


2019-03-29 14:19:19 | 英語特許散策

"It is more convenient to be able to power portable devices without the need to plug in a traditional power cable into the device. For example some wireless power systems include a portable device that when placed near a wireless power supply unit can receive power without the need for a direct electrical contact. However, when there is no device on the unit (or when the only devices on the unit are fully charged) it is possible to keep the power consumption at a minimum. 

Some wireless power units have a standby mode, whereby it periodically transmits power for a short period to look for devices. If the unit detects a valid device that is requesting power and determines that there are no foreign objects that would get hot or hinder power transfer in the vicinity then the unit may come out of standby. "




"After the actions associated with block 418 occur and the caller data has been transmitted to the terminating mobile device 318, termination of the call may proceed normally. Accordingly, at block 420, the service control point 308 stops holding termination of the call, and sends an origination request response to the home location register 304 via the signal transfer point 306."


"The callback handler waits for the XMLHTTP operation to complete and the callback is executed. When the response is received at 1344, the current request is removed from the dispatch queue 1346, and dispatcher is set to further dequeue at step 1348. The response is passed to the calling script at step 1350. "


"Threads also often need to communicate with one another. For example, one thread may be a consumer of data produced by another thread. The producer thread may need to signal the consumer thread when data is available for the consumer thread. Conversely, the consumer thread may need to signal to the producer thread that the consumer cannot accept any more data. Interthread communication can be achieved using condition variables. A condition variable is employed by a thread to make itself wait until some condition, which may depend on another thread, is met. For example, when a producer thread finds it cannot continue, e.g. if its output buffer is full, the producer thread executes a wait condition instruction and suspends execution. When the condition has been met, e.g. the producer's output buffer is no longer full, another process such as the consumer can wake up the producer thread by executing a signal instruction for the condition variable that the producer is waiting on. "


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