

Hardy Wye 11' 3pcs (H56953 1963年製)

2012-03-10 13:30:56 | Hardy Palakona
そのアクションはというと、以前ご紹介したAHE Woodが多少胴調子なのに比べ、ハーディーの伝統的な調子とも言えるような調子、つまりパーフェクションの様にトップから徐々に曲がっていくが、バットはしっかりしているので、胴まで曲がる事はない様な調子になっております。そのため振ってみてもAHE Woodよりは手に軽くシングルハンドでも余り疲労を感じない竿です。

I do not think I can give you something new among my Palakona rods in this blog for so long, but, for I could not go fishing so far after the beginning of this fishing season, I would like to mention one of them this time as well.
Many would agree with me that ''Wye'' would be one of the most popular bamboo salmon rods Hardy Brothers made.
It was introduced in 1914 when the First World War broke out and continuously manufactured until 1978 as the last bamboo salmon rod of Hardy Bros.
''Wye'', according to the book of Mr. J.L.Hardy, is either in 2 pcs or 3 pcs, with length ranging from 10'6'' to 13'.
Its action, comparing with A.H.E. Wood I introduced before in this blog, is a kind of traditional Hardy action like that of ''Perfection'' bending progressively but, due to a strong butt section, only down to middle section.
I feel, thus, ''Wye'' much lighter than A.H.E. Wood in hand and not so tired when I use it as single-handed.
My ''Wye'' is 11' one in 3 pcs, a rare light model in 3 pcs among so many ''Wye's produced.

11' version is regarded as single-hand rod, that is why the rod end is much shorter and easy to handle than those of normal double-hand rods. Since it is made in 1960s, the appropriate line weight is indicated as AFTM #7 on the rod.

Joints are lock fast joints, special advantage for salmon anglers not to be bothered by joint problems during fishing.

Rings are full open bridge ones. Butt and Top rings are furnished with agate.

リールホルダーはハーディーが特許を取得したUniversal Reel Holderで多くのサイズのリールフットに対応出来ます。
Reel holder is Universal Reel Holder patented by Hardy Bros. and that fits wide verity of reels with different foots.

Inscription is typical one in 1960'; bigger and dancing letters.

Fitted with a hook keeper. Hook keepers were not standard fitting for the rods manufactured after the Second World War until 1960s.

It must be very costly work to fit outer glides and hooks for lock fast joints. It is quite popular joints used for many Hardy Palakona rods what I am very fond of.

In Japan, especially fishing grounds near from Tokyo, it is hard to find out places where I can use this 11' rod. It is a treasure having no chance to show its real value to the owner who are bound with public transportation only...

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