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研究手法 遺伝子およびタンパクの分離と解析

2019年05月22日 22時22分57秒 | 研究指針

  研究手法 バイオアナライザシステム  


 名古屋大学大学院医学系研究科 救急・集中治療医学分野




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企画検討中 JL-Knight Study

2012年03月20日 02時58分49秒 | 研究指針
現在 心臓血管術後管理におけるAF発症とStroke発症予防に対するJL-Knight Studyの他施設共同試験を企画中です。

Patient-related factors

(per 5 years or part thereof over 60 years)


Chronic pulmonary disease
longterm use of bronchodilators or steroids for lung disease

Extracardiac arteriopathy
any one or more of the following: claudication, carotid occlusion or >50% stenosis, previous or planned intervention on the abdominal aorta,limb arteries or carotids

Neurological dysfunction disease
severely affecting ambulation or day-to-day functioning

Previous cardiac surgery
requiring opening of the pericardium

Serum creatinine
>200m micromol/L preoperatively

Active endocarditis
patient still under antibiotic treatment for endocarditis at the time of surgery

Critical preoperative state
any one or more of the following: ventricular tachycardia or fibrillation or aborted sudden death, preoperative cardiac massage, preoperative ventilation before arrival in the anaesthetic room,preoperative inotropic support, intraaortic balloon counterpulsation or preoperative acute renal failure (anuria or oliguria<10 ml/hour)

Cardiac-related factors

Unstable angina
rest angina requiring iv nitrates until arrival in the anaesthetic room

LV dysfunction
moderate or LVEF30-50%

poor or LVEF <30

Recent myocardial infarct
(<90 days)

Pulmonary hypertension
Systolic PA pressure>60 mmHg

Operation-related factors

Operation-related factors Score
carried out on referral before the beginning of the next working day

Other than isolated CABG
major cardiac procedure other than or in addition to CABG

Surgery on thoracic aorta
for disorder of ascending, arch or descending aorta

Postinfarct septal rupture

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Our Basic Research Review Part 1

2010年08月15日 04時15分56秒 | 研究指針
Alert Cell Strategy in Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock PART1  


Prof. Naoyuki Matsuda M.D., Ph.D.

Department of Emergency & Critical Care Medicine
Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine, Nagoya, Japan

E-mail: nmatsuda@med.nagoya-u.ac.jp

This manuscript will give foreign researchers to develop a new drug for systemic inflammation including sepsis.
I am looking forward to the participation of foreign researchers into our laboratory in the near future.


 Sepsis was defined as systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) resulting from infection in a joint conference between the American College of Chest Physicians and the Society of Critical Care Medicine in 1991 1). Even in 2010, clinical management of sepsis is hardly satisfactory, with outcomes varying across facilities. When indirect deaths that complicate chronic clinical conditions (e.g., cardiac failure, cancer) are included, over 50,000 people are estimated to die from sepsis in Japan.
 In 2001, Angus et al. reported 751,000 deaths across 7 states in the United States due to increased severity of sepsis, with a mortality rate of 28.6% 2). The “Surviving Sepsis Campaign guidelines” were drafted under the lead of the Society of Critical Care Medicine to improve survival of sepsis, with revisions published in 2008 4). Aside from antimicrobial agents, no definitive treatments currently exist for sepsis.
 Our understanding of human Toll-like receptors (TLRs) 6-8) has advanced considerably since the pioneering study that demonstrated a relationship between Toll receptors and natural immunity 5). Since then, significant advances in inflammatory signaling have been made in the field. TLR, nucleotide oligomerization domain (NOD) 9) and NOD containing leucine-rich repeats (NLR) are receptors that recognize pathogen-associated molecular patterns on microorganisms. Working out the intracellular signaling pathways downstream of these receptors has provided clearer informations of how systemic inflammation occurs in sepsis. To this end, recent studies have elucidated the signaling pathways downstream of receptors implicated in sepsis, including the TNF receptor (TNF-R) 10)and interleukin receptors (e.g., IL-R1 11), IL-R6 12, 13)). This led to a better understanding of mechanisms underlying the propagation and amplification of systemic inflammation among many types of cell after TLR stimulation. While sepsis therapies have been pursued against many different inflammatory mediators, these mediators can be collectively considered products of transcriptional activation via inflammatory receptor signaling. In particular, the mechanism of amplifying inflammation through the transcription factors nuclear factor-κB(NF-κB)and activator protein-1 (AP-1) is particularly important in sepsis.
 From the perspective of gene expression, which adds an additional layer of complexity to sepsis, this manuscript places focus on NF-κB and AP-1. This paper will provide the pathophysiology accompanying the increase in severity at the cellular level, and discuss possibilities in new drug discovery in severe sepsis and septic shock.

1. Inflammatory alert cells

 In addition to leukocytes such as monocytes, neutrophils, lymphocytes, and dendritic cells, the most important factor leading to the induction of multiple organ failure in sepsis is the expression of inflammatory receptors (e.g., TLR, TNF-R, and IL-R) on vascular endothelial cells and the various cell types that make up major organs. Previously, SIRS pathology was considered to result from infiltration of leukocytes, such as monocytes and neutrophils, and the overproduction of inflammatory cytokines. This alone, however, cannot explain why the earliest symptoms of SIRS (e.g., acute lung injury and tachycardia) are readily manifest, and differ in the extent of inflammation across major organs. Similar to leukocytes, some cells in major organs express inflammatory receptors on their surface and in their cytoplasm, and can produce inflammatory mediators such as inflammatory cytokines, chemokines, nitric oxide (NO), and prostanoids as “inflammatory alert cells” (hereafter, alert cells).
 To date, many receptors that trigger inflammation have been characterized, including TLR 6), TNF-R 10), IL-1R 11), NOD 14), NLR 14), C-type lectin receptor (CLR)15), receptor for advanced glycation end product(RAGE)16), and protease activated receptor (PAR)17, 18). To fully appreciate multiple organ failure associated with sepsis, it is necessary to know which cell types in normal organs express these inflammatory receptor signals, how they are distributed, and how their levels change over the course of sepsis progression. Furthermore, while the early phase inflammatory alarm in response to foreign agents in major organs is carried out by alert cells 7, 8), these cells also increase in number due to sepsis complication or sustained sepsis. Alert cells express inflammatory receptors on their surface, and are characterized by the existence of inflammatory signaling pathways downstream of these receptors. Although they may be histologically related, not all alert cells have the biochemical capacity to evoke inflammation under normal conditions, and while some are sensitive to pathogens and cytokines, others are not. These histologically related, but biochemically distinct cells coexist in the same tissue in major organs.
 Figure 1 shows immunohistochemical staining of TLR2 in the bronchiolar region of male BALB-C mouse lung. TLR2 is expressed at low levels in this region and on the surface of alveolar epithelial cells under normal conditions. However, when lipopolysaccharide (LPS; a TLR4 ligand) is intratracheally administered, surface expression of TLR2 (a lipoteichoic acid receptor) increases (Figure 1B). As inflammation progresses, various cells begin to express inflammatory receptors on their surface, and the number of alert cells in the lungs increase19). While various cell types in major organs express TLR and TNF-R, many of these cells exhibit low surface expression of these inflammatory receptors. Figure 2 shows immunohistochemical staining of TNF-R1 in cultured human bronchial epithelial cells. Under unstimulated conditions, TNF-R1 localizes to the Golgi body and perinuclear region, and fewer than 30% of cells express it on their surface.
 Tissue immunohistochemical staining reveals the translocation of TLR and TNF-R from the Golgi body to the cell surface via microtubules in response to inflammatory stimulation. In addition to the glycosylated protein associated with TLR4 (PRAT4) in this process 20), NF-κB and PKC are also thought to be involved. More specifically, given that radical scavengers, NF-κB decoy nucleic acids, and nonselective PKC inhibitors can inhibit this process, production of transport stimulating agents by radical-activated NF-κB and kinesin motor activation via PKC are speculated to be involved in the surface expression of these receptors.
 Thus, although they can be considered histologically related cells, only a few cells express inflammatory receptors on their surface during the early stages of SIRS. Yet, when inflammatory stimulation is sustained in response to sepsis, the number of alert cells that exhibit surface expression of inflammatory receptors increases, thereby accelerating inflammation in major organs 21-23).

2. Transcription factor activation in sepsis

 Overproduction of inflammatory cytokines and mediators in sepsis results from a combination of inflammatory receptor stimulation and increased mRNA production 7, 8). Mechanisms of NF-κB and AP-1 activation have become elucidated in recent years, and provide a basis for the overproduction of mRNA associated with systemic inflammation. The intracellular signaling pathways that activate these two transcription factors are depicted in Figure 3.
 TLR and IL-1R activate TNF-R-associated factor 6 (TRAF6) and tumor growth factor-β associated kinase 1 (TAK1) via adapter proteins such as myeloid differentiation factor 88 (MyD88) and interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase (IRAK). The input signals for this phosphorylation cascade are TLR2 for lipoteichoic acid, TLR4 for LPS, and TLR5 for bacterial flagellin (from salmonella flagella). TNF-α and IL-1β produced during inflammation and ischemia 24). induce similar inflammatory signals in cells via their respective receptor. As a result, these inflammatory signals induce phosphorylation of the inhibitory-κB (I-κB) kinase (IKK) complex, leading to increased nuclear translocation of NF-κB.
 As with NF-κB, AP-1 activity increases in response to mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) activation. MAPK kinase (MAPKK) activated via TAK1, phosphorylates Jun and Fos family members, which then bind to AP-1 and the cAMP-responsive element (CRE) sites in target promoters.
 Such activation of NF-κB and AP-1 occurs in various alert cells, including type II alveolar epithelial cells, right atrial and endocardial cells, vascular endothelial cells, renal tubular epithelial cells, and intestinal epithelial cells. In addition to being involved in the NF-κB and AP-1 activation pathway via TNF receptor-associated death domain protein (TRADD), TNF-R can activate death signals via Fas-associated death domain (FADD) in a pathway distinct from TLR and IL-1R. Alert cells undergo apoptosis via increased death receptor (DR) signaling after producing inflammatory mediators to alert surrounding cells in response to inflammatory signals25, 26). When alert cells increase, and the rate of apoptosis increases relative to that of proliferation, the number of cells that comprise major organs decreases. This subsequently leads to intensification of multiple organ failure. In this context, fibroblast proliferation can lead to scarring of and restriction in organ tissue.

to be continued

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Our Basic Research Review Part 2

2010年08月15日 04時13分31秒 | 研究指針
Alert Cell Strategy in Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock PART 2

Prof. Naoyuki Matsuda M.D., Ph.D.

Department of Emergency & Critical Care Medicine
Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine, Nagoya, Japan

E-mail: nmatsuda@med.nagoya-u.ac.jp

3. NF-κB activation
 NF-κB is a collective term for the Rel/NF-κB family, which contains a domain homologous to the proto-oncogene c-rel. The Rel/NF-κB family comprises RelA (p65), RelB, c-Rel, NF-κB1 (p105/p50), and NF-κB2 (p100/p52) 27). These 5 subunits can homo or heterodimerize, and when inactive, they are prevented from binding to DNA through interactions with inhibitory κB (I-κB) proteins (i.e., I-κBα,I-κBβ,I-κBε,I-κBγ,I-κBζ,Bcl-3,p105,p100). NF-κB activation occurs through canonical and non-canonical pathways.
 TLR signaling in response to infection or inflammation amplifying signals of IL-R and TNF-R ultimately converge on I-κB kinase (IKK) complex phosphorylation and the subsequent decrease in cytoplasmic I-κB levels. The IKK complex exists in the cytoplasm as a large complex of over 700kDa, and is composed of a trimer of IKKα, IKKβ, and IKKγ/NF-κB essential modulator (NEMO). When activated, IKKα phosphorylates serines 32 and 36 of I-κBα, and IKKβ phosphorylates serines 19 and 23 of I-κBβ. NEMO can be activated by both phosphorylation and ubiquitination. Upon IKK complex activation and subsequent I-κB phosphorylation, I-κB is poly-ubiquitinated and targeted for proteasome-mediated degradation 28, 29). The NF-κB dimer is then liberated from the inhibitory complex and translocates into the nucleus, where it binds to its cognate target sequence (GGGACTTTCC) and transcriptionally induces inflammatory cytokines and apoptosis inhibiting factors via the canonical pathway. Signaling through TLR and IL-R also uses the canonical pathway and results in nuclear translocation of the RelA and p50 dimer.
 Recent reports suggest that a non-canonical NF-κB pathway exists 27). In this pathway, IKKα free of NEMO or IKKβ requires phosphorylation by NF-κB inducing kinase (NIK) to become active. When the RelB-p100 dimer gets phosphorylated by IKKα, p100 undergoes limited processing and generates a RelB-p52 dimer. This dimer then undergoes nuclear translocation and activates transcription of NF-κB target genes. Recent studies have shown that the NF-κB dimer is trapped in the nucleus by I-κBζ 29), and that IKKα can localize to both the cytoplasm and nucleus 30). Nuclear I-κBζ gets phosphorylated by nuclear IKKα, which likely leads to I-κBζ degradation and NF-κB activation 29 30). Some studies suggest the possibility that free cytoplasmic RelA can transport IKK into the nucleus by forming a complex. Nuclear IKK can then phosphorylate histone H3 associated with chromatin and increase the transcription of low molecular weight G proteins and immediate early genes such as Fos and Jun 31). Given the lack of a full understanding of the non-canonical pathway, various aspects will need to be elucidated in future research. Nonetheless, while activation of this pathway is observed in leukotriene receptor signaling in immunocompetent cells, its activation in cells of major organs and vascular endothelial cells has been difficult to detect. Furthermore, since the main NF-κB complex in cells of major organs and vascular endothelial cells in sepsis is RelA/p50, it is highly likely that inflammatory signaling during the early stages of sepsis is mediated by the canonical pathway.
 Table 1 lists representative proteins that are overproduced as a result of NF-κB activation in SIRS, shock, and disseminated intravascular coagulation. Inflammatory cytokines such as TNF-α,IL-1,IL-6; inducible nitrogen oxide synthase (iNOS) that produces high levels of nitric oxide (NO); inducible cyclooxygenase-2 (COX2) that leads to production of prostanoids such as prostacyclins; granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF), granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF), and macrophage colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF), which stimulate the production of immature granulocytes; chemokines and adhesion molecules that function in leukocyte migration and infiltration; and molecules that activate coagulation all depend on NF-κB activation. In order to understand systemic inflammation, it is key to note that NF-κB activation underlies the generation of inflammatory cytokines and inflammatory molecules.
 On the other side, glucocorticoids (e.g., methylprednisolone), which were conventionally used to reduce inflammation, exert their NF-κB inhibiting effect via glucocorticoid receptor α (GRα). While inflammatory infiltration cells (e.g., monocytes, neutrophils, and lymphocytes) slightly express GRα, its expression on alert cells of major organs and vascular endothelial cells has not been reported 32). Because alert cells are known to express scavenger receptors such as CLR and LOX-1 14) on their surface in response to NF-κB activation, the success rate of gene therapy by liposome encapsulation markedly increases. While glucocorticoids mainly target cells involved in cell-mediated immunity, such as non-matured leukocytes that abundantly express GRα, NF-κB decoy oligonucleic acids aim to reduce the induction of inflammation by alert cells, phagocytes and fat cells. From this perspective, studies have shown that while NF-κB decoys effectively reduce inflammation in major organs in sepsis 33-35), they also progress to apoptosis. This suggests that NF-κB may function to inhibit apoptosis during inflammation.

4. NF-κB activation and apoptosis

 Alert cell apoptosis during inflammatory stage is prevented by NF-κB-mediated induction of anti-apoptotic factors such as FLICE-inhibitory protein (FLIP), inhibitors of apoptosis (IAPs), and BclX 36). As sepsis progresses, apoptotic vascular endothelial cells are detected in serum 37,38).
 In sepsis, the main factor leading to apoptosis in major organs and vascular endothelial cells is the overexpression of DR family members or their downstream adapter proteins 39). As established inducers of apoptosis, TNF-R1, CD95 (Fas), DR4 (TRAIL receptor 1), and DR5 (TRAIL receptor 2) are not only expressed in immunocompetent cells, but also in major organs and vascular endothelial cells25, 26). These DR family members form a complex with FADD, procaspase-8, procaspase-10, and c-FLIP to generate the death-inducing signal complex (DISC) 30) (Table 4). Although c-FLIP, which inhibits procaspase-8 processing, increases in response to NF-κB activation, it decreases as sepsis progresses due to the associated reduction in NF-κB activity 40). The transcriptional induction of DR family and FADD in lungs and vascular endothelial cells in sepsis has been confirmed by RT-PCR and Western blot analysis25, 26). The activation of caspase 3 following DISC activation leads to apoptosis 23).
 Sepsis can be modeled in male BALB-C mice by ligating the cecum at 5 mm from the distal end, followed by cecal puncture with a 23G needle in a method called cecal ligation and puncture (CLP) 23, 25, 26, 35). These CLP mice die within 2 days of the procedure, and show two peaks of NF-κB activation at around 10 and 15 hours, which is followed by a progressive decrease in activity. A layer of vascular endothelial cells is found on the surface of an approximately five-layered smooth muscle layer of the mouse aorta, which does not exhibit swelling or shedding under normal conditions. Yet, as sepsis progresses, vascular endothelial cells swell and shed, and swollen cells exhibit positive TUNEL staining (Figure 5) 23,). Systemic apoptosis is also observed in the lungs, cardiac atrium, renal tubules, intestines, spleen, and lymph nodes41). In addition to immunocompetent cells, alert cells in major organs are also affected by apoptosis. Caspase inhibitors, FADD inhibitors, and gene therapy using siRNAs targeting these factors that aim to reduce apoptosis following inflammation hold promise as potential therapies23, 25, 26).

to be continued

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Our Basic Research Review Part 3

2010年08月15日 04時12分50秒 | 研究指針
Alert Cell Strategy in Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock PART3

Prof. Naoyuki Matsuda M.D., Ph.D.

Department of Emergency & Critical Care Medicine
Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine, Nagoya, Japan

E-mail: nmatsuda@med.nagoya-u.ac.jp

5. AP-1 activation and apoptosis

 AP-1 is activated in alert cells under severe conditions associated with SIRS, such as sepsis. While AP-1 functions in cell proliferation and differentiation 42), it also induces excessive synthesis of catecholamines in the central nervous system and apoptosis of alert cells in the periphery.
AP-1 genes consist of 4 families: Jun, Fos, activating transcription factor (ATF), and the musculoaponeurotic fibrosarcoma (MAF) oncogene. Jun homodimers or Jun/Fos heterodimers recognize and bind to the phorbol 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate-responsive element (TPA-responsive element; TRE), and Jun/ATF complexes bind to CRE, leading to the transcriptional induction of inflammatory markers (COX-2, ICAM-1), matrix metalloproteinases (MMP-1, MMP-3, MMP-9), and proteins involved in actin polymerization (CapG, Ezrin, Krp-1, Mts-1) 43).
 MAPK is a serine/threonine kinase comprised of 4 subfamilies: extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK), Jun-N-terminal protein kinase (JNK), p38 MAPK, and ERK5/big MAPK1 (BMK1). In sepsis, MAPK is activated in response to TAK-1 activation in alert cells. This leads to the subsequent transcriptional activation of AP-1 targets. JNK is activated during sepsis and phosphorylates the N-terminal transcriptional activation domains (TADs) of Jun family members, such as c-Jun, JunB, and JunD. ERK phosphorylates the TADs of Fos family members, such as c-Fos, FosB, Fra-1, and Fra-2. These phosphorylation events induce the heterodimerization of Jun and Fos family members or stabilize Jun homodimers, resulting in increased binding to the AP-1 binding site TRE (TGACTCA). While c-Jun, c-Fos, and FosB have N-terminal TADs, the TADs of JunB, JunD, Fra-1, Fra-2, and FosB2 are weak. As such, they are weak AP-1 transcriptional activators 43). With respect to ATF family members (e.g., ATF-2, ATF-3, B-ATF), phosphorylation by JNK or p38MAPK leads to their homodimerization or heterodimerization with Jun family members and increased binding to CRE sites (TGACGTCA) 44). AP-1 activation tends to be delayed compared to NF-κB activation 8). One likely reason for this is that the temporary activation of phosphatases that inhibit MAPK (e.g., protein phosphatase 2A, protein phosphatase 2C, and MAPK phosphatase) is carried out by MAPK itself.
 JNK, ERK1/2, and p38MAPK phosphorylation increases 24 hours after the CLP procedure in male BALB-C mice. Gel shift analysis reveals that lung AP-1 activity increases to more than 15-fold of basal activity in. in CLP mice. This increase can be inhibited by administering CLP mice double stranded decoy oligonucleotides containing TRE and CRE elements , or a TRE element alone. Furthermore, inhibiting AP-1 activity in this way can reduce apoptosis in septic lungs (type II alveolar epithelial cells are the main cells undergoing apoptosis in this context) (Figure 6), leading to a significant improvement in the survival rate of septic mice. Moreover, TNF-R1, Fas, DR4, DR5, and FADD transcripts increase in the lungs of CLP mice by AP-1 activation (Figure 7). In the lungs, type II alveolar epithelial cells differentiate into type I alveolar epithelial cells on the alveolar basement membrane. Protecting these cells is important, as it attenuates acute pulmonary disorder that complicates sepsis 40). Given the above, AP-1 can be considered an exacerbating factor in sepsis that contributes to increased death signaling in alert cells.

6. Kruppel-Like Transcriptional Factor (KLF)

 KLF is a transcription factor of the zinc finger family that has recently gained attention for its role in reducing inflammation in vascular endothelial cells and inducing endothelial NO synthetase (eNOS) and thrombomodulin expression in these cells. KLF exhibits anti-inflammatory effects and inhibits signaling through the thrombin receptor PAR1 in vascular endothelial cells 45). Its role in inhibiting AP-1 and NF-κB activity in vascular endothelial cells has also been reported 46-48).
 In early stages of sepsis, iNOS expression increases in blood vessels, while eNOS expression decreases22, 49). Distributive shock results when blood vessels subsequently become dilated and exhibit impaired blood flow regulation due to shear stress. A potential mechanism that underlies the simultaneous increase in iNOS and decrease in eNOS involves the nuclear translocation of NF-κB 50). In this mechanism, nuclear NF-κB mediates the over-production of iNOS mRNA, as well as histone acetylation, which consequently leads to a decrease in KLF2 and KLF4 transcripts and eNOS expression. Statins can recover decreased eNOS levels in sepsis 22), and this may be related to the ability of statins to increase KLF expression in vascular endothelial cells 45 46). Given that statins are considered to improve prognosis, they may have potential applications in the clinical setting for sepsis management.


 Rather than pursuing individual molecules in septic therapy, this paper approached the topic of multiple organ dysfunction that complicates sepsis from the viewpoint of mRNA production, with focus placed on the transcription factors NF-κB and AP-1. Inflammation is exacerbated by the increase in number of alert cells associated with sepsis progression. Major organs become impaired in function as apoptosis increases in sepsis. The theory of rescuing these alert cells from inflammation and apoptosis during and following inflammation is called the “alert cell strategy.” DR signaling and apoptosis are likely to become crucial targets of therapy in prolonged sepsis management.

2010 Matsuda's Inflammation laboratory

to be continued

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Our Basic Research Review Part 4

2010年08月15日 04時11分48秒 | 研究指針
Alert Cell Strategy in Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock PART4

Prof. Naoyuki Matsuda M.D., Ph.D.

Department of Emergency & Critical Care Medicine
Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine, Nagoya, Japan

E-mail: nmatsuda@med.nagoya-u.ac.jp


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42)Shaulian E, Karin M. AP-1 as a regulator of cell life and death. Nat Cell Biol 2002; 4:E131-6.
43)Reddy SP, Mossman BT. Role and regulation of activator protein-1 in toxicant-induced responses of the lung. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol 2002; 283:L1161-78.
44)Ozanne BW, Spence HJ, McGarry LC, et al. Transcription factors control invasion: AP-1 the first among equals. Oncogene 2007; 26:1-10.
45)Lin Z, Hamik A, Jain R, et al. Kruppel-like factor 2 inhibits protease activated receptor-1 expression and thrombin-mediated endothelial activation. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2006; 26:1185-9.
46)Parmar KM, Nambudiri V, Dai G, et al. Statins exert endothelial atheroprotective effects via the KLF2 transcription factor. J Biol Chem 2005; 280:26714-9.
47) Sen-Banerjee S, Mir S, Lin Z, et al. Kruppel-like factor 2 as a novel mediator of statin effects in endothelial cells. Circulation 2005; 112:720-6.
48) Hamik A, Lin Z, Kumar A, et al. Kruppel-like factor 4 regulates endothelial inflammation. J Biol Chem 2007; 282:13769-79.
49)Matsuda N, Hattori Y, Zhang XH, et al. Contractions to histamine in pulmonary and mesenteric arteries from endotoxemic rabbits: modulation by vascular expressions of inducible nitric oxide synthase and histamine H1-receptors. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 2003; 307:175-81.
50)Kumar A, Lin Z, SenBanerjee S, et al. Tumor necrosis factor alpha-mediated reduction of KLF2 is due to inhibition of MEF2 by NF-κB and histone deacetylases. Mol Cell Biol 2005; 25:5893-903.


This manuscript will give foreign researchers to develop a new drug for systemic inflammation including sepsis.
I am looking forward to the participation of foreign researchers into our laboratory in the near future.

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臨床研究 利益相反マネジメントポリシー

2009年10月03日 03時28分22秒 | 研究指針


 しかしながら産学連携活動を行う際に、教育・研究・診療という学術機関における責任と、産学連携活動によって個人が得る利益とが衝突・相反する状態(利益相反)が、必然的・不可避的に生じる。また医学研究はヒトを対象とするため、弱い立場にある患者の人権並びに生命及び安全を守るという観点から特に倫理性、科学性を担保とした実施が求められる。さらに医学研究及び産学連携活動の社会的信頼(インテグリテイー)を保つためには、利益相反に対する基本姿勢とマネジメント体制を確立していることを学内外に対して示す (アピアランス)と同時に、自らの活動について正確かつ明確に説明する(アカウンタビリテイ)必要がある。健全な利益相反マネジメントに基づいた公正な臨床研究・産学連携活動こそが、その本来の趣旨たる人類の福祉と社会に対して貢献するものである。

2.定 義
(1) 利益相反
 ① 個人としての利益相反
 ② 医学研究科等(組織)としての利益相反
 ③ 責務相反

(2) 医学研究実施者
(3) 産学連携活動
   共同研究、受託研究、Sponsored Research Program、奨学寄附金(寄附講座)、技術移転、企業からの客員研究員・ポスドクの受け入れ、企業への学生の派遣、企業から依頼された治験・臨床試験などの審議・契約及び実施にかかわる活動、営利企業の技術顧問・役員等などに就任する兼業活動、及び兼業審査委員会等の委員活動等をいう。
(4) 役員等
(5) 株式・新株予約権等

(1)  医学研究科等は、産学連携活動を推進するにあたり、利益相反行為を未然に防止するよう最大限の努力をするとともに、社会から疑いを招かれないよう次に掲げる事項の防止・回避・解決に努めなければならない。
 ① 医学研究実施者が、本学の職務及び責任よりも、個人的な利益を優先していると誤解を受けかねない状態
 ② 医学研究実施者が、個人的な利益の有無にかかわらず、本学以外の活動に時間配分を優先していると誤解を受けかねない状態
 ③ 医学研究実施者が、本学以外の活動によって、教育の機会が狭められたり、学生の独自性と学問の探究が阻害される等、教育面での支障が生じていると誤解を
 ④ 医学研究実施者が患者の利益・権利よりも自己の研究成果、利益を優先していると誤解を受けかねない状態
(2)  医学研究実施者は、患者の人権擁護、生命に係る安全性の確保を最優先するものとする。臨床研究においては、医学研究実施者の利益相反に関する情報を患者に開示して同意を得なければならない。
(3) 医学研究実施者は、研究結果が、社会に及ぼす影響が大きいことを熟知し、その結果に対する信頼性の確保に努めなければならない。
(4) 医学研究実施者は、産学連携活動に係る相手先企業との間において、次の行為を行ってはならない。
 ① 企業から金銭、物品又は不動産の贈与(せん別、祝儀、香典又は供花その他これらに類するものとしてされるものを含む。)を受けること。
 ② 企業から金銭の貸付け(業として行われる金銭の貸付けにあっては、無利子のもの又は利子の利率が著しく低いものに限る。)を受けること。
 ③ 企業の負担により、無償で物品又は不動産の貸付けを受けること。
 ④ 企業の負担により、無償で役務の提供を受けること。
 ⑤ 企業から株式及び未公開株式を譲り受けること。ただし、研究成果活用型ベンチャー企業の役員兼業の正当な報酬としての新株予約権の取得を拒むものではない。
 ⑥ 企業から供応接待を受けること。
 ⑦ 企業と共に遊技又はゴルフをすること。
 ⑧ 企業と共に旅行(職務のための旅行を除く。)をすること。
 ⑨ 企業をして、第三者に対し前各号に掲げる行為をさせること。

(1) 対象者
(2) 対象事項
 ① 国立大学法人京都大学職員兼業規程により許可を得て企業の兼業を行う場合
 ② 個人的に報酬を受領して講演、技術相談・指導等を行う場合
 ③ 職員所有の知的財産権を本学以外の第三者に譲渡、移転、使用許諾する場合
 ④ 共同研究、受託研究に参加する場合
 ⑤ 外部から寄附金、設備、物品の供与を受ける場合
 ⑥ 上記①から⑤の相手方に、本学の施設、設備の利用を提供する場合
 ⑦ 産学連携活動に本学学部学生及び大学院生を従事させる場合

(1) 利益相反に係る審議体制
 ① 医学研究実施者の産学連携活動に伴う利益相反について審議するため、利益相反審査委員会を置く。利益相反審査委員会は、次に掲げる委員をもって組織する。
    a 医学研究科長 又は 研究担当の副研究科長
    b 医学研究科長 又は 研究担当の副研究科長が指名する教授 若干名
    c 弁護士等専門的知識を有する者 1名
    d 医学研究科事務部長
 ② 医学研究実施者が行う産学連携活動の審議は、産学連携活動の区分に応じて次の「兼業審査委員会等」が行う。
    寄附講座、Sponsored Research Program・・・寄附講座検討委員会
 ① 医学研究実施者及び兼業審査委員会等に専門的立場から指導・助言を行うため、利益相反アドバイザーを置く。利益相反アドバイザーは学内外の専門家をもって充てる。


区 分 提出時期 利益相反の状況




定期報告 毎年5月 前回定期報告から変更がある場合


(2) 審議等
  ① 利益相反審査委員会は、提出された事前申告書及び利益相反自己申告書等により3の利益相反メネジメントの原則に基づき審議し、必要に応じて兼業審査委員会等に指導・助言する。
  ② 兼業審査委員会等は、利益相反審査委員会の指導・助言を基に医学研究実施者が行う産学連携活動について審議する。





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<研究> Western Blotにおけるバンドの白化・中抜け・色調反転について

2009年06月05日 04時48分21秒 | 研究指針

1. レーンにアプライした蛋白量が飽和している
2. 2次抗体濃度が高い
3. ECLの反応性が良すぎる




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2009年度 敗血症研究の当教室の指針

2009年03月21日 03時52分28秒 | 研究指針

1. 敗血症におけるcAMP response elementの機能解析 別府 賢
2. 敗血症におけるcirculating endothelial cellの機能解析 二木元典
3. LPS刺激による単球機能維持とその分化制御(ヒト培養細胞研究) 松田直之
 3-1 アドレナリン受容体の発現変化と遺伝子治療
 3-2 ニコチン受容体の発現変化と遺伝子治療 
 3-3 ステロイド濃度による修飾作用 医学生研究
4. 敗血症における骨髄由来多能性分化細胞の解明 山本誠士(富山大学共同研究),松田直之
5. 敗血症におけるTNF受容体の発現制御 寺前洋生
 5-1 膵臓におけるTNF受容体の役割
 5-2 視床下部ー下垂体ー副腎におけるTNF受容体の役割
6. 敗血症における血管内皮細胞の発芽構造物の解明 寺前洋生
 6-1 微小循環障害の電子顕微鏡による病態解明
 6-2 敗血症における血管内皮細胞の栄養源の解明
 6-3 CEC化阻止のための構造学的分子ストラテジーの確立
7. 敗血症における小胞体ストレス蛋白の遺伝子治療 鈴木崇夫
8. 敗血症における腸管機能と経腸栄養(初期解析まで)二木元典

総合指導 松田直之
研究室管理補助 寺前洋生

その他 共同研究
富山大学医学薬学研究部 分子医科薬理学講座
富山大学医学薬学研究部 麻酔科学講座
星薬科大学 薬品毒性学教室


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2009年03月10日 17時37分19秒 | 研究指針

U ウラシル 分子量 約112 (g)
A アデニン 分子量 約135 (g)
G グアニン 分子量 約151 (g)
C シトシン 分子量 約111(g)
T チミン  分子量 約126 (g)

●● nmolの作成したsiRNAに対して,以下を確認してください。
●●×分子量=▲▲ng=▲▲÷1000 μg
敗血症病態のin vivo遺伝子治療には,

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平成20年 全身性炎症反応 研究グループ 研究指針

2007年12月31日 16時55分26秒 | 研究指針
平成20年度 松田直之 全身性炎症研究グループ 研究テーマ


1. 敗血症病態における消化管粘膜のアポトーシスと経腸栄養 (二木元典,寺前洋生,松田直之)
2.敗血症病態における消化管平滑筋の機能改善に関する研究 (青木優太,畠山 登,松田直之)
3. 急性肺傷害における2型肺胞上皮細胞の正常再生に関する研究 (山本誠士,松田直之)
4. グルココルチコイド受容体保護の新概念の確立 (寺前洋生,山本誠士,松田直之)
5. 敗血症病態における上室性頻拍の発症機序の解明と新規治療の考案 (畠山 登,丸山彩子,松田直之)
6. 炎症性受容体の細胞膜移動の研究  (山崎弘美,松田直之)
7. 敗血症性アポトーシスの分子病態解析(二木元典,松田直之)
8. 全身性炎症反応症候群におけるグルコーストランスポータの解析 (内御堂 亮,丸山彩子,松田直之)
9. 敗血症病態における肺と心臓のcyclic AMP response elementの遺伝子治療(寺前洋生,松田直之)
10. 血管内皮細胞におけるDeath受容体解析 (影山俊一郎,松田直之)
11. 高血糖病態におけるNADPH oxydaseの活性変化の解析 (蒲ひかり,松田直之,木下浩之)
12. 急性膵炎および重症敗血症における中枢シグナルの変化:炎症性脳症および炎症性脊髄の病態解明 (星薬科大学薬品毒性学教室との共同研究)
13. 敗血症病態におけるインターロイキン6受容体シグナルの多臓器同時解析(松田直之)
14. 敗血症病態におけるAlert細胞特異的作用の薬剤特殊剤形の開発(共同研究者X,松田直之)
15. ニセクロハツキノコ中毒に対する拮抗薬の開発(共同研究者Z,松田直之)

服部裕一教授,山崎光章教授,小池 薫教授,劔物 修 名誉教授,星薬科大学薬品毒性学教室の皆さま,および企業との連携の下で,以上の研究を進める。

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2007年06月12日 19時24分41秒 | 研究指針
培養細胞からの細胞質タンパクおよび細胞膜タンパクの抽出(内御堂 亮・松田直之)

【準 備】

1. 作業はすべて氷上で行うため,十分量の氷を用意する。
2. -80℃で凍結していた細胞を4℃冷蔵庫で解凍する。
3. プロテアーゼインヒビタカクテル(SIGMA)を室温で解凍する。(時間がかかるので,まず,解凍を優先する。一度,解凍したものは10µLずつPCR用サンプリングチューブに小分けし,-20℃で専用ボックス内に保存する。)
4. 遠心機の温度を4℃に設定しておく。(温度が下がるのに時間がかかる可能性があるので,まず,やっておくこと。)
5. 十分量のHEPSバッファー(pH 7.5)を氷の中で冷やす。
6. ダウンス型ホモゲナイザを超純水で洗い,氷上で冷やしておく。
7. 廃液用のバッド,および,洗いに使う超純水ボトルを用意する。
8. ホモゲナイズのために用いる氷入りビーカーを用意する。(ホモゲナイザーが入る背の高い300~500 mLレベルの大きさのビーカーを選ぶとよい。)
9. ホモゲナイズしたサンプルを回収するエッペンドルフチューブを,サンプル群数の2倍数用意し,最終的保存に用いるチューブにはテプラⓡで作成した保存用のラベルを張る。(テプラⓡ:3行記載推奨;サンプル内容,群の特徴,作成日)(例:HMVEC,Glu 200 mg/dL 24h,07/06/12)


1. 解凍した細胞が入ったマイクロチューブにHEPSバッファを300 μL入れる。
2. 続けてプロテアーゼインヒビターカクテルを3 μL入れる。
3. マイクロチューブ内の細胞をピペッティングする。
4. ピペッティングした細胞をピペットで回収し,ダウンス型ホモゲナイザに入れる。
5. ダウンス型ホモゲナイザで,上下20回,細胞をホモゲナイズする。すりつぶす感覚で行う。
6. 泡がおさまるまで,氷上でしばらく待つ。
7. 泡がおさまったら内容物をピペットで回収し,用意していたマイクロチューブに入れる。
8. ホモゲナイザーを超純水で洗う。(壷は超純水で最低3回は洗い,棒は一度キムワイプで付着物をふき取ってから,超純水でよく洗う)
9. 新しいサンプルで,2~8の肯定を繰り返す。
10. ホモゲナイズされたサンプルを以下の条件で,遠心分離する。条件:4℃,600 g,10分間。松田研究グループは,チューブのヒンジを外側にするよう統一している。
11. 遠心の間に,上清を回収するためのマイクロチューブを氷上に用意する。
12. ヒンジの下の沈殿物を確認し,上清を回収し,全タンパクとする。沈殿物は核分画と未破砕細胞として,-80℃に保存する,あるいは,核タンパク回収系に持ち込む。

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基礎研究 当教室におけるzVAD-fmkに関する敗血症研究における留意点

2007年06月04日 13時26分04秒 | 研究指針

Sci. STKE, 24 October 2006
Vol. 2006, Issue 358, p. pe44
[DOI: 10.1126/stke.3582006pe44]

Caspase Inhibitors Promote Alternative Cell Death Pathways
Peter Vandenabeele*, Tom Vanden Berghe, and Nele Festjens

Molecular Signalling and Cell Death Unit, Department for Molecular Biomedical Research, Flanders Interuniversity Institute of Biotechnology (VIB) and Ghent University, Fiers-Schell-Van Montagu Building, Technologiepark 927, B-9052 Ghent, Belgium.

Abstract: The use of caspase inhibitors has revealed the existence of alternative backup cell death programs for apoptosis. The broad-spectrum caspase inhibitor zVAD-fmk modulates the three major types of cell death. Addition of zVAD-fmk blocks apoptotic cell death, sensitizes cells to necrotic cell death, and induces autophagic cell death. Several studies have shown a crucial role for the kinase RIP1 and the adenosine nucleotide translocator (ANT)–cyclophilin D (CypD) complex in necrotic cell death. The underlying mechanism of zVAD-fmk–mediated sensitization to necrotic cell death involves the inhibition of caspase-8–mediated proteolysis of RIP1 and disturbance of the ANT-CypD interaction. RIP1 is also involved in autophagic cell death. Caspase inhibitors and knockdown studies have revealed negative roles for catalase and caspase-8 in autophagic cell death. The positive role of RIP1 and the negative role of caspase-8 in both necrotic and autophagic cell death suggest that the pathways of these two types of cell death are interconnected. Necrotic cell death represents a rapid cellular response involving mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, decreased adenosine triphosphate concentration, and other cellular insults, whereas autophagic cell death first starts as a survival attempt by cleaning up ROS-damaged mitochondria. However, when this process occurs in excess, autophagy itself becomes cytotoxic and eventually leads to autophagic cell death. A better understanding of the molecular mechanisms of these alternative cell death pathways may provide therapeutic tools to combat cell death associated with neurodegenerative diseases, ischemia-reperfusion pathologies, and infectious diseases, and may also facilitate the development of alternative cytotoxic strategies in cancer treatment.

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基礎研究 核タンパク抽出プロトコール

2007年05月26日 20時25分36秒 | 研究指針
Nuclear protein extraction from 100 mg of tissue

Reagent: CelLytic NuCLEAR Extraction Kit
Product Code NXTRACT (SIGMA)

1 Dilute the l M DTT solution to 0.1 M with deionized, sterile water.
2 Prepare lx Lysis Buffer
 For tissues tested by Sigma the hypotonic buffer works better than the isotonic. Therefore, it is recommended to prepare lx Lysis Buffer, hypotonic. If the tissue is found to be too fragile, one can use the lx Lysis Buffer,isotonic.
 Add 10 μL of the prepared 0.1 M DTT solutionand 10μl of the protease inhibitor cocktail to 1000μL of lx Lysis Buffer.

3 Rinse the tissue twice with PBS buffer. Discard the PBS.

4 Resuspend the tissue gently in 1000μL (5X PCV) of the lx Lysis Buffer (containing DTT and protease inhibitors). 

5 Homogenize the tissue until more than 90% of the cells are broken and nuclei are visualized under the microscope 

6 Centrifuge the disrupted cells in suspension for 20 minutes at 10000-11000 x g. 

7 Transfer the supernatant to a fresh tube. This fraction is the cytoplasmic fraction.

8 Add 1.5μL of the prepared 0.1 M DTT solution and 1.5μL of the protease inhibitor cocktail to 147μL of the Extraction Buffer.
8.1 Note:If one wishes to extract nuclei proteins with a lower salt concentration the Extraction Buffer may be diluted with lx Dilution and Equilibration buffer.

9 Resuspend the crude nuclei pellet in ~140 µl(2/3X PCV of Extraction Buffer containing DTT and protease inhibitor. At this stage a short homogenization can be performed to facilitate nuclear extraction.

10 Shake gently for 30 minutes.

11 Centrifuge for 5 minutes at 20000- 21000 x g 

12 Transfer the supernatant to a clean, chilled tube.

13 Snap-Freeze the supernatant in aliquots with liquid nitrogen and store at -70 ℃. 


100 mgの組織からの核タンパク質抽出

1. 滅菌した脱イオン水を用いて1MのDTTを0.1Mに希釈して下さい。

2. 1X Lysis Bufferの準備
・組織サンプルの場合にはl x Lysis Buffer, hypotonicを用いています。非常に壊れやすい組織の場合には,l x Lysis Buffer,isotonicを使用することもできます。
・10μLの0.1 M DTTと10μLのプロテアーゼインヒビターカクテルを1,000 μLのl x Lysis Buffer に添加して下さい。

3. 組織サンプルをPBSで2回リンスして下さい。使用したPBSは捨てます。

4. 1,000 μL(5X PCV)のl x Lysis Buffer (DTTとプロテアーゼインヒビターカクテルを含む)で組織サンプルを穏やかに再懸濁します。

5. 90%以上の細胞が壊れて,核が現れるのを顕微鏡下で確認できるまで,組織をホモジネートして下さい。

6. 手順5の懸濁液を10,000-11,000 x gで20分間,遠心して下さい。


8. 1.5 μLの0.1 M DTT溶液と1.5μLのプロテアーゼインヒビターカクテルを,147 μLのl x Extraction Buffer に入れて下さい。低塩濃度で目的タンパク質の抽出する必要がある場合は,Extraction Bufferをl x Dilution and Equilibration Bufferで希釈して用います。

9.手順7で得られた未精製の核ペレットを140 μL以下(2/3X PCV)のExtraction Buffer(DTTとプロテアーゼインヒビターカクテルを含む)で再懸濁します。この時に軽くホモジネートをすると,核タンパクの抽出を促進することができます。

10. 穏やかに30分間シェイクします(松田購入 オートシャーカ使用)。

11. 20,000-21,000 x gで5分間,遠心します。

12. 上澄を冷えた新しいチューブに移して下さい。

13. 液体窒素で上澄を瞬間冷凍させ,-80 °Cで保存して下さい。

本プロトコールの手順で行うと,抽出された核タンパクは高塩濃度のExtraction Buffer中に存在しするようです。通常,高塩濃度のバッファー中にある抽出されたタンパクは,低濃度のバッファー(l x Dilution and Equilibration Buffer)で希釈をすることができます。また,高塩濃度中にある抽出されたタンパク質は濃縮されているため,EMSAやフットプリント法などの分析には少量で充分です。反応液に対して使用する抽出液量が少ないため,反応液中で塩は自然に希釈されます。実験上で塩によって影響が出る場合には,脱塩ゲルろ過カラムを用いて塩を除去します。この脱塩カラムにはDTT溶液を含んだl x Dilution and Equilibration Bufferが必要です。その場合,プロテアーゼインヒビター力クテルを溶出したタンパク溶液に添加して下さい。塩は透析によって除去できることもあります。その場合,lx Dilution and Equilibration Buffer(最終濃度が1 mMのDTTと,プロテアーゼインヒビターカクテルまたは0.5 m MAEBSFを含む)のような透析用バツフアーを使用して,核抽出溶液を透析します。

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基礎研究 DNAラベリング

2007年05月26日 20時25分15秒 | 研究指針
DNA Consensus Oligonucleotide Labeling

1)DNA Consensus Oligonucleotide (AP-1)
AP-l consensus oligonucleotide (Sigma Product NO. A9590) を使用 
(平滑末端のオリゴヌクレオチド, double stranded ,21 bases x 2=42 bases)


AP-l consensus oligonucleotide is supplied as dry, blunt-ended double-stranded synthetic oligonucleotide.
When reconstituted in 20 μl of H2O,the final concentration is l.75 pmole/μl (1.75 μM) and is ready to be end labeled with polynucleotide kinase. (total 35 pmoles)

10 μL of H2Oに溶かせば3.5 μM,あるいは14 μl of H2Oに溶かせば2.5μM(2.5 pmole/μL)となる。

2) T4 polynucleotide kinase (Takaraを使用) :10 units/μL (total volume 50 μL)
注意:T4 polynucleotide kinaseはMg要求性であり,5 mM DTTにて最大活性を示す。リン酸ナトリウムで50%阻害されるとともに,基質の末端形状と塩基配列の影響を受けることに注意する。
The above protocol can be applicable when using oligonucleotide with blunt or 3'-protruding end, however, the labeling efficiency in that case may be lower than that in a reaction using single-stranded nucleotide or one wifh 5'-protruding end.

10x Polynucleotide kinase buffer 1 ml添付
添付試薬組成(保存: -20°C)
    10XT4 Polynucleotide Kinase buffer
         500mM Tris・HCI, pH8.0
         100mM MgCl2
         50mM DTT      

3) γ-32P ATP (MP biomedicalを使用)
比活性166.5TBq/mmol, 370 MBq/ml (4500 Ci/mmol, 10 μCi/μl )

4) QIAquick nucleotide removal kit (Qiagen を使用)

A-1) labeling procedure

Labeling reaction:Total 10μl
H2O : 4.9μL
10x T4-PNK buffer : 1μL
  2.5μM DNA : 1μL   ( 2.5 pmoles)
γ-32P ATP :2.5μL ( 25μCi )
  T4-PNK :0.6μL  (6 units)
37°C for 30min
   ↓50°C for 15min

Removal of unincorporated AP-l consensus oligonucleotide

QIAquick Nucleotide Removal Kitプロトコール

酵素反応液(英語版Handbook 8ページ)では,放射性物質,ビオチン,DIGで標識したDNAフラグメントあるいは17 mer以上のオリゴヌクレオチドのクリーンアップ用に,プロトコールがデザインされているようです。

■ 使用前にエタノール(96~100%)をBuffer PEに添加します(添加量は試薬瓶のラベルを参照)。
■ すべての遠心ステップは,一般的な卓上マイクロ遠心機を用いて室温で行います。

1. 反応サンプルに10倍容量のBuffer PN を入れ混和する。
例えば反応サンプル50μLに Buffer PN 500μL添加します。100 bp以上のDNAフラグメントでは5倍容量のBuffer PNを使用します。
2. 2 mlのコレクションチューブ(添付)にQIAquickスピンカラムをセットします。
3. DNAを結合させるために,サンプルをQIAquickカラムにアプライし,10,000×gで1分間遠心操作します。
4. 放射性サンプルの場合:
  QIAquickカラムを新しい2 mLのコレクションチューブにセットし,放射性ろ過液を含むチューブは適切な方法で廃棄してください。
5. 放射性サンプルの場合:
QIAquickカラム洗浄のために,500μLのBuffer PEを添加し,10,000 × gで1分間遠心操作する。ろ過液を適切に廃棄し,さらに500μLのBuffer PEで洗浄を繰り返す。
  QIAquickカラム洗浄のために,750μLのBuffer PEを添加し,10,000 × gで1分間遠心する。
6. ろ過液を捨て,空になった同じチューブにQIAquickカラムを戻す。10,000 × gでさらに1分間遠心操作する。
重要点:ろ過液を除去した後にもう一度この遠心操作を行わなければ,Buffer PE由来の残留エタノールを完全に除去できない点に注意してください。
7. 新しい1.5 mLのマイクロ遠心チューブにQIAquickカラムをのせる。
8. DNAの溶出のために,100~200μLのBuffer EB(10 mM Tris-Cl、pH 8.5)あるいは水をQIAquickメンブレン表面の中央に添加し,10,000 × gで1分間遠心する。あるいは,DNA濃度を高めるために,30~50μLの溶出バッフアーをQIAquickメンブレンの中央に添加し,1分間カラムを放置後,1分間遠心する。
精製DNAはTE(10 mM Tris・Cl,l mM EDTA,pH 8.0)でも溶出できますが,EDTAが次に続く酵素反応を阻害することがあるので推奨しません。
9.精製したDNAをゲルで解析する際には,Loding Dyeに5倍容量の精製DNAを添加する。ゲルにアプライする前に数回ピペッティングし,よく混和する。
Loading dyeには3種類のマーカー色素(bromophenol blue,xylene cyanol,orange G)が入っており,DNAの移動距離の予測とアガロースゲルの泳動時間の至適化はかります。

Labeling reaction sample (10μL)
purification with the kit:QIAquick Nucleotide removal kit
   ↓←buffer PN:44μL
  onto column
  set the column onto a new 2mL tube
   ↓←buffer PE:500μL
   ↓6000rpm, 1min
   ↓←buffer PE:500μL
   ↓6000rpm, 1min 
↓discard filtrate, then centrifuge again:6000rpm, 1min (very important to remove ethanol in Buffer PE)
set the column onto a new 1.5mL tube
   ↓←buffer EB:60μL(onto column)
   ↓1min at room temp ( for better recovery)
   ↓6000 rpm, 5min
count: a new 1.5mL tubeに1μL添加後,直接ホルダーに入れて,カウントし,シンチレータは使わない。
binding reactionで10,000-30,000 cpm/μLになるように,水で希釈するための目安とする。

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