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小講義 脱水時の皮膚状態 ツルゴール

2009年07月26日 04時25分51秒 | 講義録・講演記録4










1.  若者では手の甲を軽くつまみます。老人では前胸部の皮膚を軽くつまみます。
2.  つまんだ皮膚のもどり時間を評価します:2秒以内を正常とします。
3.  2秒以上を必要とする場合に「脱水」を疑います。
4.  パルスオキシメータ波形,脈圧の呼吸性変動をチェックして,脱水を最終評価します。


     ※ 子供の発熱では,脱水の評価の一つとしてツルゴールを評価するようにしています。

     ※ 脱水:脱力,網状皮斑,ツルゴール低下,CRT(capillary refilling time:毛細血管再充満時間>2秒),パルス波の呼吸性変動増強

       → ER:エコー評価追加







a. 奇脈
b. 頸静脈怒張
c. 心音増強
d. 皮膚ツルゴールの低下
e. 顔面発赤

答 a,b

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英文エッセイ Global Transformation of Emergency Medicine

2009年07月17日 04時55分34秒 |  ひまわり日記
Kyoto University Newsletter Raku-Yu 

Global Transformation of Emergency and Critical Care Medicine in Kyoto University

Naoyuki Matsuda MD, PhD
Associate Professor
Department of Primary Care & Emergency Medicine, Kyoto University

Profile Introduction
 Associate Prof. Matsuda, born the grandson of a surgeon and the son of a pediatrician, at first wanted to become a physician himself. However, after entering Hokkaido University, his interests were broadened and he chose to specialize in anesthesiology from which he could view a wide variety of specialties, and then leapfrogged into the world of emergency medicine and critical care medicine. When emergency medical treatment became a specialty on a nationwide scale he took an active part in its establishment as a member of the emergency department ward in Hokkaido University Hospital. He moved to Kyoto University in 2007, and he has been working tirelessly to cultivate emergency medical specialists and to ascertain an emergency health care system both for the University Hospital and the local communities. When he moved to Kyoto for his present post, those around him worried that Kyoto was behind the times as it was slower to establish emergency medical systems than other prefectures, but he now states brightly, “The academic research environment of Kyoto University is preeminent and the potential of doctors and individual students is also excellent. I’m very glad I came here because it was, above all, a pleasure to construct things from scratch.”As for the present conditions of emergency medicine, Associate Prof. Matsuda strongly feels the necessity for cultivating the ability to diagnose the condition of the individual patient first and foremost, even going so far as to consider his or her life background. “Nowadays, it seems that the specialization of diagnosis in each department has advanced to the point that patients are provided a diagnosis which equals the name of a disease, and a uniform medical treatment is prescribed. However, even with the same disease, symptoms are manifested differently depending on the individual.” After saying this, he continued with this interesting statement, “One of the merits of medical treatment in Japan is that it originally intended to seek‘medical care with hospitality (Motenashi-no-Iryo),’ which means that each patient should be carefully diagnosed and the best treatment should be found for patients respectively.”Associate Prof. Matsuda’s logical and intelligible words delivered with a smile as he continues to listen carefully toothers, resounds with a significant persuasive power.

 Kyoto was previously known as the most underdeveloped region regarding emergency medicine in Japan. The Department of Primary Care & Emergency Medicine was established at Kyoto University in April 2006. At present, specialists in emergency and intensive care medicine representing all of Japan have begun to gather in Kyoto, and to steadily improve the clinical outcome of emergency care. Our department is dedicated to providing sufficient acute disease treatment to university staff, our students, and neighboring patients, and is projected to improve the quality of emergency and intensive care medicine not only in Kyoto but throughout Japan.
 All faculty members and students of Kyoto University share the mentality to aspire to be “the best” and to lead the world in their specialties. Aside from being encouraged by words such as “Boys, be ambitious”*, each person has his/her unique academic goal and wishes to contribute to the world through their achievements. Despite such an environment, emergency and intensive care medicine has remained a lagging field of science, failing to show the world sufficient academic accomplishments. This situation derives from the lack of philosophy or a simplified hypothesis concerning the aims of emergency and intensive care medicine. Emergency medicine requires a medical system to appropriately assess the urgency of the condition and promptly initiate treatment on the one hand, and the ability to assiduously analyze acute disorder conditions on the other.
 Presently, I am conducting research on the pathophysiology and therapeutics of systemic inflammatory response syndrome. Vascular endothelial cell injury associated with this syndrome is the pathological condition to which emergency and critical care medicine attaches the greatest importance. In addition, a medical system that can completely cure conditions including multiple traumas, multiple organ failure, and post-resuscitation encephalopathy is necessary. For example, even pulmonary contusion after a traffic accident is not serious if it heals quickly, as in children. Influenza is also of low-level concern if it takes a mild course by immunological enhancement. The promotion of injury healing and enhancement of immunological competence are other aims of emergency medicine. I deem that the establishment of a discipline that enables physicians to avoid panicking or to restore composure is necessary.
 The breeze blows gently in Kyoto. The Kamo River flowing like a kimono emanates the sounds of running water and musical instruments. One reason for the sophisticated atmosphere here is that the Kyoto dialect has softer voiced consonants. I always emphasize four things to young doctors and young researchers: (1) Never say “No”, (2) Step lively, (3) Remember to smile, (4) Greet all in a loud, clear voice. The adoption of these measures creates a revitalized atmosphere in our university and laboratory. Their performance must not become introverted, inactive, and sullen-faced. Science begins by simplifying individual, habitual concepts, and then embracing a wide range of aspects. We wish to revere the quiet atmosphere of Kyoto, always seek a complexity-free emergency care system, and enrich the science of acute period pathophysiology through many academic accomplishments. I hope to disseminate this new discipline of emergency and intensive care medicine from Kyoto throughout the world.

* The famous phrase attributed to William Smith Clarke, the first vice president of Sapporo Agricultural College, which later became part of Hokkaido University in Japan.

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症例 急性中毒 アルカリ薬摂取について

2009年07月17日 04時34分51秒 |  ひまわり日記

症 例 







■ ジョイ(P&G)

■ ドメスト(ユニリーバ社)



■ アルカリ対策

■ 界面活性剤対策

■ ICU管理を念頭に置く

■ 食道離断術の可能性を念頭に置く

■ 胃・十二指腸穿孔の可能性を念頭に置く

■ 下部消化管出血の可能性


 管理第2病日からではあったが,ミルクの強制摂取とアルサルミンが投与された。第14病日の上部消化管内視鏡像では,食道胃接合部(SCJ ) 直上に5mm以下のmucosal breakを認め,逆流性食道炎(GERD)様所見とパレット食道(SSBE)を認めたものの,結果的には狭窄・潰瘍・瘢痕形成を残していなかった。パレット食道は,食道側への円柱上皮のはい上がりが3 cm未満(SSBE)と3 cm以上(LSBE)の2つに分類している。呼吸管理は,気管挿管には至らず,非侵襲的人工呼吸管理BiPAPで対応できるレベルに留まった。喉頭蓋,声門部,肺野の病変は,第14病日には消退した。

【注 意】

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講義 急性中毒 ヤカツ中毒

2009年07月16日 04時05分08秒 |  ひまわり日記

中毒診療 ヤカツ中毒





症 例

 ヤカツ(冶葛,G. elegans)は,胡蔓藤(コマントウ)とも呼ばれ,ベトナムなど東南アジアや中国南部で古くから猛毒として知られ,最強の猛毒植物と考えられています。吹矢にも用いられ,葉3枚とコップ1杯の水で死ぬという民間伝承があります。ヤカツの葉は対生し,筒状の花をつけることが知られてています。

 この葉3枚と数枚を煎じて飲み自殺を図ろうとしましたが,ご自身で死ぬかもしれないと心配されて救急搬入されています。救急車での搬入は,ヤカツを飲んだ約2時間後だったようです。このヤカツなどのGelsemium alkaloidの毒性は,gelsemineやgelsemicineにより惹起されると考えられていますが,いずれもN-メトキシオキシインドールであり,この構造が毒性発現に必須と言われてています。Gelsemicineの致死量は約0.05 mgと評価されており,これらはクラーレやストリキニーネと類似の神経毒です。非脱分極性筋弛緩作用を主体とするため, 呼吸筋力の低下状態が観察されれば気管挿管し,人工呼吸管理を行い,輸液や濾過透析などの対症療法で救命できると思います。しかし,本例では左側臥位での胃洗浄で,大量の胃内容物に加え,3枚の葉までも取り出すことができています。しかし,来院時より眼瞼下垂,瞳孔散大,複視,脱力症状や呼吸苦を伝えており,人工呼吸管理を念頭に置きましたが,時系列と筋弛緩症状は改善し,人工呼吸管理に至らずに対応できました。呼吸ができなくなり,苦しんで死亡することになりますので,ヤカツなどには注意していただきたいとも思います。


Gelsemium elegans Benth (Loganiaceae/マチン科)


ヤカツは,黄色い花を咲かせる毒性の高い毒草です。中国では,「冶葛」「胡蔓藤(こまんとう)」「胡満蔃(こまんきょう)」「鈎吻(こうふん)」などと呼ばれ,唐の法律書「唐律疏議」 (653年)にも記載されている毒草です。


■ 神経筋接合部遮断

■ 消化器症状
口腔や咽喉の灼熱, 悪心・嘔吐,下痢,便秘など。

※ 漢方では,ヤカツの根を外用薬として使っていたことがあり,正倉院鳳凰堂の中にも冶葛壷の中に少量が現存するとのことです。

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