

Melody 第2話

2005年02月14日 | 勉強会・短編
I don't know where The Rendevuous Forest was. Strangely enough, I could find the forest easily. In front of the forest there was a Welcome board which made of beautiful little flowers in the air. The board said, "Dear Melody, Welcome to the Rendezuous Forest".
I had read it, The flowers changed the shape from board to words. "Follow me".
The flowers changed again. It looked a dog. After that, the flower dog began to run. I followed the flower dog. I saw a lot of wonderful places while I followed the F-dog.
There were lollipop trees, ribbon trees, heart and star flowers, dancing flowers and colourful electric light bulb flowers.
Hares and squirrels were playing tag on the fields.
If my Mom saw those plants, she would say "Cute! Pretty! I want!"repeatedly.
If Tim saw those animals. he would join in that playing tag with me.
And, If my Dad saw that scene, he would take pictures and cideo recording.
If I came here with my family, we would have a great time.


I didn't know where The Rendezuous Forest was. Strangely enough, I found the forest easily. In front of the forest there was a floating Welcome board which was made of beautiful flowers. The board said, "Dear Melody, Welcome to The Rendezuous Forest".

As soon as I read it, the flowers magically spelled out the words. "Follow me!"
The flowers changed again. They changed into the shape of a dog. The flower dog began to run. I followed the flower dog. I saw a lot of wonderful places while following the F-dog. There were lollipop trees, ribbon trees, heart and star flowers, dancing flowers and colourful electric light bulb flowers.

Hares and squirrels were playing tag in the fields. If my Mon saw these plants, she would say "Cute! Pretty! I want!" repeatedly.
If Tim saw these animals, he would convince me to join in their game of tag with him. And, If my Dad saw this scene, he would take pictures and a video. If I came here with my family, we would have a great time.

相変わらずの、直されっぷり健在・・。 どうも、見つけることが出来た!といいたくて、could findと書きたがってしまう、れもン。直される時と、そのままの時があるけれど、それは講師にもよる・・。見つけた!と見つけることが出来た!では、れもン的には違うんだけど、同じなのかなあ・・・・。あ、was able to find...だったら良かったのかも?!確かcanだと、簡単に出来た・・・で、be able to だと見つかったけど、大変だったとかになるから・・。あれ?でも、おかしなことに、簡単に見つけることが出来た・・って簡単だったんだから、canか・・。わ、分からない・・・。

in the air で 「は?どういう意味・・・?」といわれてしまった。れもンの中でのイメージは、不思議な森なので、花で出来たウェルカムボードは宙にふわふわ浮いている感じだったんだけど・・・、で、それなら、floatingを使えばいいと言われた。なんだか ややこしいことになってて、ようこそ、メロディ!ってボードから、タダの文字、ついておいで!に変わったってつもりだったんだけど、つまり、額縁がある、ちゃんとした看板?のようなものから、単なる言葉に。
しかし、ようこそメロディ!ってのも「文字」として とらえたのか、またも「は?」って言われた・・・。うーん・・・表現力、説明力不足? 

あと、thoseをことごとくtheseに変えられた。直されてる時は、「?」「なんで?」って思ってたけど、ブログ作成時(今)日本語にしてて、「この」って訳してる自分に気がついた!! theseじゃん・・・!

あと、ビデオカメラで撮影も、takeでいいのかどうか分からなくって、辞書では、video recordingってなってたから、分からないまま、そのまんま書いたら、案の定直された。takeでよかったらしい・・




