


2021-03-24 22:19:02 | 日記

British man arrested for littering says he mistook mailbox for trashcan

A British national living in Japan was arrested on suspicion of contravening the Waste Management Act by discarding bento lunchbox trash into mailboxes. He has reportedly told police he thought the mailbox was a trash can.


arrest:逮捕する litter:ゴミをちらかす mailbox:郵便ポスト
trashcan:ゴミ箱 suspicion:疑い contravening:違反
Waste Management: Acy:廃棄物処理法 discard:捨てる
trash:ゴミ reportedly:伝えられるところでは






「British man arrested for littering says」

「arrested」は(逮捕した)と訳しそうですが、「British arrested」で(イギリス人が逮捕した)となり、文脈的に変です。この「arrested」は過去分詞で(逮捕された)の意味になり、前の(イギリス人)を修飾します。


「he mistook mailbox for trashcan」


「A British national living in Japan was arrested」

「on suspicion of contravening the Waste Management Act」

「by discarding bento lunchbox trash into mailboxes」


「He has reportedly told police」

「he thought the mailbox was a trash can」


2021-03-23 21:33:37 | 日記
Police officer fatally shoots knife-wielding man on central Japan city street

Toyama Police Station received an emergency call from a woman, who stated that the neighobor asked me to call the police because her son is acting violently. Officers rushed to the scene, and the suspect pointed a knife at a male police officer, saying, "I'll stab you." The officer warned him, "Drop the knife or I'll shoot." He subsequently fired a single shot from about 5 meters away.

fatally:致命的に shoot:撃つ wield:振りまわす emergency:緊急
state:述べる rush:急行する scene:現場 suspect:容疑者 stab:刺す
warn:警告する subsequently:それに続いて






「Police officer fatally shoots」

「fatally shoots」の直訳は(致命的に撃つ)ですが、(撃って殺す)→(射殺する)になります。

「knife-wielding man on central Japan city street」


「Toyama Police Station received an emergency call from a woman」

「, who stated that the neighobor asked me to call the police」

「, who」は関係代名詞ですが、前にコンマがある関係代名詞は(そして彼女は)や(そしてそれは)とコンマを「and」にして訳したほうが訳しやすいです。

「because her son is acting violently」

「Officers rushed to the scene」

「and the suspect pointed a knife at a male police officer」

「saying, "I'll stab you."」

「The officer warned him」

「Drop the knife or I'll shoot」

「He subsequently fired a single shot from about 5 meters away」


2021-03-22 20:43:26 | 日記
'1 cup of noodles per day': COVID-19 aggravates poverty among isolated young in Japan

Many young adults including those who moved out of foster care facilities have been isolated and pushed to the edge amid the coronavirus pandemic, with cries of help heard from people who can only afford one cup of instant noodles per day.


per:~につき COVID-19:新型コロナウイルス aggravate:追い打ちをかける poverty:貧困 isolate:孤立させる include:含む those:人々 foster care:児童養護 facility:施設 edge:崖っぷち amid:~の中 afford: 買うことができる 






「1 cup of noodles per day」

「COVID-19 aggravates poverty」

「among isolated young in Japan」


「Many young adults」

「including those」


また「those」は「those people」のことで(人々)。その次の「who」は関係代名詞です。

「who moved out of foster care facilities」


「have been isolated and pushed to the edge」

「amid the coronavirus pandemic」

「with cries of help」

「heard from people」


「who can only afford one cup of instant noodles per day」


2021-03-19 13:04:56 | 日記
Tokyo Olympic organizers to meet Sat. on fate of overseas spectators

The organizers of this summer's Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics will hold an online meeting on Saturday and most likely agree that overseas spectators will not be allowed to attend the games amid the coronavirus pandemic, officials familiar with the schedule said Thursday.


orgnizer:組織者 fate:運命、最終決定 spectator:観客 most likely:十中八九
agree:同意する allow:許す attend:出席する amid:~の中
pandemic:大流行 familiar:精通している official:当局者






「Tokyo Olympic organizers 《are》 to meet Sat.」

「be to」はこれもいつものパターンです。教科書や参考書では「be to」は(可能)(許可)(禁止)(未来)を表すとありますが、それぞれ「can」「may」「must」「will」のことです。「be to」=助動詞と覚えておいてください。

「on fate of overseas spectators」


「The organizers of this summer's Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics will hold an online meeting on Saturday」

「and most likely agree that」

「overseas spectators will not be allowed to attend the games」

「amid the coronavirus pandemic」

「officials familiar with the schedule said Thursday」


2021-03-18 13:00:34 | 日記
Teen ordered to pay $72K for injuring elderly woman in sidewalk collision

The district court ordered a teen girl to pay some 7.9 million yen in damages in a lawsuit filed by an elderly woman who claimed that she was injured and left with a disability after the girl collided into her on a street in 2017.


order:命じる injure:怪我をさせる sidewalk:歩道 collision:衝突 district:地方 court:裁判所 damage:損傷 lawsuit:訴訟 file:提訴する claim:主張する






「Teen 《is》 ordered to pay $72K」

「for injuring elderly woman in sidewalk collision」



「The district court ordered a teen girl to pay some 7.9 million yen」

「in damages」

「in a lawsuit」」

「filed by an elderly woman」



「who claimed that」

「she was injured and left with a disability」

「after the girl collided into her on a street in 2017」