kuringo's Blog


Daily Routine

2014年11月10日 12時09分55秒 | 日記
Push-ups:0 times
Walking: a total of 90 minutes
Standing with one leg :10 minutes each
jogging on the spot :0 minutes

Three years and 337 days in a row since I quit smoking.
I didn't do push-ups yesterday as I was a little too busy, and
I hope to resume them as soon as possible.
Actually I've got an interest in statistics and mathematics.
I've started to study math ⅠA, using the so-called "Green
Chart"ⅠA+ⅡB.....I'm wondering I should have bought White series,
which is said to be for beginners like me.
Anyway, I'll have to challenge.....I really hope to get through with it.
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