


2006年02月24日 | その他自宅学習
English Grammar in Use With Answers (Book & CD-ROM) : A Self-Study Reference and Practice Book for Intermediate Students of English , Intermediate

Cambridge Univ Pr (T)


Essential Grammar in Use: A Self-Study Reference and Practice Book for Elementary Students of English : With Answers (Book & CD-ROM)

Essential Grammar in Use: A Self-Study Reference and Practice Book for Elementary Students of English : With Answers (Book & CD-ROM) 
Cambridge Univ Pr (T)






Do not use the present simple ( I stay/ do you go etc.) for plans and arrangements.
Are you going out tonight.(not "Do you go")

Ann isn't coming to the party next week. (not "Ann doesn't come")
If I said, " Do you go out ?" and "Ann doesn't come to the party ", 
I'm staying at the party and Ann isn't there.  I asked someone about Ann, someone answered " Ann doesn't come."  Is it OK??
"Do you go out..?" What does it have different mean ??
Alex is getting married next month. OK
not Alex will get married...
What are you doing this evening? OK
not What will you do..

Why 2nd one wrong? What different are they??

Yes, the textbook is correct. The present simple has a different meaning, but your last 2 sentences are OK (alex will get married, what will you do). Why?
You can use "will" because you are talking about something in the future (textbook calls it "plans and arrangements"). You should not use "do" if it is about the future. It is ok grammar, but the present simple is mostly used for a repeated action. Read this

1. Will you play tennis?
2. Do you play tennis?

They are different. 2 means "have you played tennis before, and do you still play it sometimes?" It is the same as "Are you a tennis player?" It is not about the future.

1 means "will you play tennis this afternoon?" or "will you play tennis next year?" You are not asking if he plays tennis often, you are asking about the future.

This is grammar for speaking naturally. It is not about "correct" or "incorrect".

"I am playing tennis tomorrow" = correct and natural
"I will play tennis tommorow" = correct, but not so natural
"I play tennis tomorrow" = incorrect (there are some exceptions)

"Do you go out tonight?" = sounds very bad to an English speaker. But you can say "Will you go out tonight". The most natural is "Are you going out tonight?"
"Do you go out much?" = sounds good, because it is a repeated action, it is not only one time (tonight)

You have a natural talent for eigo, LeMON - Ganbatte!!



2006年02月24日 | その他自宅学習
English Grammar in Use With Answers (Book & CD-ROM) : A Self-Study Reference and Practice Book for Intermediate Students of English , Intermediate

Cambridge Univ Pr (T)


Essential Grammar in Use: A Self-Study Reference and Practice Book for Elementary Students of English : With Answers (Book & CD-ROM)

Essential Grammar in Use: A Self-Study Reference and Practice Book for Elementary Students of English : With Answers (Book & CD-ROM) 
Cambridge Univ Pr (T)




そんなわけで、同じ内容のユニットを まず赤をやって、その後青をやって・・・ってやり方をしています。このやり方は、れもンには最適  先に進むにつれ、多少取り上げてる内容が違ってくるけれど、まあ、その時はその時・・・


赤 Unit 26-30
青 Unit 19-23

そして・・・赤の本は、知ってたはずなのに、使っていなかった表現に気づかされました。未来の予定は、いっつも will  か be going to で喋っちゃってました!!

そう・・。そういえば、普通に進行形でよかったんだと。(しかも、こっちのがナチュラルに聞こえるらしい) はー、ヤバイヤバイ。

We're having a party next weekend.
Are you meeting Bill this evening?





Do not use will to talk about what you have arranged to do. と、紹介されている例文。


○What are you doing this evening?
×What will you do this evening?

○Alex is getting married next month.
×Alex will get married next month.

え・・・?ダメなの?? 思い切り使ってるような・・・




あと、余談ですが、その講師が、日本人は「difficult」をよく使いたがる。「hard」を使ったほうがナチュラルなんだけど・・・。でも、僕も最近、時々「difficult」って言っちゃうんだよね・・ って言ってました。 



We'll go / We're going to the theatre tonight. We've got tickets.
What will  you do/ are you doing tomorrow evenig? Nothing. I'm free.
I'm sure she'll lend / she 's lending us some money. She's very rich.
Do you think Claire will phone/is phoning us tonight?



あと、あまり意識してなかったのですが、shall I / we... の意味。 
Do you think this is a good thing to do? Do you think this is a good idea? って事だったみたいです。 単に ○○しましょうか?って程度かと思ってました

You try on a jacket in a shop. You are not sure whether to buy it or not. You ask a friend for advice.

→ Shall I buy it?

Your friend wants you to phone later. You don't know what time to phone. You ask him/her.

→When shall I phone you?