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業 績 録 (欧 文 論 文 1)

2006年01月30日 18時22分04秒 | プロフィール(~2010年 京大時代まで)

【業 績 録】

【I】 欧 文 論 文 1

著 書

1)Matsuda N,Hattori Y,Kemmotsu O,Gando S. Pathological significance of over-production of histamine and altered transcriptional regulation of H1- and H2-receptors during septic shock. In Histamine Reserch at the New Millenium eds. by T.Watanabe and K. Yanai. Elsevier Science,173-178,2001

2)Matsuda N,Hattori Y,Gando S. Histamine and sepsis. Histamine: Biology and Medical Aspects.
P135-139 Ed. by Andras Falus. Karger Spring Med Publishing Ltd. May,2004


1) Matsuda N and Hattori Y.
Systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS): Molecular pathophysiology and gene therapy.
J Pharmacol Sci 101: 189-198,2006

2) Matsuda N. Molecular strategy for alveolar protection in severe ARDS. J Anesth 21:118-119,2007

3)Matsuda N, Hattori Y. Vascular biology in sepsis: pathophysiological and therapeutic significance of vascular dysfunction. J Smooth Muscle Res 43:117-137,2007

4)Hattori Y, Yamamoto S, Matsuda N. Sympathetic control of VEGF angiogenic signaling: dual regulations by alpha 2-adrenoceptor activation? Circ Res 101:642-644,2007

5)Hattori Y, Takano KI, Teramae H, Yamamoto S, Yokoo H, Matsuda N. Insights Into Sepsis Therapeutic Design Based on the Apoptotic Death Pathway. J Pharmacol Sci 13;114:354-365, 2010.

英 文 論 文

原 著
1)Matsuda N,Hattori Y,Gando S,Kannno M,Kemmotsu O. Diabetes-induced down regulation of β1-adrenoceptor mRNA expression in rat heart. Biochem Pharmacol 58:881-885,1999

2)Matsuda N,Hattori Y,Akaishi Y,Suzuki Y,Kemmotsu O,Gando S. Impairment of cardiac β-adrenoceptor cellular signaling by decreased expression of Gsα in Septic Rabbits. Anesthesiology 93:1465-1473,2000

3)Matsuda N,Hattori Y,Gando S,Watanuki S,Kannno M,Kemmotsu O. Differential gene transcriptional regulation of Gi isoforms and Gs protein expression in diabetic rat hearts. Naunyn-Schmiedeberg’s Arch Pharmacol 361:53-60,2000

4)Hattori Y,Matsuda N,Kimura J,Ishitani T,Tamada A,Gando S,Kemmotsu O,Kanno M. Diminished function and expression of the cardiac Na+-Ca2+ exchanger in diabetic rats: implication in Ca2+ overload. J Physiol (London) 527:85-94,2000

5)Hattori Y,Matsuda N,Sato A,Watanuki S,Tomioka H,Kawasaki H,Kanno M. Predominant contribution of the G protein-mediated mechanism to NaF-induced vascular contractions in deabetic rats: association with an increased level of Gqα expression. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 292:761-768,2000

6)Ishitani T,Hattori Y,Sakuraya F,Onozuka H,Makino T,Matsuda N,Gando S,Kemmotu O. Effects of Ca2+ sensitizer on contraction [Ca2+]i transient and myofilament Ca2+ sensitivity in diabetic rat myocardium: potent usefulness as inotropic agents. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 298:613-622,2001

7)Gando S,Kameue T,Morimoto Y,Matsuda N,Hayakawa M,Kemmotsu O. Tissue factor production not balanced by tissue factor pathway inhibitor in sepsis promotes poor prognosis. Crit Care Med 30:1729-1734 2002

8)Gando S,Kameue T,Matsuda N,Hayakawa M,Ishitani T,Morimoto Y,Kemmotsu O. Combined activation of coagulation and inflammation has an important role in multiple organ dysfunction and poor outcome after severe trauma. Thromb Haemost 88. 943-949 2002

9)Matsuda N,Hattori Y,Sakuraya H,Kobayashi M,Zhang XH,Kemmotsu O,Gando S. Hemodynamic significance of histamine synthesis and histamine H1- and H2-receptor gene expression during endotoxemia. Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Arch Pharmacol 366:513-521,2002

10)Jesmin S, Mowa CN, Matsuda N, Salah-eldin A, Togashi H, Sakuma I, Hattori Y, Kitabatake A. Evidence for a potential role of estrogen in the penis: Detection of estrogen receptor-α and -β messenger ribonucleic acid and protein. Endocrinology 143:4764-4774,2002

11)Makino T, Hattori Y, Matsuda N, Onozuka H, Sakuma I, Kitabatake A. Effects of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition and angiotensin II type 1 receptor blockade on β-adrenoceptor signaling in heart failure produced by myocardial infarction in rabbits: Reversal of altered expression of β-adrenoceptor kinase and Giα. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 304:370-379,2003

12)Gando S,Kameue T,Matsuda N,Hayakawa M,Morimoto Y,Ishitani T,Kemmotsu O. Imbalances between the levels of tissue factor and tissue factor pathway inhibitor in ARDS patients. Thromb Res 25;109:119-124,2003

13)Matsuda N,Hattori Y,Zhang XH,Fukui H,Kemmotsu O,Gando S. Contractions to histamine in pulmonary and mesenteric arteries from endotoxemic rabbits: modulation by vascular expressions of inducible nitric oxide synthase and histamine H1-receptors. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 307:175-181,2003

14)Zhang XH,Matsuda N,Jesmin S,Sakuraya F,Gando S,Kemmotsu O,Hattori Y.
Normalization by edaravone a free radical scavenger of irraiation-reduced endothelial nitric oxide synthase expression. Eur J Pharmacol 22;476:131-137,2003

15)Yagasaki K,Gando S,Matsuda N,Kameue T,Ishitani T,Hirano T,Iseki K. Pharmacokinetics and the most suitable dosing regimen of fluconazole in critically ill patients receiving continuous hemodiafiltration. Intensive Care Med 29:1844-1848,2003

16)Yagasaki K,Gando S,Matsuda N,Kameue T,Ishitani T,Hirano T,Iseki K. Pharmacokinetics of teicoplanin in critically ill patients undergoing continuous hemodiafiltration. Intensive Care Med 29:2094-2095,2003

17)Kobayashi S,Endou M,Sakuraya F,Matsuda N,Zhang XH,Azuma M,Echigo N,Kemmotsu O,Hattori Y,Gando S. The Sympathomimetic Actions of l-Ephedrine and d-Pseudoephedrine: direct receptor activation or norepinephrine release? Anesth Analg 97:1239-1245,2003

18)Watanuki S,Matsuda N,Sakuraya F,Jesmin S,Hattori Y. Protein kinase C modulation of the regulation of sarcoplasmic reticular function by protein kinase A-mediated phospholamban phosphorylation in diabetic rats. Br J Pharmacol 141:347-359,2004.

19)Matsuda N,Jesmin S,Takahashi Y,Hatta E,Kobayashi M,Matsuyama K,Kawakami N,Sakuma I,Gando S,Fukui H,Hattori Y,Levi R. Histamine H1- and H2-receptor gene and protein levels are differentially expressed in the hearts of rodents and humans. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 309:786-795,2004

20)Jesmin S,Gando S,Matsuda N,Sakuma I,Kobayashi S,Sakuraya F,Hattori Y. Temporal changes in pulmonary expression of key procoagulant molecules in rabbits with endotoxin-induced acute lung injury: elevated expression levels of protease-activated receptors. Thromb Haemost 92:966-979, 2004

21)Matsuda N,Hattori Y,Takahashi Y,Nishihira J,Jesmin S,Kobayashi M,Gando S. Therapeutic effect of in vivo transfection of transcription factor decoy to NF-kB on septic lung in mice. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol 287: L1248-L1255,2004

22)Jesmin S,Mowa CN,Sakuma I,Matsuda N,Togashi H,Yoshioka M,Hattori Y,Kitabatake A. Aromatase is abundantly expressed by neonatal rat penis but downregulated in adulthood. J Mol Endocrinol 33:343-59,2004

23) Gando S,Kameue T,Matsuda N,Sawamura A,Hayakawa M,Kato H. Systemic inflammation and disseminated intravascular coagulation in early stage of ALI and ARDS: role of neutrophil and endothelial activation. Inflammation 28:237-44,2004

24) Matsuda N,Hattori Y,Takahashi Y,Subrina Jesmin,Gando S. Nuclear Factor-kB decoy oligonucleotides prevent acute lung injury in mice with cecal ligation and puncture-induced sepsis. Mol Pharmacol 67:1018-25,2005

25)Gando S,Kameue T,Matsuda N Hayakawa M,Hoshino H,Kato H. Serial changes in neutrophil-endothelial activation markers during the course of sepsis associated with disseminated intravascular coagulation. Thromb Res 116:91-100,2005

26)Matsuda N,Nishihira J,Takahashi Y,Kennmotsu O,Hattori Y. Role of MIF in acute lung injury in mice with acute pancreatitis complicated by endotoxemia. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol 35:198-205,2006

27) Matsuda N,Hayashi Y, Takahashi Y,Hattori Y. Phosphorylation of endothelial nitric-oxide synthase is diminished in mesenteric arteries from septic rabbits depending on the altered phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/Akt pathway: reversal effect of fluvastatin therapy. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 319:1348-1354,2006

28)Kinoshita H,Matsuda N,Kimoto Y,Tohyama S,Hama K,Nakahata K,Hatano Y. Sevoflurane but not propofol prevents rho kinase-dependent contraction induced by sphingosylphosphorylcholine in the porcine coronary artery. Anesth Analg 105:325-329,2007

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