「木下黄太のブログ」 ジャーナリストで著述家、木下黄太のブログ。


"Sick as my will heal" became diabetic after the nuclear accident, elementary school girl in Tokyo.

2014-07-04 02:18:50 | 福島第一原発と放射能

I am Kinosita Kouta. 
It is the English translation of a blog report currently written in my Japanese. 
Since the Google translation was only used, please forgive the mistake.

「"Sick as my will heal" became diabetic after the nuclear accident, elementary school girl  in Tokyo. 」

                                                         2014-07-03 14:55:20(japan time) | 福島第一原発

In terms of radiation exposure, about women who are active and concerned in Tokyo was happening around her, it is a story she wrote. 



The class of son, you have this girl.

The girl, wore clothes always stylish,
When I go to school, it is playful who's come over bright voice.

When was a classmate that is rough in the school year, she came in dodging action you can always grown-up.
She, or scold a little, or through casual ....
Than I, the mother of the same class, is solid (sweat) is a lovely young lady.

She is like no such problems, but it was developed "diabetes in children" in the fall of 2011.

In May 2011, It is a few months after you made the "take Yago" in the pool of school.

Of course, I thought first and foremost the effects of radioactivity.

Every day, to say to the nurse's office in school lunch before, she will measure the blood glucose level by opening a hole in the finger on their own.
Either would have been when I was about a year after the onset of her?
"I come dizzy drops value, the value of blood sugar! Came a general understanding"

To me there are diabetics in the family, it is you know that no matter how hard.
Limit are also many, and fear of "low blood sugar" than "hyperglycemia" I also there.

Than adult diabetes, glycemic control of children is hard.

Time she was a sophomore, she asked me.
"It's cured me of my disease?"
I'm knew.
That it does not go away in the medical current ....
Given the feelings of her mother classmate no get along much, heard of it,
Even I say Shakkiri-Pakkiri product was no option but to grin in a loss for words usually.

Son standards or go home, I said to me.
"Mother can see what this that. Ano Sa ~ is written in a strip of Tanabata?"

How can you get - Hey not know [! ? I do say what I Kotaero to me? ? ]

"" I hope the disease as my heal ""


Cause who develop childhood diabetes, this girl, do not know.

I do not know only about that genetic factors do not see much.

When I talk to a pediatrician who in Ukraine, along with the story say that increasing number of thyroid disease not cancer, talk to say in Kiev per diabetes in children is a growing number, was told.

The event of diabetes in children, and in the world of post-exposure, the possibility that the spread is high only do not know.

There are people who repeat the "ridiculous data does not rise epidemiologically as a number."

Of course, a few elements is also important.

However, the back side of the single number one, in fact, real concrete is clogged. This document and would want to say about it, I think.

When in which it is in a situation such as the onset of diabetes, such cases overlap with exposure symptoms, appear to my son, just think only one, choose to continue to place the child in (also includes Tokyo, of course) contaminated sites is, I think it would be nothing to me. Of course, before the accident occurs something, although I do not impossible.

This is a state in which I mean what, I read this story, think again is what's called human karma.



  【7/12(土) 木下黄太 講演 IN 広島 2014 】 

 13:00~15:00 (開場12:30) 

開催場所 ユーストピア中央(中央勤労青少年ホーム)4階ホール 

広島市中区八丁堀3ー2 市電「八丁堀」下車 徒歩5分




午前と夜、2回開催。2回とも、福岡市立中央市民センター(福岡市中央区赤坂2丁目5-8)での開催です。地下鉄赤坂駅2番出口より徒歩5分。 午前50人、夜は70人での開催です。開演後、二時間で終了します。 







【8/10(日) 三田医師&木下黄太トーク「被曝影響と放射能防御」 岡山】


きらめきプラザ3階 (岡山市北区南方2丁目13-1)







