


2018-01-31 15:54:49 | 日記
Japanese manga artist Kazuo Umezu wins French award

Japanese manga artist Kazuo Umezu has won an award at one of Europe's largest comic festivals held in France for a comic featuring a robot that develops emotions, his publisher said Tuesday. "This is an award from France, which loves manga as art. I'm truly happy!" Umezu said in a statement.

award 賞
feature   主人公にする
develop   発達させる
emotion   感情
statement  声明






「Japanese manga artist Kazuo Umezu wins French award」


「Japanese manga artist Kazuo Umezu has won an award」

「at one of Europe's largest comic festivals」

「held in France」


「for a comic featuring a robot」



「that develops emotions」

「his publisher said Tuesday」

「This is an award from France」


「which loves manga as art」

「I'm truly happy」

「Umezu said in a statement」


2018-01-30 15:14:15 | 日記
Floods peak in Paris as France sees worst rains in 50 years

PARIS (AP) -- Floodwaters peaked in Paris on Monday and were threatening towns downstream as the rain-engorged Seine River winds through Normandy toward the English Channel. Rivers swollen by France's heaviest rains in 50 years have engulfed romantic quays in Paris, swallowed up gardens and roads, halted riverboat cruises -- and raised concerns about climate change.


flood    洪水
peak   ピークに達する
threaten   脅かす
downstream  下流の
engorge   満腹にさせる
wind   曲がりくねって進む
English Channel 英仏海峡
swollen= swell(膨らむ)の過去分詞
engulf   飲み込む
quay    川岸の散歩道
swallow   飲み込む
halt    停止させる
cruise   クルージング
concern   不安
climate 気候



パリ(AP) -- 月曜日、パリの洪水がピークに達した、そして雨で満腹にさせられたセーヌ川が英仏海峡へ向かってノルマンディ地方を通って曲がりくねって進んでいるので、下流の町をおびやかしている。フランスの50年でもっとも多い量の雨によって膨らまされた川はロマンティックな川岸の散歩道を飲み込み、庭園や道路を水浸しにし、リバーボートのクルーズを停止させた。そして気候変動についての不安を高めている。



「Floods peak in Paris」

「as France sees worst rains in 50 years」


「Floodwaters peaked in Paris on Monday」

「and were threatening towns downstream」

「as the rain-engorged Seine River winds」


「through Normandy toward the English Channel」

「Rivers swollen by France's heaviest rains in 50 years」


「have engulfed romantic quays in Paris」

「swallowed up gardens and roads」

「halted riverboat cruises」

「and raised concerns about climate change」


2018-01-29 14:57:05 | 日記
More real estate agencies working to globalize by catering to foreigner clients

One particularly high hurdle for students and other foreign citizens coming to live in Japan is renting an apartment. A survey commissioned by the Ministry of Justice concluded that nearly 40 percent of foreigners in Japan have been denied housing because they are not Japanese. To change these circumstances, real estate agencies that cater especially to foreigners have begun to appear.


real estate 不動産
agency   仲介業者
globalize   国際化する
cater    対応する
client   客
particularly  特に
rent     賃借する
survey   調査
commission   委託する
Ministry of Justice  法務省
conclud    結論を出す
deny    拒否する
circumstance  状況
especially   特に
appear   現れる






「More real estate agencies 《are》 working to globalize」

「by catering to foreigner clients」




「One particularly high hurdle for students and other foreign citizens」

「coming to live in Japan」



「is renting an apartment」


「A survey commissioned by the Ministry of Justice」


「concluded that」

「nearly 40 percent of foreigners in Japan have been denied housing」

「because they are not Japanese」

「To change these circumstances」

「real estate agencies that cater especially to foreigners」

「have begun to appear」


2018-01-26 17:18:01 | 日記
Modern fossil discovery rewrites human history

(CNN) -- Scientists have discovered the oldest modern human fossil outside of Africa, estimated to be between 177,000 and 194,000 years old.
This suggests that modern humans may have been migrating from Africa, at least 50,000 years earlier than previously believed. This rewrites the timeline of what we know about how Homo sapiens spread.


modern 最近の
fossil   化石
rewrite   書き換える
estimate   推定する
suggest   示す
migrate   移り住む
at least 少なくとも
previously  これまで
timeline   年表
spread 分散する



(CNN) -- 科学者たちがアフリカ以外の場所でもっとも古い現代人の化石を発見した。それは17万7000年から19万4000の間の古さだと推定れる。このことは現代人がこれまで信じられていたより少なくとも5万年はやく、アフリカから移り住んでいたかもしれないということを示している。これはどうやってホモ・サピエンスが分散していったかについて私たちが知っていることについての年表を書き換える。



「Modern fossil discovery rewrites human history」


「Scientists have discovered the oldest modern human fossil outside of Africa」

次の「, estimated」は「, being estimated」の「being」の省略です。

「, estimated to be between 177,000 and 194,000 years old」

「This suggests that」

「modern humans may have been migrating from Africa」

「at least 50,000 years earlier than previously believed」

「This rewrites the timeline of」

「what we know」


「about how Homo sapiens spread」


2018-01-25 16:39:01 | 日記
Olympics: Athletes gather for Winter Olympics inauguration ceremony

Speed skater Nao Kodaira and ski jumper Sara Takanashi on Wednesday joined a group of Japanese athletes for an inauguration ceremony ahead of next month's Pyeongchang Winter Olympics. Kodaira, who has been appointed team captain, and Takanashi, who acted as the flag bearer for the day, fulfilled their non-athletic duties at the ceremony.


athlete 運動選手
inauguration  開始
ceremny   式
ahead of   ~に先立つ
appoint    任命する
bearer   支える人
fulfill   果たす
non-athletic  運動競技でない  
duty    任務







「Athletes gather for Winter Olympics inauguration ceremony」


「Speed skater Nao Kodaira and ski jumper Sara Takanashi on Wednesday joined」

「a group of Japanese athletes」

「for an inauguration ceremony」

「ahead of next month's Pyeongchang Winter Olympics」

「Kodaira, who has been appointed team captain」

「and Takanashi, who acted as the flag bearer for the day」

「fulfilled their non-athletic duties at the ceremony」