三木奎吾の住宅探訪記 2nd

(旧タイトル:性能とデザイン いい家大研究)


2024年08月27日 06時17分43秒 | Weblog


English version⬇
Firefox Browser “Erase History” - IT-ization and Socio-Cultural Friction
Public IT is an inevitable trend. However, will the difficulties multiply in the area of “rigor”? Efforts to create a common language are required. .......

 For the past month or two, I have been working on a case that has been consuming me. It is an “application” to a certain government agency, and while it is convenient in many ways, I feel a strong social imbalance between the detailed administrative procedures and the level of IT support. I have to go through a very complicated procedure while confirming the contents of each and every conversation with the government side over the phone. Even if we somehow hope for a “face-to-face” meeting, they won't let us do so.
 In the process, we had to clear the “history” stored by the browser before we could log in to the administration site as a new user. I had to know this before I could proceed with the application process on the computer. Please do it.
 So, the application itself made progress late last evening, just before 17:00 government time, but I was so exhausted by the process that I had to cool my head down.
 When I launched my browser this morning, I found that all my other business “environments” had been “erased” as I had feared. Once more, a series of sites that force me to enter my “ID + password” endlessly. I have already been using PCs for almost 30 years, so my own registered information is also very different.
 I can calmly judge the government's response as reasonable from the perspective of both IT and public information management, but I wonder if this is really the case, given that each individual has different levels of IT skills.
 I think that IT is still in the process of being introduced as an area of Japanese culture. It is probably a major transformation, comparable to the creation of “written Japanese” during the period of the Kojiki and Nihonshoki, the expansion of the Japanese language due to the necessity of accepting Western civilization, and the period of the “great writers” of the Meiji era. And I believe that IT today is still in the process of becoming a common language.
 There is a word “kakka-souyou,” which means “to scratch a itch on one's own shoe,” but it is quite a difficult task to clarify specific points about detailed and precise parts and to standardize the way of writing and expressing them. It is even more difficult to deal with such a situation when there is little common understanding of how to operate a computer browser.
 Based on this experience, one hypothesis that emerges is that it is better to use separate browsers for administrative use and for general use. If you use the browser only for administrative purposes, you can make the decision to “clear history” without hesitation, since you do not need information about the sites you normally use.
 However, I am not sure if this information is backed up by much empirical knowledge. This happened to me in my environment, but it may require a lot of verification.
 However, it made me realize that the Japanese language (or more correctly, the Japanese communication culture as a whole) is constantly changing.

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