税理士 倉垣豊明 ブログ

東京武蔵野市(三鷹)の税理士 相続税、贈与税等資産税対策、法人・個人向け税務・会計・会社法のブログ

Income Statement(損益計算書)

2007-10-01 08:07:32 | 会計


米国のCombined stgatement of income and comprihensive income は次のようになっています。
Cost of Goods Sold(売上原価)
Gross Profit(売上総利益)
Operating Expenses(営業費)
: Selling Expenses(販売費)
: General and Administrative Expenses(一般管理費)
Ooerating Income/Loss(営業損益)
Other Revenues and Gains(その他の収益)
Other Expenses and Losses(その他の費用)
Income/Loss from Continuing Operations before income Taxes(税引前継続事業損益)
Income Taxes(法人税等)
: Current(当年分)
: Deferred(繰延税金)
Income/Loss from Continuing Operations(継続事業損益)
Discontinued Operations(廃止事業)
: Gain/Loss from Operations of Discontinued Component(Including Gain/Loss on Disposal)(廃止コンポーネントからの損益)
: Income Tax Expense/Benefit(法人税等)
Income/Loss before Extraordinary items(臨時損益控除前損益)
Extraordinary items(net of tax)(臨時損益項目)
Net Income/Loss(当期純損益)
Other Comprehensive Income/Loss(net of tax)(その他の包括損益)
Comprehensive Income/Loss(包括損益)
国際会計検定 東京商工会議所発行より)

Gain/Loss from Operations of Discontinued Component(Including Gain/Loss on Disposal)(廃止コンポーネントからの損益)

Extraordinary items(net of tax)(臨時損益項目)

Other Comprehensive Income/Loss(net of tax)(その他の包括損益)
イ、Foreign Currency Translation Adjustument(外貨換算調整勘定)
ロ、Unrealized Holding Gain or Loss on Available-for-Sale Securities(売却可能有価証券の未実現損益)
ハ、Gain or loss,Prior Service Cost or Credit, and Transition Asset or Obligation Associated with Pensions(年金制度に関連した純損益、過去勤務債務・債権、移行差額)
ニ、Changes in Fair Value of Derivatives(デリバティブの公正価値の変動)

倉垣税理士事務所の公式WEB http://kuragaki.jp