


2018-07-21 21:57:47 | 英語特許散策

"[0031] As evidenced from the cycling data for SCSPs, capacity fading was still fairly significant for the SCSP cathode, and is most likely due to the encapsulation of an extremely electronically insulating material (Ss) with another insulating material (SiO2, band gap ̃9 eV). The capacity loss experienced with SCSPs alone was the impetus for the addition of mrGO to the cathode mixture, and study thereof. 

[0032] According to FIG. 4A(c), the capacity decay of SCSPs is markedly improved with the addition of mrGO. From cycles 2 through 50, an average capacity loss per cycle was only 8.6 mAhg<−1 >was experienced, with an improved Coulombic efficiency of ̃99.3%. The CV curve also shows excellent stability of the mrGO-enhanced cathode, exhibiting a more diverse range of redox peaks compared to that of SCSPs alone (FIG. 4B(b)). While the lithiation and delithiation peaks stabilize after the first few cycles, there is also a slight up-field shift in their redox potentials after cycle 1; this shift and subsequent stabilization is likely due to the entrapment of SiO2 and polysulfides between mrGO sheets. "

「[0026] SCSPについてのサイクル動作データから分かるように、容量減衰は、SCSPカソードで依然かなり大きかったが、これは、おそらくは、他の絶縁材料(SiO2, バンドギャップ約9eV)による、極端に電子的絶縁性の高い材料(S8)の囲みこみによるものである。SCSP単独の場合に被る容量損失が、カソード混合物へのmrGOの添加を行うこと、およびその研究を行うことの契機であった。 

[0027] 図4A(c)によると、SCSPの容量崩壊は、mrGOの添加によりかなり改善される。サイクル2〜50では、サイクルごとの平均の容量損失は、わずか8.6 mAhg<-1>であり、クーロン効率が約99.3%と改善された。CV曲線は、また、mrGO増強カソードのすばらしい安定性を示し、SCSP単独での酸化還元ピーク(図4B(b))に比較して、より多様な酸化還元ピークを示す。リチウム化ピーク及び脱リチウム化ピークは、最初の数サイクルで安定化するが、サイクル1の後に、その酸化還元電位に、わずかな上昇場シフト(up-field shift)も存在し、このシフト及び後続の安定化は、おそらく、mrGOシート間のSiO2と多硫化物の捕捉による。 」

"[0026] The probe's sensitivity to temperature changes is further reduced by minimizing heat transfer into the probe from outside of the probe. This is achieved by using a high conductivity polymer material for the case, so that the inside surface of the case is closer to an isothermal surface, thus minimizing thermal gradients inside the probe and providing an insulating layer of air or a highly insulating material such as aerogel or a vacuum gap around the probe core, or former, and windings. In addition to the selection of materials, the coil configurations may be selected to reduce thermal effects. "

「[0018] 温度変化に対するプローブの感度は、プローブの外部からプローブへの熱伝達を最小化することによってさらに低減される。これは、ケースに高い導電性高分子材料を使用することによって達成され、それによって、ケースの内面は、等温面に近くなり、結果として、プローブ内の温度勾配を最小化し、空気の絶縁層、あるいはエアロゲルまたはプローブコアまたは形成部および巻線の周りの真空間隙等の絶縁性の高い材料を提供する。材料の選択に加えて、コイル構成も、熱効果を低減するように選択することができる。 」

"2) With a Neutral Beam, any material may be processed, including highly insulating materials and other materials that may he damaged by electrical charging effects, without the necessity of providing a source of target neutralizing electrons to prevent workpiece charging due to charge transported to the workpiece by an ionized beam. When employed with conventional GCIB, target neutralization to reduce charging is seldom perfect, and the neutralizing electron source itself often introduces problems such as workpiece heating, contamination from evaporation or sputtering in the electron source, etc. Since a Neutral Beam does not transport charge to the workpiece, such problems are reduced. "

「[0041] (2)中性ビームを用いると、イオン化されたビームによってワークピースに輸送される電荷に起因するワークピースの荷電を防止するためのターゲット中性化電子ソースを設ける必要なく、高い絶縁性を有する材料および荷電効果による損傷を受ける可能性のある他の材料を含む任意の材料を処理することができる。従来のGCIBを用いる場合、荷電を減少させるためのターゲット中性化は完全になされることは希であり、中性化電子ソース自体が、ワークピースの加熱や電子ソースにおける蒸着(evaporation)やスパッタリングからの汚染等の問題を引き起こすことが多い。中性ビームはワークピースへ電荷を輸送しないので、そのような問題は低減する。 」

"The tissue layers that make up the thorax and the abdomen all influence the measurement of transthoracic impedance. Each tissue has a different conductivity that influences the magnitude and direction of current flow between electrodes. Beginning with the outermost layer, the surface of the body is covered by skin, which presents a high resistivity but is only about 1mm thick. Under the skin is a layer of fat, which also has a high resistivity. However, the thickness of this layer is highly variable and depends on body location and the body type of the subject. Moving posterior to anterior, below the layer of skin and fat, are the postural muscles, which are anisotropic. They have a low resistivity in the longitudinal direction but a high resistivity in all other directions, which leads to a tendency to conduct current in a direction that is parallel to the skin. Below the muscle are the ribs, which, as bone, are highly insulating. Therefore, current through the thorax can only flow between bones. Once current reaches the lungs, it is hypothesized that current travels through the blood, which has one of the lowest resistances of any body tissue. Aeration of the lungs and compression of the chest changes the size of the lung and the pathway of current flow, and manifests itself as a change in resistance or impedance that can be measured. "


"It has surprisingly been discovered that impedance measurements can reflect total intrathoracic volume which relates to lung volume and cardiac volume in the CPR situation. CPR works by compressing the thorax and forcing blood out of the heart to the brain and body. Each compression in the non-intubated patient both pushes blood out of the heart and air out of the lungs. In this case, the measured impedance decreases. This is precisely when and how blood is pumped to the body, brain and heart during CPR."


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2018-07-21 17:11:22 | 英語特許散策

"1. A method for manufacturing a stator, comprising
attaching a coil portion to slots by pivoting the coil portion about a connecting wire in a state in which a plurality of the coil portions are connected together by the connecting wire for each phase, the coil portions including a first coil portion that includes one first slot-housed portion to be arranged on a radially inner side of a first slot of a stator core and the other first slot-housed portion to be arranged on a radially outer side of a second slot provided at a position spaced away from the first slot in a circumferential direction, the other first slot-housed portion being spaced away from the one first slot-housed portion in the circumferential direction."

「1. ステータコアの第1のスロットの内径側に配置される一の第1スロット収容部、および、前記第1のスロットとは周方向に離れた位置に設けられる第2のスロットの外径側に配置されるとともに、前記一の第1スロット収容部とは周方向に離れた他の第1スロット収容部を有する第1コイル部を含むコイル部が、各々の相毎に複数個ずつ渡り線により接続された状態で、前記渡り線を中心として回動されることにより、前記コイル部をスロットに組み付ける工程を備える、ステータの製造方法。」

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