三木奎吾の住宅探訪記 2nd

(旧タイトル:性能とデザイン いい家大研究)


2024年08月29日 05時42分04秒 | Weblog

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English version ⬇

The evolution and routinization of nature's fury
I am getting older and my life time is getting longer, but the recent climate change is almost beyond my empirical knowledge. I pray for the safety of everyone in the wider area. ・・・・・.

 I rarely watch TV in real time. My wife records only the programs she likes (or will like), so most of my real-time information comes from the Internet. When it comes to newspapers, I only occasionally buy an evening paper when I go out to Tokyo. Rather than checking the contents of the paper carefully, I only check a few articles with flashy headlines. I am in the minority among the elderly who mainly rely on media information.
 Even I, however, sometimes find myself glued to NHK's “weather forecast” for Typhoon No. 10. I am moved by the situation of the people in the areas that are currently in danger. I pray that everyone in the Kyushu area and the areas where the typhoon is expected to pass, above all, avoid danger and act accordingly.
 The unpredictability of this typhoon is still surprising. The westerly winds from the continent have changed so much that it is difficult to measure the percentage of typhoons involved in their paths. From the day before yesterday to the day after yesterday, the typhoon traveled at about the speed of a human walking. As of 5:00 a.m. when I am writing this blog, the real-time report says that the speed was 15 km/h, so it may have started to “move” a little today. In any case, I would like to pray for the safety of everyone in the wide area.

 In such a situation, Hokkaido has been little affected so far. The maximum temperature has cooled down from the 30s for a while and is now hovering around 28 degrees Celsius. Well, it is not like before where the autumn wind blows all at once after the Bon Festival, but we can feel that we are definitely heading toward autumn.
 According to the common sense of Hokkaido people, typhoons rarely come to Hokkaido, but the current forecast is that typhoon No. 10 may traverse the archipelago and hit Hokkaido in the end. The day before yesterday, there was a downpour of rain in Hokkaido, which is unthinkable according to conventional wisdom, so it is important to be cautious about such climate change. I guess we need to make safety decisions first and foremost.

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