


2008年06月19日 05時57分43秒 | 自分&家族
この文章は、18年前に6ヶ月間、職場の語学研修で英会話の専門学校へ通学していた時のものです。課題として、毎日のようにクラスメイトと英文日記を交わしていたものから抜粋してご紹介します。もし、このブログの反響があれば、第2弾第3弾とたまに掲載していこうと考えています。今回のタイトルは、「America Study Tour」です。

Since I had a good time during my America Study Tour in 1981, I’d like to tell you what I was surprised by at that time. First of all, I felt everything in America was big and dynamic, such as architecture, clothes, foods, etc. Secondly, almost everyday we had a heavy rain and thunder storms for a while in Arizona. Then we could see beautiful rainbows in the sky.
Third, many old or strange cars were driven there because no Regular inspection was required. Besides, they didn’t seem to care about damaging their cars at all. Finally, I felt very strange when a native speaker asked me how to go somewhere when I went shopping in SanFranscisco. Perhaps they lived among so many different races that they misunderstood I was a Japanese American. But I admired their manner or etiquette, such as ladies first, greetings, etc.
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