

ルノーのEV ZOE アバター付き アバターでパーソナライズ

2010-07-27 21:03:46 | 乗り物
Import EV 公式 Blog: ユーロ安なので安く感じますね→ 仏ルノー:新型電気自動車を約170万円未満で発売へ-フィガロ紙
ユーロ安なので安く感じますね→ 仏ルノー:新型電気自動車を約170万円未満で発売へ-フィガロ紙

【フランクフルトモーターショー09】ルノー Zoe 斬新なアプローチの小型EV | レスポンス自動車ニュース(Response.jp)

Renault.com - Zoe Z.E. Concept
An economical and ecological solution
Zoe Z.E. Concept targets motorists who own more than one car and who are looking for a compact, versatile vehicle capable of meeting their varied day-to-day needs, such as the school or work run, or shopping trips.
Zoe Z.E. Concept is an all-electric, zero-emission vehicle which reconciles motoring with the environmental aspirations of customers looking for a vehicle with the best possible ecological footprint.
Electric pleasure
ZOE Z.E. Concept targets motorists looking for a compact and flexible vehicle capable of meeting their day-to-day needs, from the daily commute, to the school run and trips to the shops.
Carlos Ghosn
Zoe Z.E. Concept invites its occupants to enjoy familiar pleasures.
Using cutting-edge electric-vehicle technology, Zoe Z.E. Concept is proof that a zero-emission vehicle can also possess a dynamic, edgy, attractive design which immediately points to driving enjoyment.
Aerodynamics have a significant influence on the performance of a zero-emission vehicle and, in the case of the Zoe Z.E. Concept project, the overriding concerns regarding design were elegance and efficiency.
Zoe Z.E. Concept is just 4.10m long and is powered by a 70kW electric motor which develops 226Nm of torque. It is easy to imagine the vehicle making its way silently through traffic in built-up areas. The large 21-inch wheels and large body panels are reassuring touches that give the four occupants complete peace of mind when travelling out of town.

