


2005年01月13日 | 勉強会・短編
(原文)●girl □clerk ◆girl's mother

One day afternoon a highschool girl and her mother came into a cell phone store. The girl looked be worried about something , and her mother looked angry. The girl said in a low voice,

●"Excuse me.., My clee phone doesn't work. I'm able to heard my friend's voice on the phone, but other end of the phone, my voice isn't heard."
□"I see.., Could I ask some questions?"
◆"Excuse me!I bought it two weeks ago! I can't believe! You don't need to fix it, I want to replace free!" she shouted excitedly.
□"I understand your feeling, but I need more information. Could you see your phone? pass me, please." the clerk talked quietly.

As the clerk took a battery off, asked a question.
□"When did it have a troble?"
●"I noticed it today. I tried to check many times with my friends."
The clerk checked inside the phone, after that,
□"Ah...,Have you remodeled your phone by yourself?"
The girl seem to be startled by that word "remodeled".
□"It seems tried to remodel..., See? This part. The head of screw was crushed, and this seal's color changed from white to red. The seal act on water or liquid."
●"Ah.." She lost for words.
◆"Did you remodel ??"
□"Unfortunately, you cant use your warranty.because it was not natural breakdown. The maker doesn't undertake in that case."
◆"Excuse me?! However, I 've never heard that assurance when I bought it!"
□"We might have told you, and the warranty and the instruction manual said these things."
◆"I've never read manuals. but Shouldn't you tell me?! All of clerks are unkind!"
●"Mom! Please calm down! It's my fault! Please don't make me feel ashamed! And , We bout it other shop! not this shop!"
□We'll be able to send your phone , if you want.but, the rapirman must has same answer. If it possible to repair, you'll have to pay lots of money for repair."
◆"What?"she shouted.
◆"I cancel a contract."
□"I see, I'll check your contract. Oh...,You have a year contract. You need to pay 5,000yen , if you cancel today."
◆"Excuse me? When can I cancel it? I don't want to pay!"
□"Next year. You'll be able to cancel without penalty after 11 months and 2 weeks will pass."



One day in the afternoon a highschool girl and her mother came into a cell phone store. The girl said in a low voice,
"Excuse me.., My cell phone doesn't work. I can hear my friend's voice on the phone, but she can't hear me.
"I see, Could I ask some questions?"
"Excuse me" We don't have time, I want it repaced now for free!" she shouted excitedly.
"I understand, but I need more information. Cold I see your phone ,please?"
The clerk said calmly.

As the clerk removed the battery, she asked,
"When did the problem start?"
"I noticed it today. I tested it many times with my friends."
The clerk checked the inside of the phone, after that , she said
"Ah..Have you opened up the phone by yourself?"
The girl seemed to be startled by the word "opened up".
"It seems you tried to open up the phone, The phone, see this part? The head of the screw is crushed and sticker , the color has changed from white to red. The sticker changes color when it gets wet."
"Ah...."she was lost for words.
"Did you open up???"
"Unfortunately, you can't use your warranty.because it was not a mechanical malfunction, so the manufacturer's warranty doesn't cover it."
"Excuse me? We weren't told that when we bought it!"
"We may have told you, however, it's also in the warranty and the instruction manual."
"I don't read the manual. but Shouldn't you have told me?! The clerks weren't very informative!"
"Mom! Please calm down! It's my fault! Please don't embarrass me! And, we bought it another shop!not this shop!"

"We can send your phone away to be repaired , if you want. If can be repaired, you'll have to pay for it."
"What?"she shouted.
"I want to cansel my contract."
"I see. Let me fake a look at your contract. You will cost 5,000yen to cancel your contract."
"Excuse me? When can I cansel it? I don't want to pay!"
"Next year. You 'll be able to cancel without penalty when the contract is up next year.


またも、can と be able toの直しが入った。なので、違いを質問してみたんだけど、説明するのは難しい・・どっちでもいいんだけど、聞こえがナチュラルだから・・。と、あくまで感覚的なものなので、と困ってる様子だった。ただ、今回直したのは、相手が誰か特定して書いてあるから、canにしたって言ってた。もし、peopleだとかsomeoneだとか曖昧な時はbe able to かなあ・・って言ってた。分かったような分からないような・・・。


なんだか話を聞かせてください(質問していいですか)って言って、少女が「はい」って行ってるのに、何で母親は、イキナリ「ちょっとお!・・・」って言い出すの?まだ修理するともなんとも言ってないのに・・!って言われたんだけど、実際人の話なんて聞かずに言いたい事を浴びせられたんだから、しょーがないじゃん・・!と、実は、これは本当にあった話で、昔携帯屋の店員だった頃・・・(省略) 入って来たときから怒ってて、私の話は聞いてなかったんだと思うって、そっから説明をすることに・・。「ええ? そうなの?クレイジーだ!」って言ってたけど、ふっ・・甘いね・・そういうタイプの人が来るのは日常茶飯事よ・・! 半期に1度はもっと凄いのが・・・・

そうそう、remodel は 家を改築したりとか、何かを新しくする時に使うから、この程度の改造なら、open upがいいって言ってました。なるほど・・・。

あ!そうだ!シールが通じなくって困った。何か違う意味だったみたいで・・ 途方に暮れて、たまたま手帳にあった、シール(本物)を見せたら、ステッカーだよって言われた。




