長尾景虎 上杉奇兵隊記「草莽崛起」<彼を知り己を知れば百戦して殆うからず>


「日本経済復興計画」“Japanese Economic Recovery Plan”

2024年04月02日 05時28分26秒 | 日記



“Japanese Economic Recovery Plan”

Thirty years ago, there was what was called a bubble economy.
For quite some time now, many people have wondered whether the so-called bubble economy from 1988 to 1991 was really a harvest, or a loss that was the result of the times. I started thinking and trying to make choices.
We are living in a time when stock prices are high, reminiscent of those days, and the economy is booming, albeit only for large companies. Japan is in such an economic situation.
The highest Nikkei stock price since the bubble economy in more than 30 years --- Of course, the people buying Japanese stocks are ``simply'', amateurs, and a small number of people.
Also, contrary to the economic boom, the yen is weakening, with the dollar reaching the 150 yen level.
However, it seems that this booming economy... or rather, rising stock prices, is not a return to the bubble economy. During the bubble economy, there was a 60-fold difference between the Nikkei stock price and EPS (earnings per share), but in the current economic boom, the Nikkei stock price and EPS are almost linked.
In other words, it can be said that the liquidation of Japan's bubble economy has ended, and in the true sense of the word, strong stock prices and improvement in the performance of Japan's large companies have been achieved. This is reliable.
However, the majority of Japanese people have no real sense of the economic boom.
This seems to be because the current high stock prices and booming economy are related to large companies, not small and medium-sized enterprises, which account for 70% of the total. It's more like that.
It seems that the Bank of Japan has lifted negative interest rates and is bidding farewell to another level of monetary easing.
However, even if negative interest rates are excluded, the figure is still 0.2%, so it is within the margin of error.
Since Japan had a strong economy 30 years ago, wages and prices have not risen, but recently prices have skyrocketed and energy prices have also skyrocketed, but Japan has become a truly "cheap country". I did. In other words, the national power has declined.
In terms of GDP (Gross Domestic Product) ratio, Japan has moved from second place after the United States to third place after being overtaken by China, then fourth place after being overtaken by Germany, and it is said that India will overtake Japan around 2030.
Of course, Japan has much to offer. There are some ignorant people who refer to Japan as a ``snowman who has run out of money.'' I can't close my mouth because of my ignorance.
Japanese people have 2,100 trillion yen in personal financial assets, and companies are holding on to their private funds... In other words, Japanese companies are hoarding 550 trillion yen ---Japan's National Wealth/Japan The total wealth of is 7000 trillion yen. Where is “Suneo who ran out of money”?
In short, after the Japanese experienced the hardships of the bubble economy, they became less greedy and started saving money.
This is not something that should be criticized in general, but I think it is fair to save money and make deposits just in case. However, companies should still give back to their employees.
The first thing we need to do is raise the salaries of Japanese people. Even if the status quo is maintained, Japan cannot survive unless wages are raised. From then on, the productive population will continue to decline sharply. In other words, there will be a labor shortage, and the number of young people paying pensions will continue to decline. It is decreasing drastically. Due to the lack of human resources and labor shortages, wages must be increased.
Then we will increase exports. This is the development of a global market of 7 billion people.
And raise wages between men and women. Smart immigration policy. Disposing of zombie companies that should be destroyed. Furthermore, one of the catalysts for the Japanese economy is ``Japan, a tourism-based nation.''
Japan still has a lot to do. The possibilities are endless.
It is true that Google and Amazon were not born in Japan. At best, it was Merikari, ZOZO, Softbank, Rakuten, and Uniqlo. However, even that is no longer possible in Japan. From now on, the ``Japan's Economic Recovery Plan'' will become even more important.
Everyone should use their heads, work diligently, pay taxes, and show their mettle by volunteering at children's cafeterias, even those living on pensions or receiving welfare. That's fine.
Japan has become a too cheap country. But there is still hope.
As has been said for a long time, Japan is safe. It's safe, the food is safe, and the region is rich in tourist resources. The bottleneck for Japanese people is a lack of English conversation skills, but there are ways to counter this.
First of all, we have no choice but to plot the revival of Japan through the ``tourism-oriented nation'' business.
Hot springs, skiing, spring cherry blossom viewing, scenic areas such as Okinawa and Hokkaido, and delicious Japanese food.
It is often said that Japanese people are mean, but this is a relative thing, and there are many kind people.
I often think that there is a requirement for people involved in tourism from overseas to be able to speak Japanese, but while it's better to understand Japanese, on the other hand, it is better to be able to speak English, Chinese, Arabic, and Korean. , etc. can cover Japanese people's ``difficulty in English''.
Then, ask influencers to introduce Japan to you.
Japan's tourism goal is 30 million people a year. The key is to secure lodging and transportation such as taxis. That is the problem.
However, there are many ways to get around, such as Ridesure, on-demand taxis, and self-driving taxis. As for lodging, we must not only expand the number of hotels, but also reform the lodging facilities, such as private lodging, vacant houses, and public facilities.The first thing we need to do is to use our heads.
France and Italy, which are major tourist destinations, receive between 400 and 600 million tourists a year, so Japan should aim for about that amount as well. Overtourism is also a problem.
Therefore, we need an organization called the Ministry of Tourism, not the Tourism Agency.
Precisely because Japan has become a cheap country, the resources of ``low prices,'' ``safety,'' ``tourism resources,'' ``Japanese food,'' ``cheap Japanese products,'' and ``accurate means of transportation'' have become Japan's new bargaining power (the country's selling point). ).
From now on, the main business will be to become a "tourism-oriented nation" based on inbound demand (foreign visitors to Japan).
"Manga" and "anime" are also Japan's strengths. From now on, it may become China instead of Japan. More and more Japanese anime creators are being poached by China with favorable treatment.
Animators in Japan are paid poorly, only a tenth of the wages in China.
In this case, Japanese animators will eventually have to become "subcontractors" (to China).
With the declining birthrate and aging population, new high economic growth cannot be expected.
If so, tourism will be Japan's major industry in the future.
On the other hand, this is the only option.
Conversely, in Japan, which has become even more of a ``cheap country,'' the only source of energy is the tourism industry.
From now on, "English conversation" and "hospitality" will become a new Japan.
From now on, we will have a green tourism revolution in "tourism" and "environment."
Let's do it. We can do it. Let's rebuild the great nation of Japan once again!
Let's keep the economy going and let each and every one of us do our best for Japan!
Now is the time to revive the Japanese economy with wisdom and strategy.
We can do it. Everything changes when each of us joins forces and works together. Everything will improve dramatically. And these are the actions that are necessary for the current recovery of the Japanese economy. In that sense, we have hope. All that remains is for us to act.
With these words, I will end this story. Let's work hard together!
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