

ライむバージョン その2 (担当 れもン)

2005年12月13日 | 勉強会・短編

"Ken ! Ken ! Are you Ok?! "Ron who was  Ken's dog studied Ken's face anxiously and he licked Ken's cheek.
"Ahh... Dad, I'd like to sleep five more minuites.., please..let me ..sleep.."
"Ken! Please wake up! I'm not your Dad, I am Ron! "
Ken was surprised and work up soon.
"Wha.. What? Ron? " He robbed his eyes. "Ron? Can you speak human language?! When did you learn it ?! " Ken stared at Ron in round-eyed wonder.
"I've been speaking language since I was baby. Just you couldn't understand it " Ron answered.
"Where are we..?" Ken said and he looked around there. Ken looked around.There were innumerable doors in the air. Each doors had a plate of date. " Oh...Maybe I know where we are... but, but why? Am I still sleeping??"
"What does it mean?" Ron asked. " It's in my dream. I have been here five or six times. " Ken replyed. "I love that door which is red one. Can you see it? " Ken looked so happy. "It's my 7th birthday's memory. It was my best of memories. There were Mom and Dad.. and We're going hiking with picnic lunch." but suddenly Ken changed his expression. He looked sad. "but...in this morning, I came here in my dream, I tried it open again and again but, I couldn't open it.. I don't know why .. but the door was locked."

"Ah-ha." Ron nodded."I've heard it from my grandpa dog. We have been in your illusion.. Someone.., I think it's your birth parent wants to tell you something.." Ron continued, "Ken, Have you opened that door? " he pointed one of doors that there was over their head with his chin. The door's plate said "1999"
"I don't need to open the door. I don't want to see the memories that my Mom dead."
"You have to plen the door. " Ron pointed it again.
"I said I didn't want to open it, Ron!" Ken shouted.
"..You should open. You will be able to open it. You have to know what happened on that day. It's might be your mother's message. You should take a step forward. The door will give you something important keyword.."
"I don't... I can't..." Ken shaked his head. "I can't..."
"However, if you won't open it, we won't be able to go home. Are you Ok if you won't be able to see your family forever? You want to stay here? " Ron said.
"I don't want... but, I can't.." Ken was on the verge of tears and stopped talking. Ron said nothing more.

It passed lots of time. Ken breaked slience.
"...Ok, I will open the door. because, I should let you go home. "
After that, Ken went up the stairs and grasped the knob.


2005年12月13日 | 勉強会・短編






SEA STORY (22冊目)

2005年12月13日 | ☆読書の記録☆
Sea Story (Brambly Hedge S.)



【読書期間】 12月13日~12月13日
【ページ数 】 32
【感   想】 これもなかなか可愛らしい話でした。3冊読んだ中では、れもンはこれが一番気に入りました ねずみの一家が船で冒険に出かけるお話です。たどり着いた土地で他のねずみの一家に出会います。海辺の暮らしは初めてなので、戸惑う事も。(海草なんて食べた事ないし) でも、直ぐにみんな仲良くなっちゃいます。とにかく、”かわいい!”の一言につきますね~


2005年12月13日 | ☆読書の記録☆
Summer Story (Brambly Hedge S.)

Picture Lions


【読書期間】 12月13日~12月13日
【ページ数 】 34
【感   想】  今度は夏の出来事。製粉所で働いているネズミのカップルの結婚式の様子を描いたお話です。結婚式の準備の様子がとてもかわいいです。新郎もちょっとドジなところがおかしいです パーティの途中ちょっとしたハプニングも起こったり・・。沢山草花や果実の名前が出てきて、これも辞書がないと分からなかったですけど・・(辞書を引いても知らないものも? ま、気にすることはないでしょうが。) 結婚式関連の単語が網羅されてます?

こちらもシリーズもので、色々とあるみたいなので また図書館で探してこよっと 今回は3冊借りてきたので、あと一冊 ノバの後にでも楽しもっと。とにかくイラストがかわいいので ですよ ロアルド ダールものも借りてきているので、それも読まなきゃなのですが、只今ちょっぴり浮気中です。


こちらは、オフィシャルサイト ↑


2005年12月13日 | ☆読書の記録☆
The Secret Staircase (Brambly Hedge S.)


【読書期間】 12月13日~12月13日
【ページ数 】 32
【感   想】  冬のパーティの支度でネズミ達は大忙し。2匹の子ネズミ達が、古い鍵を見つけて、扉を開けて・・・秘密の階段に迷い込みます。前ページイラストつきで、それも とても繊細なイラスト。すごく可愛い 家具とか装飾品も凝っていて凄く豪華な感じ。 ピーターラビット系のイラストです。見ているだけでも楽しい絵本でした。単語は、結構知らないものが多かったので、辞書は手放せませんでしたが・・