


2006年01月08日 | 勉強会・短編
Suddenly, Ken felt a breath of air. The air brought the sweet smell of flowers.
"I know the feel of wind.."
He stopped dead, jerked his head around to check if the fairy was there. And then he saw something move that was glimmering above the bushes in front of a cave.
"Wha..What??" Ron shouted."Have you found the fairy?"
"Probably. It must be the fairy. It was the same wind that brought the sweet smell when I met the fairy! " Ken had no sooner said it when he started running to the bushes.
The fairy was fluttering her light pink wings. She noticed when they came closer and said hello. "Thanks for finding me, Ken. I've believed you since you promised me about the cherry tree. " " Ah..hello. well...I would like to keep my promise, but..ah.. I don't know what should I do." Ken said. " Yeah, I know that you don't know anything. I'll tell you what you have to do. I was waiting until you grew up to be a 15 year old boy." the fairy continued. " I was looking for a boy who has the power to protect the cherry tree from enemies when we met the first time, because the cherry tree already had been getting weaker and weaker."
Ken listened to her words carefully.
"You have a great power to save us. " " A great power? What is it? " Ken asked. " You have a lot of will power, and are also tender-hearted." the fairy answered. " I dare say.. I don't have a strong will..." Ken said weakly. " You have! " the fairy said in a powerful voice. "We don't have enough time, Ken. because it's making more rapid progress than I expected. You have to beat a witch. " "Beat what??" ken gasped. The fairy ignored Ken's shout and continued to talk. " The cherry tree linked with your world deeply. The witch has made bad use of it, and she will get rid of any obstacle, which is the cherry tree for her desire . Did she use the black art on people ! and has pulled the strings. Have you heard about the project to build lots of high-rises at the park? " the fairy asked. "Yes..I've heard ! I felt that something was strange about the project, because none of the people were against it! You mean the witch charmed the people?" Ken clenched his fist with anger.
The fairy flicked her wand, then a key appeared in the air. Ken picked it quickly. The Key had  three pink sapphires on the grip, and was much heavier than he expected. "Listen. You will be able to use the key only once. You have to open the door that you think is the correct door. You will able to get an arm to help yourself.." "What?" Ken was surprised and lifted his face but the fairy already had gone.
"Have you gotten some information from the fairy ? " Ron asked.
"Ah..,yes. She gave me a key to get an arm. She said I had to beat a witch..but, I don't know where the door where we'll get the arm is."
Suddenly Ron shouted, "The door! She said we have to get the aim and it was inside the door, right? Hurry up Ken! Can you see that fall ? " Ron pointed to the right side behind the cave." "Where??" Ken asked. " Over there!  I guess the door  is there. I've heard there are lots of doors behind the fall ! I can teleportation, you know..look at my eyes, Ken! "
Ron's eyes flashed again ,after that they vanished. In a moment, they were in front of the fall.
今回は、ちゃんと見直しをしなかったせいもあって、ケアレスミスが結構ありました。 ま、本気で間違ってるのも沢山ありますけどね。 後でプリントアウトして 勉強にも使わなくっちゃ!です。


