり!!でいーっぱいhad を付け足された!

例えば、Misa regreted that she had followed those men.....
ミサが後悔していた。(過去) 男たちを尾行した事を(以前にしでかした出来事)

あと、「このザマだ!」のつもりで書いた部分、Shame on her!は、怒って、なんてザマなんだ!なんなんだ一体?!みたいな感じ?になるらしい。で、ちょっと柔らかく?!かわいそう・・!に直された・・・のかな??? この辺はどうも意思の疎通が・・・。Shame on her!で、ちょっと吹き出された・・ 汗。あら? 

あ、それから stay(そもそも、仮にstayだったとしても、原型じゃ間違いだってばよ・・)→kept は、いたくてそこのいるわけじゃなく、拘束されてるので、keepを使って、強い言い方にした方が感じが出るとの事。







Xmas Dinner

2004年12月25日 | にっき
I had a Xmas dinner with my husband at a hotel which was we had married since 2001.
We had a wonderful time ! They were really delicious. I didn't have a plan to buy a Xmas cake, because that Xmas dishes had a dessert. However we bought a Xmas cake at LOWSON...when we were comming back home. Icould get a cake, I paid only 550yen.So,I used my 500point from LOWSON PASS CARD when I paied !
