三木奎吾の住宅探訪記 2nd

(旧タイトル:性能とデザイン いい家大研究)


2024年09月13日 04時55分51秒 | Weblog



English version⬇

Protein Sources” Transformation in Human and Ex-African Diffusion
Humans flexibly transformed their food habits as a result of global cooling following the Toba volcanic eruption. The diet of land animals and that of saltwater fish changed almost equally. ...

 Yesterday, I had the opportunity to study the NHK-BS program “Frontier: 8 Billion People/Secrets of Human Prosperity,” which had been videotaped. My TV viewing is limited to programs that have been video-recorded and saved by my wife. She has a very good grasp of my preferences, and I am deeply dependent on her for her “itchy hands” when it comes to organizing information from the general media. I am like Sun Wukong riding around on a kin-do cloud in the palm of the Buddha called Kami (laugh).
 This program is a very easy-to-understand summary of the latest scientific research on the “Great Journey of Mankind,” and it allows us to hear the opinions of these cutting-edge research scholars, including their personalities, without having to leave our homes. What a wonderful time we live in. I am grateful that even someone like me, who is in a very small field of housing journalism, is able to learn about this kind of knowledge.
 What I wanted to write about today is the clarification, or rather the latest findings, of the fact that the composition of the main protein source of mankind changed when it spread across the continent from Africa to the rest of the world.

 The prevailing theory is that about 70,000 to 75,000 years ago, the Toba volcano on the island of Sumatra, Indonesia, erupted in a major way, causing the climate to cool down, which had a major impact on subsequent human evolution, but as a result, humans had to leave Africa to begin their migration, which was irresistible.
 The “remains” of 74,000 years ago are located in the upper Nile River area in Africa, and bone fragments excavated there have been analyzed.
 I am a meat lover, but I am also very familiar with fish as a sushi ingredient. I am deeply surprised by the close relationship between this and the eruption of Toba Volcano and the Great Journey of Humankind. I had thought that among all the humans in the world, the Japanese archipelago, which is surrounded by oceans on all four sides, inevitably became a predominantly fish-eating region.
 This is true, so it is inevitable that the main route from the Indian Ocean to the Pacific coast of Asia was the migration to the Japanese archipelago.
 Hmmm, interesting.
 Apparently, NHK-BS seems to be doing a good job with its programs these days. As a public broadcaster, there are some incidents, such as an incident in a Chinese-language program, that I am a bit uneasy about, but I would like to fairly evaluate some of these programs.
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