


2004年12月19日 | Sally & Richard(小説)
Richard answered the phone.
"Hello, Richard, I heard about your prolbems with Sally for a very looooooooong time! I'm a little tired of you guys every time, every time, every time! When something happens, I'm called at the bar and hear about you and Sally for 2 or 3hours! Yes, I'm Sally's friend. but, BUT!!"
"Oh,ohh...I'm sorry about that. Please calm down, please! but , I..I just asked her to go to the flower park with me, that you advised me to do. Why am I being blamed?"
Marie said,
"I'm sorry , Richard. I'm little confused and say too much. I just want to get along with you and Sally. It's my dream. As you know, Sally has nothing to do with taking care of you when you got married. I think it's time to get a job or do something special. I heard that she wanted to go to cooking school. Did you know that? I think it's a good idea. In fact, she can cook better than me. She has a talent."
Ricahrd said ,
"Thank you Marie, I'll try to talk with her later."


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