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重要事項 Lilly Announces Withdrawal of Xigris® Following Recent Clinical Trial Results

2011年10月29日 22時37分55秒 | 論文紹介 臨床研究
Xigris®の販売の中止が,Eli Lilly and Company より宣言されました。

NDIANAPOLIS, Oct. 25, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- Eli Lilly and Company (NYSE: LLY) announces withdrawal of its Xigris® [drotrecogin alfa (activated)] product in all markets following results of the PROWESS-SHOCK study, which showed the study did not meet the primary endpoint of a statistically significant reduction in 28-day all-cause mortality in patients with septic shock. The company is working with regulatory agencies on this withdrawal, and is in the process of notifying health care professionals and clinical trial investigators.
"While there were no new safety findings, the study failed to demonstrate that Xigris improved patient survival and thus calls into question the benefit-risk profile of Xigris and its continued use," said Timothy Garnett, M.D., Lilly's Senior Vice President and Chief Medical Officer. "Patients currently receiving treatment with Xigris should have treatment discontinued, and Xigris treatment should not be initiated for new patients."
"We believe the original Xigris approval was appropriate and these recent results were quite unexpected," Garnett added. "A contributing factor to these study results could be advances in the standard of care for treating severe sepsis over the past 10 years."
Xigris was approved in the United States by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in November 2001, and was licensed in the European Union in 2002. The PROWESS-SHOCK study was initiated in March of 2008 as a condition for continued market authorization in Europe. Lilly committed to conduct a new placebo-controlled clinical trial to help refine appropriate patient identification for treatment with Xigris and to confirm the benefit-risk profile of the product.
BioCritica, Inc. has sales and marketing rights for Xigris in the United States and Puerto Rico, and Lilly sells and markets Xigris in other countries.
Patients, physicians, pharmacists, or other healthcare professionals with additional questions about Xigris should contact The Lilly Answer Center at 1-800-LillyRx or visit www.Lilly.com.
About Severe Sepsis
Sepsis is a common and deadly disease(1). Severe sepsis can develop as a complication after common illnesses such as pneumonia and bacterial infections, and is characterized by an overwhelming systemic response to infection which can rapidly lead to organ failure and ultimately death.
About Xigris
Xigris (drotrecogin alfa [activated]) is a recombinant form of human Activated Protein C. It is administered by intravenous infusion. Based on the results of the PROWESS study the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved Xigris in November 2001 for the reduction of mortality in adult patients with severe sepsis who have a high risk of death (e.g., as determined by APACHE II). Xigris is not indicated in adult patients with severe sepsis and a lower risk of death (e.g., APACHE II score <25). Xigris is not indicated in pediatric patients. In 2002, the EMA licensed Xigris for the treatment of adult patients with severe sepsis with multiple organ failure when added to best standard care.

SHOCK, Vol. 34, Supplement 1, pp. 48Y53, 2010

Elie´zer Silva,* Luiz Francisco Poli de Figueiredo,† and Fernando Colombari*
*Intensive Care Unit, Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein; and †Faculdade de Medicina,
Universidade de Sa˜o Paulo, Sa˜o Paulo, Brazil

ABSTRACT―Sepsis remains a challenge for intensive care physicians, as it keeps up with high mortality rate in spite of the
high costs associated with its treatment. Several studies indicate that the infusion of Drotrecogin-alpha activated (DrotAA)
reduce mortality in patients at high risk of death when administered early and secured the appropriate initial treatment of
sepsis as recommended by Surviving Sepsis Campaign. Europe and United States of America differ regarding the criteria of
high risk of death in sepsis, two or more organ dysfunctions and Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation 25 or
more, respectively. In addition to varied definitions of high risk of death for inclusion of patients in sepsis studies, the
possibility of bleeding related to drug use and intrinsic limitations related to study design led the Company to develop a new
randomized, multinational, placebo-controlled, double-blind study to assess the effectiveness of drug in patients with septic
shock in adults.

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お知らせ DMORTの紹介

2011年10月26日 02時01分38秒 | その他のお知らせ
米国ではDMATの特殊チームとして,医師,看護師,検視官,法医学者,歯科医などからなる「災害死者家族支援チーム(DMORT=Disaster Mortuary Operational Response Team)」が存在し,災害現場や死体安置所などで遺体の識別や修復,遺族への連絡とこころのケア,検視検案を行なっている。
DMORT研究会 兵庫医科大学 吉永和正教授 & 事務局長 村上典子先生
〒651-0073 神戸市中央区脇浜海岸通1-3-1 神戸赤十字病院心療内科 気付
TEL 078-231-6006 FAX 078-241-7053

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講演のお知らせ 名古屋大学 第7回ホームカミングデイ 地域と大学で考える 未来を耕す「人・緑・食」

2011年10月14日 00時03分08秒 | お知らせ 講演会・セミナー
今回は,医学部・医学系研究科講演会として特別講演「震災医療を考える」を,座長 濵嶋信之 教授のもとで,


時間:2011年10月15日 10:30~11:30
場所:名古屋大学 ES総合館 1階 ESホール
JR名古屋駅・名鉄新名古屋駅・近鉄名古屋駅からの場合:地下鉄東山線 藤が丘行きに乗車し,本山駅で地下鉄名城線右回りに乗り換え,名古屋大学駅下車。所要時間約30分(乗換含)

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