


2024-08-19 22:17:53 | 英語特許散策

As used herein, the term “garment” or “article of apparel” is intended to encompass articles worn by a wearer.
  本明細書で使用される、用語「衣類(garment)」又は「衣料品(article of apparel)」は、着用者が着用する物品を包含することを意図する。

As such, they may include upper-body garments (e.g., tops, t-shirts, pullovers, hoodies, jackets, coats, and the like), and lower-body garments (e.g., pants, shorts, tights, capris, unitards, and the like). 

US11436724(IBM [US])
[0098] In a first stage logic 110 of the AI pipeline 100 , the AI pipeline 100 determines 112 the portion of the patient's body that corresponds to the input volume of CT medical imaging data 105 and

determines, via body part of interest determination logic 114 , if this portion of the patient's boy represents a portion of the patient's body that corresponds to the anatomical structure of interest, e.g., an abdominal scan rather than a cranial scan, lower body scan, or the like

WO2022093252(GOOGLE LLC [US])
[00056] The human joint detector 310b, which can be or include a machine learning computer vision engine,

can detect other important human body parts, such as a neck, shoulders, elbows, wrists, or hands.

In some implementations, certain body parts, such as those of the upper body, can be treated more importantly than, e.g., lower body parts.

In some cases, the human joint detector 310b is configured to weight upper body parts more importantly whereas in other implementations, the human joint detector 310b can exclude lower body parts from detection.

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帰属、目的、用途:for, of

2024-08-19 14:48:41 | ChatGPT
Me: Translate the following: この発明は車両制御装置に関する。この車両制御装置は電源を有する。

This invention relates to a control device for a vehicle. The control device of this vehicle includes a power supply.

Why did you use "of this vehicle" in the second sentence, as opposed to "for this vehicle" in the first sentence?

I used "of this vehicle" in the second sentence to emphasize that the control device is an integral part of the specific vehicle being discussed, rather than just being intended or designed for use with a vehicle.

In the first sentence, "for this vehicle" is used to describe the general purpose or application of the control device, indicating that the invention is designed for use with a vehicle.

In contrast, "of this vehicle" in the second sentence highlights that the control device belongs to or is part of the specific vehicle mentioned. This subtle distinction helps maintain clarity and precision, particularly in technical or legal contexts like patent claims. However, if you prefer consistency, "for this vehicle" could also be used in both sentences without losing much meaning.

Once again translate the following, bearing in mind that the "この" in "この車両の" pins on the 制御装置 rather than the 車両: この発明は車両の制御装置に関する。この車両の制御装置は電源を有する。

This invention relates to a control device for a vehicle. This control device for the vehicle includes a power supply.

Me: Translate the following: この発明は車両制御方法に関する。
This invention relates to a method for controlling a vehicle.
Try again, using "control method".

This invention relates to a control method for a vehicle.

How about, "a control method of a vehicle" instead of "control method for a vehicle"? Explain the difference.
Using "a control method of a vehicle" versus "a control method for a vehicle" conveys slightly different nuances:
  • "A control method for a vehicle": This phrase implies that the method is designed to be applied to or used with a vehicle. It suggests the method is intended to control the vehicle, making it clear that the vehicle is the object of the method's application.

  • "A control method of a vehicle": This phrasing implies that the control method is inherent to or specifically associated with the vehicle. It suggests that the method might be a characteristic or part of the vehicle's overall system, potentially limiting the interpretation to the method being integral or already existing within the vehicle.

In the context of patent claims, "for a vehicle" is often preferred because it tends to be broader and more inclusive, covering methods designed to control any aspect of a vehicle, regardless of whether the method is a pre-existing part of the vehicle or not. "Of a vehicle" could potentially narrow the claim, implying that the method is specifically tied to the particular vehicle described.


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2024-08-19 13:23:19 | 英語特許散策

[0031] According to an aspect of the present invention, emitter layer 110 is

implemented using a metamaterials-enhanced material including

metamaterial nanostructures 118 (i.e., subwavelength engineered structures with tailored optical properties) disposed in or otherwise formed on a suitable base material 113 and configured to dissipate heat by way of emitting radiant energy RE that is transmitted from top surface 112 (i.e., upward toward reflective layer 112 ). 


The choice of seal material is also critical. The seal material must be inert, i.e. be resistant to an acidic electrolytic membrane, be resistant to hydrolysis and be resistant to oxidative degradation,

since it will be exposed to pure oxygen according to the reaction described in more detail below.

Since the seal rests directly against the electrolytic membrane 20, it must be made of a material which will not poison the membrane or the catalyst.

The seal material must also be highly impermeable to oxygen and water vapor and possess sufficient mechanical strength. 


While air, oxygen and hydrogen are the gases most commonly available by conventional electrochemical reactions, the electrochemical cell of this invention is not intended to be limited to generating only to those three.

The electrochemical cell module may generate any gas which

1) can be generated by an electrochemical cell which is similar in function to the oxygen cell exemplified above,

2) is inert or substantially non-reactive with the liquid which it is intended to move through the device of this invention, and

3) is inert to the ambient environment surrounding the device and to the users of the device, in that its generation and dispersion does not also involve the use or generation of toxic, hazardous, reactive or incompatible materials in conjunction with the generation of the subject gas.


The ring seal 22 has three functions.

First, it acts to electrically insulate the anode shell from the cathode shell.

Secondly, it prevents loss of compressed oxygen generated at the anode side of the cell to the cathode side (i.e., the ambient air). Thirdly, it acts to maintain contact forces.


In this assembly, the electrodes (not illustrated) may be formed on the inner faces of porous discs 69, 70, which are surface-etched and platinum black activated, and then compressed against membrane 68. 

Looking now at FIG. 5, an embodiment of a gasket 30 for use with the present invention is shown.

As will be appreciated in the art, shown gasket 30 is configured with a bulb 32 for sealing a joint against fluid leakage. 


[0030] Furthering the assembly, the gasket 30 is placed within bell 40, such that retainer heel 31 mates with annular trough 47.

This assembly arrangement will cause brake 12 also to be at least partially within annular trough 47, and toe 13 to extend out of the annular trough 47 and into the cavity 49 (i.e., in presence of a spigot 70, the annular gap 60).

In this orientation, prior to extraction movements of a spigot, segment 1 is in a resting position.

The presence of the retainer heel 31 in annular trough 47 tends to secure the gasket 30 in place against axial displacement. 

This change in force application will have the momentary effect of compressing soft actuator “A” while allowing soft actuator “B” to extend

with the net result of the grasp target moving to the left relative to the gripper.

US11738888(AST & SCIENCE LLC [US])
[0026] In one example embodiment of the disclosure, the control satellite body 201 provides a housing that houses four chemical thrusters 218 ( FIG. ).

In one example embodiment, the housing 201 fully encloses the thrusters 218 as well as other components including those shown in FIG. .

The thrusters 208 provide attitude control, including yaw (Z-axis), pitch (Y-axis) and roll (X-axis).

The four chemical thrusters 218 are arranged in a plus or cross pattern, with a thruster 218 at the top, bottom, left and right sides (aligned with +/−Z and +/−Y axes).

The top and bottom chemical thrusters 218 create a thrust that projects upward and downward with respect to the control satellite 200 housing, which forces that edge of the phase array 300 downward and upward, respectively.

Thus, the top and bottom thrusters 218 control the pitch of the phase array structure 300 .

The left and right chemical thrusters 218 create a thrust that projects to the left and right with respect to the control satellite housing, which in turn forces the phase array structure 300 to rotate right and left, respectively.

Thus, the left and right thrusters 218 control the yaw of the phase array structure 300 to rotate the phase array structure 300 in its plane.

Roll is controlled by yawing first with the “left and right” thrusters then using the “up and down” thrusters.

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2024-08-19 11:49:44 | ChatGPT
Me: Translate the following into English: この装置はコンピュータがクラッシュする確率を計算する。

The device calculates the probability of a computer crashing.

Why did you choose "the probability" instead of "a probability"?

I chose "the probability" instead of "a probability" because in this context, it refers to a specific likelihood or chance—the one associated with a computer crashing. When we talk about "the probability," it typically implies that there is a particular probability being considered or calculated. On the other hand, "a probability" might suggest any possible probability, which could sound less specific in this context.

Since the sentence describes a specific function of the device (calculating how likely it is that a computer will crash), "the probability" is more appropriate.

Me: What if the context was patent applications, specifically the claims? Is it better to say "a probability of a computer crashing" the first time the probability is mentioned in a claim?
Yes, in the context of patent applications, particularly in the claims, it is generally better to use "a probability of a computer crashing" the first time the concept is introduced. Patent claims often aim to define the scope of the invention broadly, so using "a probability" keeps the claim more general and open to various interpretations. This phrasing allows for flexibility and can cover any probability, rather than implying that the invention is limited to a specific or singular probability.
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2024-08-19 10:17:56 | ChatGPT
Me: Translate the following into English: このレンズは正の屈折力を有する。
"This lens has positive refractive power."
Could explain why you didn't say "a positive refractive power"?

I chose "positive refractive power" without the article "a" because the phrase refers to a characteristic or inherent property of the lens, not just one instance of many possible powers. When describing a well-defined, specific property, especially in technical contexts, omitting the article is common and concise. It indicates that the lens possesses this property as an inherent feature.

However, using "a positive refractive power" would also be correct, especially if you're introducing the concept for the first time or if there might be multiple lenses with different types of refractive powers. Both versions are acceptable, but omitting the article often makes the statement more direct and emphasizes the specific characteristic.

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2024-08-19 10:10:33 | ChatGPT
Me: Translate the following into English: この光学系において、物体側と像面側の間に複数のレンズが配置されている。

"In this optical system, multiple lenses are arranged between the object side and the image plane side."

Could you explain why you said "the object side" and not "an object side"?

I used "the object side" instead of "an object side" because in the context of optical systems, "object side" typically refers to a specific, well-defined part of the system—the side where the object being observed or imaged is located. Similarly, "the image plane side" refers to the specific area where the image is formed.

Using "the" indicates that these terms refer to specific, established concepts within the optical system, whereas "an" would suggest any possible object side, which might create ambiguity. In technical contexts, especially when dealing with established components or sections of a system, "the" is used to clarify that you are talking about a particular, recognized part of the system.

Does that usage also apply to patent claims? Is it better or more appropriate to recite "the object side" even though the phrase appears for the first time and does not have any antecedent basis in the claim?

In patent claims, the choice between "the" and "an" (or "a") is crucial because it impacts how the claim is interpreted.

  • "An object side" or "a lens": When you introduce an element for the first time in a claim, you typically use "a" or "an." This introduces the element as something new and not previously mentioned. It also allows for the possibility of more than one such element within the scope of the claim.

  • "The object side" or "the lens": Once an element has been introduced with "a" or "an," subsequent references to that same element use "the" to indicate that you are referring to the same specific element introduced earlier.

Given this, if "object side" is being mentioned for the first time in a claim, you should use "an object side." Using "the object side" without an antecedent basis (without it being previously introduced in the claim) could be seen as improper because it assumes that the reader knows which specific object side you're referring to, which might not be clear if it hasn't been defined earlier in the claim.

So, for clarity and proper legal interpretation in patent claims, it's better to use "an object side" when introducing the term for the first time. After it has been introduced, you can then refer to it as "the object side" in subsequent parts of the claim.


Again referring to FIGS. 1A-1C and 5A-5C, first and second example embodiments of the invention are shown, respectively, at wide angle, intermediate or mid-range, and telephoto zoom positions when focused at infinity. In both example embodiments, the lens system 10, 20 includes from an object side a stationary (relative to an image plane) negative powered lens group G1 positioned along an optical axis. Lens group G1 includes at least one variable power surface R3. An aperture stop R8 which is part of a mechanically moving positive powered lens group G2 follows. Lens group G2 moves along the optical axis contributes to the focal length change of the lens system 10, 20 and maintains the focus of the lens system at a fixed image plane during zooming. An optional plano-plano plate defined by surfaces R15 and R16 indicates that an element having no optical power, for example, a filter of any type (e.g. low pass), an image sensor (e.g. ccd) cover plate, etc., can be included in the lens system 10, 20.


As viewed from an object side of the lens system 10, lens group G2 includes aperture stop R8 followed by a bi-convex lens R9, R10. Two meniscus lens elements R11, R12 and R13, R14 are also included in lens group G2. Lens choice in lens group G2 is application dependent and, as such, any number of lens elements can be included in lens group G2 depending on the desired performance of the lens system 10.


The first lens group can be located on an object side of the optical axis with the second lens group located on an image side of the optical axis depending on the application of the multiple group variable focal length lens. The absolute value of the optical power of the first lens group can be less than the absolute value of the optical power of the second lens group. This is also application dependent.


19. The lens according to claim 18, wherein the at least one additional optical element is located on an object side of the variable power lens element.

1. An optical relay comprising in order from an object to an image side:

a field flattener;

a first concave mirror in an optical path from the field flattener;

a convex mirror in an optical path from the first concave mirror; and

a second concave mirror in an optical path from the convex mirror, wherein:

each of the first and second concave mirrors has a concave spherical surface;

a radius of curvature of the first concave spherical mirror is the same as a radius of curvature of the second concave spherical mirror; and

the convex mirror has a spherical surface with a radius of curvature that is about half the radius of curvature of the first concave mirror.

[0020] In the following description, the shape (convex or concave) of a lens element surface is defined as viewed from the respective side (i.e. from an object side or from an image side). FIG. 1A shows a first embodiment of an optical lens system disclosed herein and marked 100 . FIG. 1B shows the MTF vs. focus shift of the entire optical lens system for various fields in embodiment 100 . FIG. 1C shows the distortion +Y in percent vs. field. Embodiment 100 comprises in order from an object side to an image side: an optional stop 101 ; a first plastic lens element 102 with positive refractive power having a convex object-side surface 102 a and a convex or concave image-side surface 102 b ; a second plastic lens element 104 with negative refractive power and having a meniscus convex object-side surface 104 a , with an image side surface marked 104 b ; a third plastic lens element 106 with negative refractive power having a concave object-side surface 106 a with an inflection point and a concave image-side surface 106 b ; a fourth plastic lens element 108 with positive refractive power having a positive meniscus, with a concave object-side surface marked 108 a and an image-side surface marked 108 b ; and a fifth plastic lens element 110 with negative refractive power having a negative meniscus, with a concave object-side surface marked 110 a and an image-side surface marked 110 b . The optical lens system further comprises an optional glass window 112 disposed between the image-side surface 110 b of fifth lens element 110 and an image plane 114 for image formation of an object. Moreover, an image sensor (not shown) is disposed at image plane 114 for the image formation.

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2024-08-19 09:54:38 | ChatGPT
Me: Translate the following into English for technical writing purposes, including patent applications: この素子は車両に搭載される素子であって、集積回路を有する。

"This device is intended to be installed in a vehicle and contains an integrated circuit."

Why did you use the phrase "is intended to be installed," instead of just "is installed"?

I used the phrase "is intended to be installed" to convey that the device is designed or meant for installation in a vehicle, rather than implying that it is already installed. In technical writing, especially for patent applications, this distinction is important because it focuses on the purpose or intended use of the invention, rather than its current state.

If the focus is purely on the fact that the device is already installed in a vehicle, then "is installed" would be more appropriate. However, since patent descriptions often emphasize the intended use or design of the invention, the phrase "is intended to be installed" aligns better with that purpose.

Does the phrase "is installed" exclude the possibility that the device is not yet installed in a vehicle? Or is the distinction necessary or appropriate only for patent applications and other documents requiring precision of language, and not necessarily for other general or everyday wiring or conversations?

The phrase "is installed" typically implies that the device is currently in place within the vehicle. However, it doesn't necessarily exclude the possibility that the device is designed for installation or could be installed in the future. The context often clarifies whether the device is already installed or is designed for installation.

In general or everyday writing, the distinction might not be crucial. Phrases like "is installed" or "can be installed" can be used interchangeably, depending on the context and the emphasis. However, in technical writing, legal documents, or patent applications, precision is critical. The distinction between a device that "is installed" and one that "is intended to be installed" can have significant implications for the scope, claims, and interpretation of the document.

So, while "is installed" might be perfectly suitable for everyday use, the more precise language is necessary in contexts where clarity about the intended use or current state of the device is essential.

Me: Thank you!

You're welcome! If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask. Good luck with your writing!

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2024-08-19 09:21:43 | 英語特許散策

1. A metamaterial comprising a plurality of unit cells, wherein each unit cell comprises:

a plurality of cell walls defining an inner volume, wherein at least two of the cell walls are configured to be elastic walls capable of being displaced along a normal direction;

a first member disposed within the inner volume and comprising a first planar surface;

a second member disposed within the inner volume and comprising a second planar surface; and

an interacting joint comprising a sliding movement between the first and second planar surfaces upon displacement of(*変位すると)the elastic walls along the normal direction that provides energy dissipation by way of friction.

[0015] In some embodiments, the inserter assembly may further comprise a sharp retractor and a retractor spring which may be configured to retract the sharp retractor along with the insertion assembly away from the skin contacting face. In some embodiments, the inserter assembly may include at least one latch configured to maintain the retractor spring in an energy storing state. The latch may be disengaged upon displacement of(*変位すると)the cannula sub assembly into coupling engagement with the infusion set base. 

8. The injection device according to claim 6, wherein the upper flexible arm comprises a locking protrusion selectively preventing displacement of the housing and the plunger relative to the medicament container;

wherein one of the upper flexible arm and the safety shield comprises an unlocking ramp and the remaining one of the upper flexible arm and the safety shield comprises a radial protrusion; and

wherein upon displacement of(*変位すると)the medicament container from the initial position to the injection position in which the needle extends beyond the safety shield, the unlocking ramp contacts the radial protrusion to radially displace a free end of the upper flexible arm, to permit movement of the housing relative to the medicament container.

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2024-08-19 09:21:22 | 英語特許散策

In the formulae of this specification, a bond traversing an aromatic ring between two carbons thereof means that the group attached to the bond may be located at any of the available positions of the aromatic ring.

1. Aliphatic Hydrazine-Based Bifunctional Modification Reagents

Provided herein are aliphatic bifunctional crosslinking reagents of formula I:

B-R-A-NHNH2・HX      I

or a derivative thereof, where A is -NH(C-O)-, -NH(C-S)-, -NHNH(C-O)-, -NHNH(C-S)-, or a direct bond to R; 

WO2014039714(PLEXXIKON INC [US])
 In some instances, X 1 is a bond
ある態様において、X1 は結合手である。

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