


2022-04-28 15:04:48 | 日記

Anime 'My Neighbor Totoro' to be adapted into stage play in Britain

Studio Ghibli's animation film "My Neighbor Totoro" will be adapted into a stage play at Britain's prestigious Royal Shakespeare Company from October.  The 1988 film directed by Oscar-winning Japanese anime creator Hayao Miyazaki will be turned into a live production under British playwright Tom Morton-Smith.

adapt:翻案する stage play:舞台演劇 prestigious:権威ある production:作品 






「Anime 'My Neighbor Totoro' 《is》 to be adapted into stage play」

「be to」はこれもいつものように、「助動詞」として訳します。

「in Britain」


「Studio Ghibli's animation film "My Neighbor Totoro" will be adapted into a stage play」

「at Britain's prestigious Royal Shakespeare Company from October」

「The 1988 film」

「directed by Oscar-winning Japanese anime creator Hayao Miyazaki」

「will be turned into a live production」

「under British playwright Tom Morton-Smith」



2022-04-27 15:29:31 | 日記

Japan's ruling LDP proposes doubling of defense budget

Japan's Liberal Democratic Party asked the Defense Ministry to consider doubling its budget to an amount on par with 2 percent or more of the country's gross domestic product, while also proposing it adopt counterstrike abilities due to the region's increasingly complex and severe security environment.

ruling:与党 propose:提案する double:二倍にする defense:防衛 budget:予算 
liberal:自由主義の democratic:民主主義の party:政党 ministry:省 amount:額 
par with:~と同等の gross demestic product:国内総生産 while also:その一方 
adopt:採用する counterstrike:反撃 due to:~のため region:地域 complex:複雑な 
severe:やっかいな environment:情勢






「Japan's ruling LDP proposes」

「doubling of defense budget」



「Japan's Liberal Democratic Party asked the Defense Ministry」

「to consider」

「doubling its budget to an amount on」

「par with 2 percent or more of the country's gross domestic product」

「while also proposing it adopt counterstrike abilities」

「due to the region's increasingly complex and severe security environment」


2022-04-26 15:18:00 | 日記

Soccer club named after 'Captain Tsubasa' manga acquires 4 ex-stars, eyes J-League

Featured in the legendary manga "Captain Tsubasa," which has been published and aired on TV internationally, "Nankatsu SC" may be the best-known fictional soccer club in the world. But a team by the same name really exists in Tokyo. And after adding four former national team members this season, it has aimed for promotion to the J-League.  

acquire:獲得する ex-:前の feature:主役にする legendary:伝説の fictional:架空の 
exist:存在する promotion:昇格






「Soccer club named after 'Captain Tsubasa' manga」


「acquires 4 ex-stars, eyes J-League」


「Featured in the legendary manga "Captain Tsubasa,"」

「which has been published and aired on TV internationally」

「"Nankatsu SC" may be the best-known fictional soccer club in the world」

「But a team by the same name really exists in Tokyo」

「And after adding four former national team members this season」

「it has aimed for promotion to the J-League」


2022-04-22 14:31:31 | 日記

Accidents decline after west Japan police remove traffic lights on quiet roads

Shiga Prefectural Police are working to remove traffic lights that are no longer needed due to changes in the local traffic environment, such as fewer vehicles and pedestrians, with the aim of easing congestion and reducing violations.  And it has had the effect of cutting accidents by approximately 10% in a year-to-year.

remove:撤去する prefectural:県の due to:~が原因で pedestrian:歩行者 congestion:混雑 
violation:違反 approximately:およそ completion:完成 hinder:妨げる






「Accidents decline」

「after west Japan police remove traffic lights on quiet roads」


「Shiga Prefectural Police are working to remove traffic lights」


「that are no longer needed」

「due to changes in the local traffic environment」

「such as fewer vehicles and pedestrians」

「with the aim of easing congestion and reducing violations」

「And it has had the effect of cutting accidents」

「by approximately 10% in a year-to-year」


2022-04-21 14:59:20 | 日記

Parachute demo at Nats Park causes brief US Capitol evacuation

The U.S. Capitol was briefly evacuated Wednesday evening after police identified an aircraft as "a probable threat" -- but the plane was actually carrying members of the U.S. Army team, who then parachuted into Nationals Park for a pregame demonstration.

demo:デモンストレーション Nats Park:ナショナルズの本拠地球場 evacuation:避難 
Capitol:国会議事堂 identify:認識する probable:可能性のある threat:脅威 army:陸軍 pregame:試合前の






「Parachute demo at Nats Park causes」

「brief US Capitol evacuation」


「The U.S. Capitol was briefly evacuated Wednesday evening」

「after police identified an aircraft as "a probable threat"」

「but the plane was actually carrying members of the U.S. Army team」

「, who then parachuted into Nationals Park for a pregame demonstration」