救急一直線 特別ブログ Happy保存の法則 ー United in the World for Us ー


国家試験対策講演 第8回生体防御研究会(名古屋)病原性大腸菌O111/O157におけるHUSへの対応

2012年06月29日 01時09分25秒 | お知らせ 講演会・セミナー
病原性大腸菌と溶血性尿毒症症候群(HUS:hemolytic-uremic syndrome)

医師国家試験対策 HUSの診断
下痢を伴わないHUSが約10%存在し,それらは非定型(atypical HUS;aHUS)と呼ばれている。

・ 補体活性化制御因子の遺伝子異常(aHUS患者の約60%):H因子(FH)の異常が高頻度
・ 血管内皮細胞上のトロンボモジュリン(TM)の遺伝子異常
・ iNOS産生低下:NO産生低下により殺菌能の低下
2. 大腸菌側の要因
・ NO還元酵素の産生株:NO還元酵素は金属酵素であり,2 つの NO 分子から2電子および2つのプロトンにより,N2OやH2O へ触媒として変換する酵素である

■ 溶血性貧血 破砕赤血球の同定,ハプトグロビン低下
■ 血小板減少症 < 15万 cells/mm3
■ 腎機能障害 血清クレアチニン値上昇,タンパク尿,RIFLEクライテリアRISK以上
・ 適切な初期輸液:利尿を付けること・・
・ 腎機能低下:血漿交換→持続血液濾過透析
・ IVIG:静注用免疫グロブリン製剤の投与
・ リコンビナントトロンボモデュリンの投与:播種性血管内凝固症候群(DIC)に準じた治療
△あるいはX  抗菌薬・・外毒素の多くは大腸菌のペリプラズム中に貯蔵されており,抗菌剤で死滅した菌より毒素が大量に発生すると病態が急激に進行する可能性があることに注意する。

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ジャーナルクラブ Circulation Research 2012年6月号

2012年06月28日 11時50分21秒 | ジャーナルクラブ 松田直之指導


Dynamical Systems Approach to Endothelial Heterogeneity
Erzsébet Ravasz Regan and William C. Aird
Circulation Research. 2012;111:110-130

Endothelial cells display remarkable phenotypic heterogeneity. An important goal is to elucidate the scope and mechanisms of endothelial heterogeneity and to use this information to develop vascular bed–specific therapies. We reexamine our current understanding of the molecular basis of endothelial heterogeneity. We introduce multistability as a new explanatory framework in vascular biology. We draw on the field of nonlinear dynamics to propose a dynamical systems framework for modeling multistability and its derivative properties, including robustness, memory, and plasticity. Our perspective allows for both a conceptual and quantitative description of system-level features of endothelial regulation.

Boolean model of a caspase-mediated survival-apoptosis switch


Agonist-mediated signaling pathways with cross-talk


1. Inefficient Reprogramming of Fibroblasts into Cardiomyocytes Using Gata4, Mef2c, and Tbx5
Jenny X. Chen, Markus Krane, Marcus-Andre Deutsch, Li Wang, Moshe Rav-Acha, Serge Gregoire, Marc C. Engels, Kuppusamy Rajarajan, Ravi Karra, E. Dale Abel, Joe C. Wu, David Milan, and Sean M. Wu
Circulation Research. 2012;111:50-55

Rationale: Direct reprogramming of fibroblasts into cardiomyocytes is a novel strategy for cardiac regeneration. However, the key determinants involved in this process are unknown.

Objective: To assess the efficiency of direct fibroblast reprogramming via viral overexpression of GATA4, Mef2c, and Tbx5 (GMT).

Methods and Results: We induced GMT overexpression in murine tail tip fibroblasts (TTFs) and cardiac fibroblasts (CFs) from multiple lines of transgenic mice carrying different cardiomyocyte lineage reporters. We found that the induction of GMT overexpression in TTFs and CFs is inefficient at inducing molecular and electrophysiological phenotypes of mature cardiomyocytes. In addition, transplantation of GMT infected CFs into injured mouse hearts resulted in decreased cell survival with minimal induction of cardiomyocyte genes.

Conclusions: Significant challenges remain in our ability to convert fibroblasts into cardiomyocyte-like cells and a greater understanding of cardiovascular epigenetics is needed to increase the translational potential of this strategy.

2. コロニンsiRNA
Role of Coronin 1B in PDGF-Induced Migration of Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells
Holly C. Williams, Alejandra San Martín, Candace M. Adamo, Bonnie Seidel-Rogol, Lily Pounkova, Srinivasan Raju Datla, Bernard Lassègue, James E. Bear, and Kathy Griendling
Circulation Research. 2012;111:56-65

Rationale: The type I subclass of coronins, a family of actin-binding proteins, regulates various actin-dependent cellular processes, including migration. However, the existence and role of coronins in vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) migration has yet to be determined.
Objective: The goal of the present study was to define the mechanism by which coronins regulate platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)–induced VSMC migration.
Methods and Results: Coronin 1B (Coro1B) and 1C (Coro1C) were both found to be expressed in VSMCs at the mRNA and protein levels. Downregulation of Coro1B by siRNA increases PDGF-induced migration, while downregulation of Coro1C has no effect. We confirmed through kymograph analysis that the Coro1B-downregulation-mediated increase in migration is directly linked to increased lamellipodial protraction rate and protrusion distance in VSMC. In other cell types, coronins exert their effects on lamellipodia dynamics by an inhibitory interaction with the ARP2/3 complex, which is disrupted by the phosphorylation of Coro1B. We found that PDGF induces phosphorylation of Coro1B on serine-2 via PKCɛ, leading to a decrease in the interaction of Coro1B with the ARP2/3 complex. VSMCs transfected with a phosphodeficient S2A Coro1B mutant showed decreased migration in response to PDGF, suggesting that the phosphorylation of Coro1B is required for the promotion of migration by PDGF. In both the rat and mouse, Coro1B phosphorylation was increased in response to vessel injury in vivo.
Conclusions: Our data suggest that phosphorylation of Coro1B and the subsequent reduced interaction with ARP2/3·complex participate in PDGF-induced VSMC migration, an important step in vascular lesion formation.
血管平滑筋には,Coronin 1BとICが存在する。
RT-PCR Primer
Coro1B (upstream primer, 5′-ACA TGT CCT TCC GAA AAG TTG TGC-3′; downstream primer, 5′-CTG ATC CAC TGG CAA TGA CTT CGT-3′);Coro1C (upstream primer, 5′-TGT CTT CAC TAC TGG TTT TAG CCG TA-3′; downstream primer, 5′-TCT AGC TTT GAA ATG CGC TCG TCT-3′); and GAPDH (upstream primer, 5′-AAT GGG GTG ATG CTG GTG CTG AGT A-3′; downstream primer, 5′-GGA AGA ATG GGA GTT GCT GTT GAA G-3′)

Coronins are a family of evolutionarily conserved tryptophan (W) and aspartic acid (D)-repeat actin-binding proteins known to control a variety of cellular processes involving actin dynamics.The coronin protein family includes 7 proteins in mammals, separated into 3 subclasses (types I, II, and III) based on phylogenetic similarity.The type I coronins consist of coronin 1A (Coro1A), 1B (Coro1B), and 1C (Coro1C) and are the most studied coronin subfamily. Coro1A is highly expressed in cells of hematopoietic lineage in addition to various tissues of the nervous system, while having significantly lower expression in other tissues of the body.1On the other hand, Coro1B and Coro1C are more ubiquitously expressed at higher levels in most tissues.11 Coro1B localizes to the plasma membrane, regulates lamellipodia formation, and when phosphorylated is no longer able to bind ARP2/3 and inhibit its actin nucleation abilities. In contrast, in epithelial cells, Coro1C was demonstrated to regulate focal adhesion dynamics and increase wound closure. Thus, Coro1B and 1C can potentially influence migration via several different mechanisms, and their overall impact is likely to be a function of the complement of coronins expressed in a given cell type.

3. リアノジン受容体を介したCICR
Ryanodine Receptor Current Amplitude Controls Ca2+ Sparks in Cardiac Muscle
Tao Guo, Dirk Gillespie, and Michael Fill
Circulation Research. 2012;111:28-36

Rationale: In cardiac muscle, Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release (CICR) from the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) is mediated by ryanodine receptor (RyR) Ca2+ release channels. The inherent positive feedback of CICR is normally well-controlled. Understanding this control mechanism is a priority because its malfunction has life-threatening consequences.

Objective: We show that CICR local control is governed by SR Ca2+ load, largely because load determines the single RyR current amplitude that drives inter-RyR CICR.

Methods and Results: We differentially manipulated single RyR Ca2+ flux amplitude and SR Ca2+ load in permeabilized ventricular myocytes as an endogenous cell biology model of the heart. Large RyR-permeable organic cations were used to interfere with Ca2+ conductance through the open RyR pore. Single-channel studies show this attenuates current amplitude without altering other aspects of RyR function. In cells, the same experimental maneuver increased resting SR Ca2+ load. Despite the increased load, Ca2+ spark (inter-RyR CICR events) frequency decreased and sparks terminated earlier.

Conclusions: Spark local control follows single RyR current amplitude, not simply SR Ca2+ load. Spark frequency increases with load because spontaneous RyR openings at high loads produce larger currents (ie, a larger CICR trigger signal). Sparks terminate when load falls to the point at which single RyR current amplitude is no longer sufficient to sustain inter-RyR CICR. Thus, RyRs that spontaneously close no longer reopen and local Ca2+ release ends.

付録:TAM Receptor

Nature Reviews Immunology 8, 327-336 (May 2008)
Immunobiology of the TAM receptors

Recent studies have revealed that the TAM receptor protein tyrosine kinases ― TYRO3, AXL and MER ― have pivotal roles in innate immunity. They inhibit inflammation in dendritic cells and macrophages, promote the phagocytosis of apoptotic cells and membranous organelles, and stimulate the maturation of natural killer cells. Each of these phenomena may depend on a cooperative interaction between TAM receptor and cytokine receptor signalling systems. Although its importance was previously unrecognized, TAM signalling promises to have an increasingly prominent role in studies of innate immune regulation.

TYRO3 (also known as BRT, DTK, RSE, SKY and TIF), AXL (also known as ARK, TYRO7 and UFO) and MER (also known as EYK, NYM and TYRO12) are receptor protein tyrosine kinases (PTKs) that are expressed by dendritic cells, macrophages and immature natural killer (NK) cells of the immune system, Sertoli cells of the testis, retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells of the eye, and several other cell types. TAM receptor dimers bind to their two ligands, growth-arrest-specific 6 (GAS6) and protein S, through interaction between the two N-terminal immunoglobulin-like domains of the receptors and the two C-terminal laminin G (LG) regions, which together make up the SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin) domain, of the ligands. (The solved X-ray crystal structure of the GAS6 SHBG domain bound to the immunoglobulin domains of AXL7 reveals that both ligand and receptor crystallize as dimers.) Via their N-terminal Gla domains, GAS6 and protein S then bind to phosphatidylserine that is displayed on the extracellular surface of the plasma membranes of apoptotic cells or on the outer segments of photoreceptors. EGF, epidermal growth factor; FNIII, fibronectin type III.

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2012年 名古屋大学医学部4年生 救急・集中治療医学 大講堂講義 いよいよ開催

2012年06月27日 07時50分19秒 | 紹介 名古屋大学 救急・集中治療医学分野


教科書がスラスラ読めるようになる大講堂講義全9講スケジュール 救急・集中治療革命 6・27

6月 27日(水) 午前講義 8:50~12:00 途中10分間の休憩あり
第1講目 松田直之 1.救急・集中治療医学 総論 「これが第1線~第5線までの救急医療だ!」
第2講目 松田直之 2.急性相反応と多臓器不全 総論「集中治療の本質について」


7月11日(水) 午後講義 第4講のみ
(第3講目 松田直之 3.多発外傷の診断と治療) <シラバスの講義日程変更>
第4講目 中京病院 上山昌史 救命センター長 4.熱傷の病態と治療

7月18日(水) 午前講義 8:50~12:00 途中10分休憩あり
第1講目 松田直之 5.心肺蘇生の管理エッセンス
第2講目 松田直之 6.急性薬物中毒の診断と治療

7月19日(木) 午前講義 初期診療診断で押さえておくべきTOP10 8:50~12:00 途中10分休憩あり
第1講目 松田直之 7.救急初期診療:診断と治療 TOP 5 主訴から読み取る
第2講目 松田直之 8.救急初期診療:診断と治療 NEXT5 病態から読み取る

7月24日(火) 午前講義 救急医療の災害時応用について
第1講目 松田直之 9.災害医療・減災医療システム 災害時広域搬送

7月26日(木) 午前講義 
第2講目 松田直之 3.多発外傷の診断と治療 (この日への日程変更となります) 多発外傷管理の基本について

※ 急性期臓器別管理の各論は,特別講義選択科目として,2012年1月~2月に行います。また,第2講の急性相反応や全身性炎症の話は,今後も重要点は,繰り返して解説します。どうぞ,よろしくお願いします。

※ 多くの皆さんに,熱心に聴講して頂きありがとうございました。次回は,7月11日(水)の上山先生の重症熱傷となります。

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救急医療 嚥下機能リハビリテーション Shaker exercise

2012年06月27日 06時52分10秒 | 救急医療

 嚥下リハビリにおけるShaker exerciseの方法は,臥位から頸部を重力に逆らうようにまっすぐに挙上し,1分間そのポジションを維持させる方法である。しかし,1分間維持できない場合はできる時間までとしています。その後に頸部をおろし,1分間,頤位のまま休憩します。 これを1日3回施行し,6週間連続で行うと嚥下機能の回復が認められるという報告があります。老齢者の救急医療では,搬入時から嚥下機能が低下している場合も多く認めます。救急科患者の病棟管理において,Shaker exerciseを導入し,嚥下機能を衰えさせない工夫などを考えています。こうした内容は,状況に応じて,さまざまに変法を考案できるでしょう。敗血症をはじめとするSIRS/CARSでは,回復期に廃用性変化を起こさないように,嚥下関連筋群の機能低下に対しても,適切な嚥下訓練法を指導していく必要があると考えています。参考文献を下につけておきます。

<参考文献> Shaker exercise
1. Shaker R, Kern M, Bardan E, Taylor A, Stewart ET, Hoffmann RG, Arndorfer RC, Hofmann C, Bonnevier. Augmentation of deglutitive upper esophageal sphincter opening in the elderly by exercise. J. Am J Physiol. 1997;272(6 Pt 1):G1518-22.

Earlier studies have shown that the cross-sectional area of the deglutitive upper esophageal sphincter (UES) opening in healthy asymptomatic elderly individuals is reduced compared with healthy young volunteers. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of a head-raising exercise on swallow-induced UES opening and hypopharyngeal intrabolus pressure in the elderly. We studied a total of 31 asymptomatic healthy elderly subjects by videofluoroscopy and manometry before and after real (19 subjects) and sham (12 subjects) exercises. A significant increase was found in the magnitude of the anterior excursion of the larynx, the maximum anteroposterior diameter, and the cross-sectional area of the UES opening after the real exercise (P < 0.05). These changes were associated with a significant decrease in the hypopharyngeal intrabolus pressure studied in 12 (real-exercise) and 6 (sham-exercise) subjects (P < 0.05). A similar effect was not found in the sham-exercise group. In normal elderly subjects, deglutitive UES opening is amenable to augmentation by exercise aimed at strengthening the UES opening muscles. This augmentation is accompanied by a significant decrease in hypopharyngeal intrabolus pressure, indicating a decrease in pharyngeal outflow resistance. This approach may be helpful in some patients with dysphagia due to disorders of deglutitive UES opening.

2. Logemann JA, Rademaker A, Pauloski BR, Kelly A, Stangl-McBreen C, Antinoja J, Grande B, Farquharson J, Kern M, Easterling C, Shaker R. A randomized study comparing the Shaker exercise with traditional therapy: a preliminary study. Dysphagia. 2009;24:403-11.

Seven institutions participated in this small clinical trial that included 19 patients who exhibited oropharyngeal dysphagia on videofluorography (VFG) involving the upper esophageal sphincter (UES) and who had a 3-month history of aspiration. All patients were randomized to either traditional swallowing therapy or the Shaker exercise for 6 weeks. Each patient received a modified barium swallow pre- and post-therapy, including two swallows each of 3 ml and 5 ml liquid barium and 3 ml barium pudding. Each videofluorographic study was sent to a central laboratory and digitized in order to measure hyoid and larynx movement as well as UES opening. Fourteen patients received both pre-and post-therapy VFG studies. There was significantly less aspiration post-therapy in patients in the Shaker group. Residue in the various oral and pharyngeal locations did not differ between the groups. With traditional therapy, there were several significant increases from pre- to post-therapy, including superior laryngeal movement and superior hyoid movement on 3-ml pudding swallows and anterior laryngeal movement on 3-ml liquid boluses, indicating significant improvement in swallowing physiology. After both types of therapy there is a significant increase in UES opening width on 3-ml paste swallows.

3. White KT, Easterling C, Roberts N, Wertsch J, Shaker R. Fatigue analysis before and after shaker exercise: physiologic tool for exercise design. Dysphagia. 2008 Dec;23(4):385-91.

Recent studies suggest that the Shaker exercise induces fatigue in the upper esophageal sphincter (UES) opening muscles and sternocleidomastoid (SCM), with the SCMs fatiguing earliest. The aim of this study was to measure fatigue induced by the isometric portion of the Shaker exercise by measuring the rate of change in the median frequency (MF rate) of the power spectral density (PSD) function, which is interpreted as proportional to the rate of fatigue, from surface electromyography (EMG) of suprahyoid (SHM), infrahyoid (IHM), and SCM. EMG data compared fatigue-related changes from 20-, 40-, and 60-s isometric hold durations of the Shaker exercise. We found that fatigue-related changes were manifested during the 20-s hold. The findings confirm that the SCM fatigues initially and as fast as or faster than the SHM and IHM. In addition, upon completion of the exercise protocol, the SCM had a decreased MF rate, implying improved fatigue resistance, while the SHM and IHM showed increased MF rates, implying that these muscles increased their fatiguing effort. We conclude that the Shaker exercise initially leads to increased fatigue resistance of the SCM, after which the exercise loads the less fatigue-resistant SHM and IHM, potentiating the therapeutic effect of the Shaker exercise regimen with continued exercise performance.

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講座 救急・集中治療領域における抗菌薬使用の留意点

2012年06月27日 06時42分11秒 | 薬物情報

講座 救急・集中治療領域における抗菌薬使用の留意点




1. PK/PDの変化

メモ 分布容積とクリアランス

2. De-escalation


1. 感染症における腎傷害
 感染症管理に難じていると,尿量が低下してくる傾向がある。これにより,水溶性薬剤の排泄量は減少するが,輸液量増加による分布容積増加を同時に評価しなければならない。このような感染病態では,初期にToll-like受容体(TLR)を介して,tumor necrosis factor-α(TNF-α)やinterleukin-1β(IL-1β)などの炎症性サイトカイン,IL-8などのケモカインや接着分子の転写段階からの産生が高まり,炎症局所だけではなくTLR,TNF受容体などの炎症性受容体の存在する細胞近傍に,好中球などの白血球系細胞が集積する1)。組織因子の産生を介してトロンビンの産生が高まり,トロンビン受容体を持つ血管内皮細胞では細胞障害や血小板沈着が進行する。糸球体の有窓性血管内皮細胞も感染症における炎症のターゲットであり,さらに尿細管障害を合併する。 このような重症化を抑制するために,適切な輸液管理や循環管理が不可欠となる。
2. 腎機能維持のための輸液と血圧管理
 利尿を得るためには,適切な輸液と血圧管理が必要である。感染症初期の血圧は,腎血流の自動調節の下限である平均血圧65 mmHg以上を維持することが大切であり,血管拡張に伴うショックを併発している場合はノルエピネフリン(> 0.05μg/kg/分)の持続投与が有効である。輸液はearly goal-directed therapy(EGDT)2)に準じて平均血圧65 mmHg以上を目標とし,尿量0.5 mL/kg/時以上を維持できるように,ノルエピネフリンと並行して行われるべきであり,ショックを1時間以上放置してはいけない。ドブタミンの併用は危険である。輸液は,生理食塩水やリンゲル液などの晶質液を中心としてアルブミンの適正補充を考慮するべきであり,代用血漿製剤は腎機能障害や凝固障害を導く可能性があるために使用しない。ヘモグロビン濃度は,心血管系合併症のない場合には最低でも7g/dL以上,心血管系合併症のある場合は10 g/dL以上を目標とし,赤血球輸血を併用する。このような状況において,フロセミドを頻回に用いて利尿を得ることは禁忌であり,フロセミドは尿量が得られ,循環が安定化した後の炎症の回復期において循環血液量を減少させる目的のみの適応とすると良い。

3. 腎機能低下時の抗菌薬の使用方法

メモ 腎機能低下でもクリアランスが変わらないことがある? 腎機能によって投与量を調節しなくてよい抗微生物薬がある。代表的なものは,アジスロマイシン,クリンダマイシン,セフトリアキソン,リネゾリド,アンフォテリシンB,ミカファンギン,ボリコナゾールである。また,ピペラシリンは,腎機能低下時に胆汁排泄が増加し,クリアランスが維持されることが知られている。ペニシリンなどのβ-ラクタム系薬が腎障害を起こす場合は,アレルギー性間質性腎炎を特徴としており,この可能性がある場合は減量ではなく,中止としなければならない。また,キノロン系抗菌薬であるシプロフロキサシンは,腎機能が低下しても腸管クリアランスが増加し,クリアランスが低下しにくい。

4. 維持透析中の患者ではどうするか


1. 重症病態における肝機能を維持するために

2. 肝機能低下における脂溶性薬物のクリアランス低下

3. 重症病態における低アルブミン血症の影響


1. 薬剤耐性菌に対する注意
 重症患者は,好中球やリンパ球などの白血球の機能低下を特徴とする。このような免疫低下病態では,2次性侵害刺激として院内感染を合併しやすく,敗血症として全身性炎症が再燃する傾向がある。現在,院内感染の起炎菌として,メチシリン耐性黄色ブドウ球菌(MRSA: Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus),基質特異性拡張型βラクタマーゼ(ESBL: extended-spectrum β-lactamase)産生菌,バンコマイシン耐性腸球菌(VRE: Vancomycin Resistant Enterococci),多剤耐性緑膿菌(MDRP: multi-drug resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa),そして多剤耐性アシネトバクター(MDRA: multi-drug resistant Acinetobacter baumannii)やNew Delli Metallo-β-Lactamase-1(NDM-1)産生腸球菌などに注意が必要である。
 Klebsiella pneumoniae や Escherichia coli など菌種は,β-ラクタマーゼ産生遺伝子を突然変位させ,ESBLを産生することにより,β-ラクタム系抗菌薬のβ-ラクタム構造を加水分解する能力を持つ。このようなESBLは第三世代セフェム系抗菌薬を分解するものとして知られてきたが,ESBLは伝達性プラスミドでコードされるため,同一菌種間だけではなく,異なる菌種間にも伝達される特徴がある。ESBL産生菌はK.pneumoniae,E.coliに加えてSerratia marcessense,Enterobacter cloacae,Proteus mirabirisなどの菌種に拡大している。また, NDM-1産生腸球菌やKlebsiella pneumoniaecar bapenemase(KPC)産生肺炎桿菌は,免疫低下病態に対する日和見感染だけではなく,健常成人にも発症する。NDM-1やKPCは,カルバペネム系薬を分解するばかりではなく,キノロン系薬やアミノグリコシド系抗菌薬にも薬剤耐性を示す。
 一方,バンコマイシンに耐性を獲得したVREが検出されている。VREに対する抗菌薬としてリネゾリドが本邦でも臨床使用されているが,リネゾリドはMRSAにも抗菌活性を持つためにMRSA治療にも用いられている。しかし,2008年には,スペインでリネゾリド耐性MRSA(LRSA: Linezolid-resistant Staphylococcus aureus)が院内感染の原因菌となり,本邦におけるリネゾリド使用に対してもより一層の注意が必要である。

2. 多剤耐性グラム陰性菌に対する治療

文 献

1. 松田直之. 敗血症の病態生理学. Intensivist 2009;1:203-16.
Lipman J, Gous AG, Mathivha LR, et al, Ciprofloxacin pharmacokinetic profiles in paediatric sepsis: How much ciprofloxacin is enough? Intensive Care Med 2002; 28:493–500
2. Rivers E, Nguyen B, Havstad S, et al. Early goal-directed therapy in the treatment of severe sepsis and septic shock. N Engl J Med 2001;345:1368-77.
3. Lipman J, Gous AG, Mathivha LR, et al. Ciprofloxacin pharmacokinetic profiles in paediatric sepsis: How much ciprofloxacin is enough? Intensive Care Med 2002; 28:493–500.
4. Herrera-Gutierrez ME, Seller-Perez G, Banderas-Bravo E, et al. Replacement of 24-h creatinine
clearance by 2-h creatinine clearance in intensive care unit patients: A single-center study. Intensive Care Med 2007; 33:1900–6.
5. Trotman RL, Williamson JC, Shoemaker DM, et al. Antibiotic dosing in critically ill adult patients receiving continuous renal replacement therapy. Clin Infect Dis 2005;41:1159-66.

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御礼 第20回日本集中治療医学会 東海北陸地方会(富山)

2012年06月23日 18時12分58秒 | 学術集会情報
第20回日本集中治療医学会 東海北陸地方会

本日,第1会場で開催された長尾 健 先生の心肺蘇生・低体温療法の講演は,とても良くまとめられた感動する講演でした。



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薬剤情報 不眠症 毎日 ハルさん ルネスタ5時間

2012年06月21日 18時28分15秒 | 薬物情報






 救急・集中治療領域を含めて,睡眠の質を改善することはとても大切ですが,まず意識することは,① 炎症活性,② 呼吸数,③ 脈拍数です。交感神経緊張の高い場合に,不穏やせん妄は起きやすく,一般に言われる「眠剤」,GABA作動薬では対応できないことが多いです。メラトニンアナログであるロゼレム®(ラメルテオン)を用いて,メラトニン補充をすることも必要となる場合が多いです。その上で,夜間の眠剤について,半減期を理解して使用することをお勧めします。単に,眠れないというのではなく,なぜ夜間覚醒しているのかの原因を評価することが大切です。新しい感染症が隠れているときもあるのです。患者さんに対して,眠剤についての使い方,そして目的を明確として下さい。



※ 睡眠導入薬 松田式 消失半減期の覚え方(少し どもるように 話してみて下さい)   

     ♪ 毎日 ハルさん ♪ あもばん さいなら~~♪ ルネスタ5時間 ねむれんね〜〜♪ 

   2時間ハルシオン   アモバン 3.7時間             ルネスタ5時間   

※ メラトニン 


初版 2012年6月12日 追記修正 2019年3月20日,2020年4月8日

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ジャーナルクラブ Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol 2012年6月号

2012年06月21日 11時27分23秒 | ジャーナルクラブ 松田直之指導

Editorial Focus
Jeffrey E. Gotts and Michael A. Matthay
Mesenchymal stem cells and the stem cell niche: a new chapter
Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol June 1, 2012 302:L1147-L1149

BONE MARROW-DERIVED mesenchymal stem/stromal cells (MSCs) are self-renewing multipotent cells with therapeutic effects in diverse models of tissue injury. In the rodent lung, MSCs reduce collagen deposition in the bleomycin model of pulmonary fibrosis and reduce lung injury and improve survival following intrapulmonary delivery of endotoxin or Escherichia coli and following severe gram-negative peritonitis. In the hyperoxia model of bronchopulmonary dysplasia, exposure to high concentrations of oxygen during early postnatal life in rats and mice causes simplification of alveolar and lung capillary structure and reduced pulmonary capillary surface area, leading to pulmonary hypertension. Two groups reported simultaneously in 2009 that MSCs given by airway to rats or by blood to mice during prolonged hyperoxia in early postnatal life prevented arrested alveolar growth. However, engraftment of MSCs during hyperoxia and in other models has not accounted for the therapeutic effects, thus prompting a search for other mechanisms. MSCs are potent immunomodulators, suppressing several functions of lymphocytes, natural killer cells, and monocytes, and reduce inflammatory cell lung infiltrates and cytokines during sepsis and acute lung injury. In addition, MSCs have direct antibacterial effects, secrete epithelial growth factors, and can rescue epithelial cellular bioenergetics with mitochondrial transfer.

Original Articles
■ β-Adrenergic agonists differentially regulate highly selective and nonselective epithelial sodium channels to promote alveolar fluid clearance in vivo
Charles A. Downs, Lisa H. Kriener, Ling Yu, Douglas C. Eaton, Lucky Jain, and My N. Helms
Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol June 1, 2012 302:L1167-L1178

デノパミン β1-stimulation
タブタリン β2-stimulation

 β-Adrenergic receptors (β-AR) increase epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) activity to promote lung fluid clearance. However, the effect of selective β-AR agonist on highly selective cation (HSC) channels or nonselective cation (NSC) channels in alveolar type 1 (T1) and type 2 (T2) cells is unknown. We hypothesized that stimulation with β(1)-AR agonist (denopamine) or β(2)-AR agonist (terbutaline) would increase HSC and/or NSC channel activity in alveolar epithelial cells. We performed single-channel measurements from T1 and T2 cells accessed from rat lung slices. Terbutaline (20 μM) increased HSC ENaC activity (open probability, NP(o)) in T1 (from 0.96 ± 0.61 to 1.25 ± 0.71, n = 5, P
■ The p110δ subunit of PI3K regulates bone marrow-derived eosinophil trafficking and airway eosinophilia in allergen-challenged mice
Bit Na Kang, Sung Gil Ha, Xiao Na Ge, M. Reza Hosseinkhani, Nooshin S. Bahaie, Yana Greenberg, Malcolm N. Blumenthal, Kamal D. Puri, Savita P. Rao, and P. Sriramarao
Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol June 1, 2012 302:L1179-L1191

CRA:cockroach antigenでのマウスの気道過敏性に関するin vivo研究も併設

Trafficking and recruitment of eosinophils during allergic airway inflammation is mediated by the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) family of signaling molecules. The role played by the p110δ subunit of PI3K (PI3K p110δ) in regulating eosinophil trafficking and recruitment was investigated using a selective pharmacological inhibitor (IC87114). Treatment with the PI3K p110δ inhibitor significantly reduced murine bone marrow-derived eosinophil (BM-Eos) adhesion to VCAM-1 as well as ICAM-1 and inhibited activation-induced changes in cell morphology associated with reduced Mac-1 expression and aberrant cell surface localization/distribution of Mac-1 and α4. Infused BM-Eos demonstrated significantly decreased rolling and adhesion in inflamed cremaster muscle microvessels of mice treated with IC87114 compared with vehicle-treated mice. Furthermore, inhibition of PI3K p110δ significantly attenuated eotaxin-1-induced BM-Eos migration and prevented eotaxin-1-induced changes in the cytoskeleton and cell morphology. Knockdown of PI3K p110δ with siRNA in BM-Eos resulted in reduced rolling, adhesion, and migration, as well as inhibition of activation-induced changes in cell morphology, validating its role in regulating trafficking and migration. Finally, in a mouse model of cockroach antigen-induced allergic airway inflammation, oral administration of the PI3K p110δ inhibitor significantly inhibited airway eosinophil recruitment, resulting in attenuation of airway hyperresponsiveness in response to methacholine, reduced mucus secretion, and expression of proinflammatory molecules (found in inflammatory zone-1 and intelectin-1). Overall, these findings indicate the important role played by PI3K p110δ in mediating BM-Eos trafficking and migration by regulating adhesion molecule expression and localization/distribution as well as promoting changes in cell morphology that favor recruitment during inflammation.

■ RAGE35
RAGE signaling by alveolar macrophages influences tobacco smoke-induced inflammation
Adam B. Robinson, KacyAnn D. Johnson, Brock G. Bennion, and Paul R. Reynolds
Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol June 1, 2012 302:L1192-L1199

cigarette smoke extractはRAGEのリガンドか,RAGEリガンドを産生する可能性がある。

Receptors for advanced glycation end-products (RAGE) are multiligand cell surface receptors of the immunoglobin family expressed by epithelium and macrophages, and expression increases following exposure to cigarette smoke extract (CSE). The present study sought to characterize the proinflammatory contributions of RAGE expressed by alveolar macrophages (AMs) following CSE exposure. Acute exposure of mice to CSE via nasal instillation revealed diminished bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) cellularity and fewer AMs in RAGE knockout (KO) mice compared with controls. Primary AMs were obtained from BAL, exposed to CSE in vitro, and analyzed. CSE significantly increased RAGE expression by wild-type AMs. Employing ELISAs, wild-type AMs exposed to CSE had increased levels of active Ras, a small GTPase that perpetuates proinflammatory signaling. Conversely, RAGE KO AMs had less Ras activation compared with wild-type AMs after exposure to CSE. In RAGE KO AMs, assessment of p38 MAPK and NF-κB, important intracellular signaling intermediates induced during an inflammatory response, revealed that CSE-induced inflammation may occur in part via RAGE signaling. Lastly, quantitative RT-PCR revealed that the expression of proinflammatory cytokines including TNF-α and IL-1β were detectably decreased in RAGE KO AMs exposed to CSE compared with CSE-exposed wild-type AMs. These results reveal that primary AMs orchestrate CSE-induced inflammation, at least in part, via RAGE-mediated mechanisms.

■ Platelets induce endothelial tissue factor expression in a mouse model of acid-induced lung injury
Memet T. Emin, Li Sun, Alice Huertas, Shonit Das, Jahar Bhattacharya, and Sunita Bhattacharya
Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol June 1, 2012 302:L1209-L1220
Dept. of Pediatrics, Columbia Univ., 630 W. 168th St., BB 8-812, New York, NY 10032. sb80@columbia.edu.

Although the lung expresses procoagulant proteins under inflammatory conditions, underlying mechanisms remain unclear. Here, we addressed lung endothelial expression of tissue factor (TF), which initiates the coagulation cascade and expression of which signifies development of a procoagulant phenotype in the vasculature. To establish the model of acid-induced acute lung injury (ALI), we intranasally instilled anesthetized mice with saline or acid. Then 2 h later, we isolated pulmonary vascular cells for flow cytometry and confocal microscopy to detect the leukocyte antigen, CD45 and the endothelial markers VE-cadherin and von Willebrand factor (vWf). Acid increased both the number of vWf-expressing cells as well as TF and P-selectin expressions on these cells. All of these effects were markedly inhibited by treating mice with antiplatelet serum, suggesting the involvement of platelets. The increased expressions of TF, vWf, and P-selectin in response to acid also occurred in platelets. Moreover, the effects were replicated in endothelial cells derived from isolated, blood-perfused lungs. However, the effect was inhibited completely in lungs perfused with platelet-depleted and, to a lesser extent, with leukocyte-depleted blood. Acid injury increased endothelial expressions of the platelet proteins, CD41 and CD42b, providing evidence that platelet proteins were transferred to the vascular surface. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) were implicated in these responses, in that the endothelial and platelet protein expressions were inhibited. We conclude that acid-induced ALI causes NOX2-mediated ROS generation that activates platelets, which then generate a procoagulant endothelial surface.

Interaction with CREB binding protein modulates the activities of Nrf2 and NF-κB in cystic fibrosis airway epithelial cells
Assem G. Ziady, Andrew Sokolow, Samuel Shank, Deborah Corey, Ross Myers, Scott Plafker, and Thomas J. Kelley
Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol June 1, 2012 302:L1221-L1231


Cystic fibrosis (CF) is characterized by inflammatory lung disease that significantly contributes to morbidity and mortality. Airway epithelial cells play a role in the inflammatory signaling in CF and have been reported to exhibit a number of dysfunctions in signaling cascades that modulate inflammation. Previously, we reported that the activity of nuclear factor erythroid-derived-like 2 (Nrf2), a transcription factor that regulates antioxidant and cytoprotective protein expression, is diminished in CF epithelia (7). In this report, we examined the mechanism of Nrf2 dysregulation in vitro in human airway epithelial cell lines and primary cells and in vivo in nasal epithelia excised from ΔF508 CF mutant mice. We found that cAMP-mediated signaling markedly reduces Nrf2 activity in CF vs. non-CF cells. Rp-cAMPS, a cAMP competitor, significantly corrected Nrf2 activity in CF cells, predominantly by increasing the nuclear accumulation of the transcription factor. Furthermore, we found that Rp-cAMPS significantly decreased NF-κB activation following inflammatory stimulation of CF cells. Further investigation revealed that Nrf2 and NF-κB compete for the transcriptional coactivator cAMP responsive element-binding protein (CREB) binding protein (CBP) and that Rp-cAMPS shifts CBP association in favor of Nrf2. Thus our findings provide a link between feedback to CF transmembrane regulator dysfunction and dysregulation of an inflammatory signaling pathway that modulates the coordinated activities of Nrf2 and NF-κB. Furthermore, our studies suggest that strategies that shift CBP association away from NF-κB and toward Nrf2 could have potential therapeutic efficacy for reducing inflammation in patients with CF.

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お知らせ 本日の救急外来松田塾 台風4号・5号のため中止とします

2012年06月19日 15時02分41秒 | 学術集会情報

7月 3日(火) 18:00- 救急外来
7月24日(火) 18:00- 救急外来


2012年6月23日(土)第20回日本集中治療医学会 東海北陸地方会
教育セッション     9:00-9:50 松田直之 集中治療領域における抗菌薬の適正使用
イブニングセミナー 16:10-17:00 松田直之 ICU管理における早期経腸栄養の重要性
<一般演題 名大ICU12題発表> 11:15~15:25
1. 空洞形成型MSSA肺炎による敗血症性ショックの救命の1例
2. アシクロビル脳症が疑われた透析患者の1例
3. 腹痛を主訴に受診した急性間欠性ポルフィリン症の1例
4. 頻発性VTを合併した敗血症性ショックに対してIABPが有効だった1症例
5. 電撃性紫斑病を伴った敗血症性ショックの1例
6. 急性肺炎による重症呼吸不全をNPPVとミニトラックで救命した1例
7. 当院ICUにおけるAmplitude-integrated EEG(aEEG)の使用経験
8. 脱法ハーブ中毒におけるICU管理の検討
9. テオフィリン中毒の輸液管理の1例
10. 抗精神病薬による抗利尿ホルモン不適合分泌症候群と相対的脱水による急性腎傷害の1例
11. Basedow病の増悪と食思不振による高シュウ酸血症の1例
12. 当院の補助人工心臓長期管理体制への取り組み

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文献紹介 脱原発 原点回帰 敗血症治療におけるMayo Clinicのバゾプレシン投与結果

2012年06月15日 07時05分42秒 | 紹介 原著論文

Predictors of prolonged vasopressin infusion for the treatment of septic shock
Journal of Critical Care (2012) 27, 318.e7–318.e12
Heather A. Personett PharmD, Joanna L. Stollings PharmD,
Stephen S. Cha MS, Lance J. Oyen PharmD, FCCM, FCCP
Department of Pharmacy Services at Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota
Department of Biostatistics and Informatics at Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota

PURPOSE:Prolonged catecholamine use has been linked with poor clinical outcomes, including higher mortality. The objective was to identify characteristics that may be predictive of prolonged arginine vasopressin (AVP) use for 7 days or more in patients with septic shock.
MATERIALS AND METHODS:This was a retrospective nested cohort analysis of adult patients receiving AVP as initial hemodynamic support for septic shock, either alone or in combination with norepinephrine, between 2008 and 2010.
RESULTS:Univariate factors predictive of patients requiring extended AVP support were peripheral vascular disease (PVD) (48% vs 18%, P = .001), congestive heart failure (30% vs 12%, P = .024), and acute kidney injury (AKI) (83% vs 49%, P = .003). Patients requiring extended AVP support more frequently experienced a new intensive care unit (ICU) arrhythmia, typically atrial fibrillation (39% vs 7%, P < .001), and had higher 28-day mortality (74% vs 20%, P < .001). Multivariate analysis revealed that the strongest independent predictors of prolonged AVP dependence were new ICU arrhythmia (odds ratio [OR], 5.3; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.6-17.8), PVD (OR, 4.3; 95% CI, 1.4-13.1), and AKI (OR, 3.9; 95% CI, 1.1-14.5).
CONCLUSIONS:Patients with preexisting PVD and AKI and those experiencing a new ICU arrhythmia on AVP may be more likely to remain on AVP for 7 or more days.

<コメント> バソプレシンを7日以上に渡って長期投与することは僕はしません。そうならないように,どのように敗血症や全身性炎症の管理をするかが大切と思います。血管内皮細胞障害を合併した状態では,細動脈血管平滑筋領域のV1受容体の反応が血管収縮,血管攣縮として局所的に強く出可能性があり,つまり血管収縮作用が高まるために,バゾプレシンは使用しません。また,既往歴としてPSSなどのレイノー症状を伴う患者さんやコントロールの悪いDM患者さん,つまり,既に血管内皮細胞障害を併発していることが疑われる場合,敗血症性ショックはwarm shockとはなりにくく,はじめからcold shockとして出現するわけではなく,バソプレシンの併用をお勧めしていません。今回は,原点回帰 ROCK ライブの広告も付けてみました。福井が放射能で死の町とならないように,常識的に震災や津波の地理状況を判断し,「脱原発」とすることが望ましいでしょう。予測できる誤りをしないようすすることは,敗血症管理と同様です。 松田直之

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文献紹介 腎におけるTLRシグナル

2012年06月06日 02時06分57秒 | 論文紹介 炎症性受容体

西部 里菜 Indigo Blue

PLoS One. 2012;7(5):e37584. Epub 2012 May 24.

TLR2, TLR4 and the MYD88 Signaling Pathway Are Crucial for Neutrophil Migration in Acute Kidney Injury Induced by Sepsis.
Castoldi A, Braga TT, Correa-Costa M, Aguiar CF, Bassi EJ, Correa-Silva R, Elias RM, Salvador F, Moraes-Vieira PM, Cenedeze MA, Reis MA, Hiyane MI, Pacheco-Silva A, Gonçalves GM, Câmara NO.

Disciplina de Nefrologia, Departamento de Medicina, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil.

The aim of this study was to investigate the role of TLR2, TLR4 and MyD88 in sepsis-induced AKI. C57BL/6 TLR2(-/-), TLR4(-/-) and MyD88(-/-) male mice were subjected to sepsis by cecal ligation and puncture (CLP). Twenty four hours later, kidney tissue and blood samples were collected for analysis. The TLR2(-/-), TLR4(-/-) and MyD88(-/-) mice that were subjected to CLP had preserved renal morphology, and fewer areas of hypoxia and apoptosis compared with the wild-type C57BL/6 mice (WT). MyD88(-/-) mice were completely protected compared with the WT mice. We also observed reduced expression of proinflammatory cytokines in the kidneys of the knockout mice compared with those of the WT mice and subsequent inhibition of increased vascular permeability in the kidneys of the knockout mice. The WT mice had increased GR1(+low) cells migration compared with the knockout mice and decreased in GR1(+high) cells migration into the peritoneal cavity. The TLR2(-/-), TLR4(-/-), and MyD88(-/-) mice had lower neutrophil infiltration in the kidneys. Depletion of neutrophils in the WT mice led to protection of renal function and less inflammation in the kidneys of these mice. Innate immunity participates in polymicrobial sepsis-induced AKI, mainly through the MyD88 pathway, by leading to an increased migration of neutrophils to the kidney, increased production of proinflammatory cytokines, vascular permeability, hypoxia and apoptosis of tubular cells.

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文献紹介 Lung Protective Ventilation BMJ 2012 April

2012年06月01日 07時04分41秒 | 急性肺傷害
Lung protective mechanical ventilation and two year survival in patients with acute lung injury: prospective cohort study
Needham DM, Colantuoni E, Mendez-Tellez PA, Dinglas VD, Sevransky JE, Dennison Himmelfarb CR, Desai SV, Shanholtz C, Brower RG, Pronovost PJ.
BMJ. 2012 Apr 5;344:e2124.

To evaluate the association of volume limited and pressure limited (lung protective) mechanical ventilation with two year survival in patients with acute lung injury.
Prospective cohort study.
13 intensive care units at four hospitals in Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
485 consecutive mechanically ventilated patients with acute lung injury.
Two year survival after onset of acute lung injury.
485 patients contributed data for 6240 eligible ventilator settings, as measured twice daily (median of eight eligible ventilator settings per patient; 41% of which adhered to lung protective ventilation). Of these patients, 311 (64%) died within two years. After adjusting for the total duration of ventilation and other relevant covariates, each additional ventilator setting adherent to lung protective ventilation was associated with a 3% decrease in the risk of mortality over two years (hazard ratio 0.97, 95% confidence interval 0.95 to 0.99, P=0.002). Compared with no adherence, the estimated absolute risk reduction in two year mortality for a prototypical patient with 50% adherence to lung protective ventilation was 4.0% (0.8% to 7.2%, P=0.012) and with 100% adherence was 7.8% (1.6% to 14.0%, P=0.011).
Lung protective mechanical ventilation was associated with a substantial long term survival benefit for patients with acute lung injury. Greater use of lung protective ventilation in routine clinical practice could reduce long term mortality in patients with acute lung injury.

1回換気量が6.5 mL/kg vs 6.5-8.8 mL/kg ハザード比 1.59(1.19-2.14)

参考1 JAMA 2005 Dec 14;294(22):2889-96.
Ventilatory management of acute lung injury and acute respiratory distress syndrome.
Fan E, Needham DM, Stewart TE.
Interdepartmental Division of Critical Care Medicine and Department of Medicine, University of Toronto and University Health Network and Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

The acute lung injury and acute respiratory distress syndrome are critical illnesses associated with significant morbidity and mortality. Mechanical ventilation is the cornerstone of supportive therapy. However, despite several important advances, the optimal strategy for ventilation and adjunctive therapies for patients with acute lung injury and acute respiratory distress syndrome is still evolving.
To identify reports of invasive ventilatory and adjunctive therapies in adult patients with acute lung injury and acute respiratory distress syndrome, we performed a systematic English-language literature search of MEDLINE (1966-2005) using the Medical Subject Heading respiratory distress syndrome, adult, and related text words, with emphasis on randomized controlled trials and meta-analyses. EMBASE and the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials were similarly searched. The search yielded 1357 potential articles of which 53 were relevant to the study objectives and considered in this review.
There is strong evidence to support the use of volume- and pressure-limited lung-protective ventilation in adult patients with acute lung injury and acute respiratory distress syndrome. The benefit of increased levels of positive end-expiratory pressure and recruitment maneuvers is uncertain and is being further evaluated in ongoing trials. Existing randomized controlled trials of alternative ventilation modes, such as high-frequency oscillation and adjunctive therapies, including inhaled nitric oxide and prone positioning demonstrate no significant survival advantage. However, they may have a role as rescue therapy for patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome with refractory life-threatening hypoxemia.
Volume- and pressure-limited ventilation strategies should be used in managing adult acute lung injury and acute respiratory distress syndrome patients. Further research is needed to identify barriers to widespread adoption of this strategy, as well as the role of alternative ventilation modes and adjunctive therapies.

参考2 Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2007 Jul 18;(3):CD003844.
Lung protective ventilation strategy for the acute respiratory distress syndrome.
Petrucci N, Iacovelli W.

Patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome and acute lung injury require mechanical ventilatory support. Acute respiratory distress syndrome and acute lung injury are further complicated by ventilator-induced lung injury. Lung-protective ventilation strategies may lead to improved survival.
To assess the effects of ventilation with lower tidal volume on morbidity and mortality in patients aged 16 years or older affected by acute respiratory distress syndrome and acute lung injury. A secondary objective was to determine whether the comparison between low and conventional tidal volume was different if a plateau airway pressure of greater than 30 to 35 cm H20 was used.
In our original review, we searched databases from inception until 2003. In this updated review, we searched The Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), (The Cochrane Library 2006, Issue 3). We updated our search of MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL and the Web of Science from 2003 to 2006. We also updated our search of intensive care journals and conference proceedings; databases of ongoing research, reference lists and 'grey literature' from 2003 to 2006.
We included randomized controlled trials comparing ventilation using either lower tidal volume (Vt) or low airway driving pressure (plateau pressure 30 cm H2O or less), resulting in tidal volume of 7 ml/kg or less versus ventilation that uses Vt in the range of 10 to 15 ml/kg, in adults (16 years old or older).
We independently assessed trial quality and extracted data. Wherever appropriate, results were pooled. We applied fixed- and random-effects models.
We found one new study in this update for a total of six trials, involving 1297 patients, which were eligible for inclusion. Mortality at day 28 was significantly reduced by lung-protective ventilation: relative risk (RR) 0.74 (95% confidence interval (CI) 0.61 to 0.88); hospital mortality was reduced: RR 0.80 (95% CI 0.69 to 0.92); overall mortality was not significantly different if a plateau pressure less than or equal to 31 cm H2O in control group was used: RR 1.13 (95% CI 0.88 to 1.45). There was insufficient evidence about morbidity and long term outcomes.
Clinical heterogeneity, such as different lengths of follow up and higher plateau pressure in control arms in two trials, make the interpretation of the combined results difficult. Mortality is significantly reduced at day 28 and at the end of hospital stay. The effects on long-term mortality are unknown, although the possibility of a clinically relevant benefit cannot be excluded.

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