三木奎吾の住宅探訪記 2nd

(旧タイトル:性能とデザイン いい家大研究)


2024年08月30日 05時43分30秒 | Weblog

 とりあえずいちばん上の写真のような椀に入れて調味料をいろいろ、というか、①めんつゆ ②マヨネーズ ③マリネドレッシング などで食感をそれぞれ試食してみたのです。料理レシピなどをみると①めんつゆが一般的に多数派のようなのですが、どうもイマイチ、わたし的には腑に落ちない。むしろ②マヨネーズの方がより好ましい。めんつゆだと素材の「繊維感」がむしろ損なわれるように思える。一方、マヨネーズだと繊維感がむしろ「立ってくる」感じ。

English version⬇

Somen squash, heat treated - cooked.
I considered various compatibility with (1) mentsuyu, (2) mayonnaise, and (3) marinade dressing. 1 ball (250 yen) is about enough for a week for a couple. How to cook? I'm going to cook them.

 After the digital application process to the public offices and direct confirmation by telephone, the first phase of the project has been completed, and we have confirmed the general guidance for the second phase. We need to organize and prepare the necessary documents, and for that, various steps on our side are indispensable and will take a certain amount of time. However, now that we have finally caught our “breath,” the way forward is becoming clearer.
 I hope to make the most of this experience in the future. We all fall down seven times and rise up eight times (laughs).
 I have finally reached a psychological break with another project I have been working on, and I received a well-timed call from my counterpart, so I was able to clearly set a schedule for this one as well. This is the point where we were able to clearly set the schedule for the project.
 And since these various projects were in progress, I was feeling lighthearted and started cooking the interesting vegetable “somenkabocha,” which I had purchased the other day. Or should I say, I prepped the squash, or rather, I cooked it, took out the sausage-like ingredient itself from the inside, drained it, and finished cooking it. Of course, I ate some of it just to try it out. Based on that sensation, we were able to begin the consideration stage of “what kind of dish would be appropriate.
 I know that people in the area who are used to eating this food may say, “What are you doing (laugh)?
 For now, I put them in a bowl like the one in the photo above and added various seasonings (1) men-tsuyu, (2) mayonnaise, (3) marinade dressing, etc., to taste the texture of each. I found that the majority of recipes call for (1) men-tsuyu, but it didn't seem to be right to me. I prefer (2) mayonnaise. I think that men-tsuyu would rather spoil the “fibrous” texture of the ingredients. On the other hand, mayonnaise seems to “stand up” the fibrous texture of the ingredients.
 I prefer the texture of marinade dressing. I happened to let my son try it, and he thought that a vinegar-like flavor like “Ajipon” would be the most appropriate.
 The flavor of the noodles is quite natural and has a “noodle” feel to it, and it also has a light and simple character. Therefore, I think it is best to use two or so ingredients in harmony with other ingredients, rather than a variety of ingredients. It has a light texture, so I think that mixing more than one kind would bury the individuality of the ingredients.
 The amount of ingredients that could be taken out from one ball is quite a lot, so there is enough to eat for about a week if we handle the drainage well and store it in the refrigerator from now on. I want to have fun and think about the best dishes.

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