◯ Islamic nation Jpn Hostage: The Whole Text of Video Statementイスラム国邦人人質:ビデオ声明の全文

2015-01-20 22:30:05 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

2015-01-20 22:04:53. Mainichi Newspapers. Kyodo News.

■ Mainichi Newspapers January 20, 2015 18:18 (the last renewal January 20 18:20).

Islamic nation Japanese hostage: The whole text of video statement


The whole text of the video statement the group judged as the Islamic radical organization "Islamic nation" announced for 20 days is as follows.

(By subtitles) message to Japanese government and polity.

(With picture) to a Japanese prime minister. You participated in a crusade voluntarily though you were 8500 kilometers away. And Japan offered 100,000,000 dollars boastfully to destroy a muslim house to kill our female and a child.

Therefore it costs 100,000,000 dollars for the life of this Japanese. And 100,000,000 dollars were offered to train the pervert who fights against Mujahadeen for Islamic nation to stop expanding. It costs other 100,000,000 dollars for the life of this Japanese separately with that.

For Japanese people, I Decrear To You. The meanest decision 200,000,000 dollars of your government will pay to fight against Islamic nation was done. You have time to press a government to do 200,000,000 dollars of wise judgement which will be paid to rescue the life of these Japanese and others for 72 hours. Or, this knife would be your nightmare. (Kyoudo)

2015-01-20 22:04:53. 毎日新聞. 共同通信社.

■毎日新聞 2015年01月20日 18時18分(最終更新 01月20日 18時20分)








◯ 「イスラム国」か、日本人2人の殺害予告映像

2015-01-20 16:37:35 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS


読売新聞 1月20日(火)15時47分配信

読売新聞 1月20日(火)15時47分配信




◯ Flu : Not a Mask but Drink Water.免疫学の権威断言 「インフル対策にはマスクより水を飲む」

2015-01-20 09:35:19 | ♪ One Short Talk

Flu : Not a Mask but Drink Water.

2015-01-20 07:12:12 nikkan-gendai.com

Authority assertion of immunology "Flu : Not a Mask but Drink Water."
January 10, 2015
That Mr. Fujita accepts the amount of the degree which damps the mouth every 20-30 minutes, recommendation/(C) daily Gendai

That Mr. Fujita accepts the amount of the degree which damps the mouth every 20-30 minutes, recommendation/(C) daily Gendai

The flu, big, in fashion. Since investigation starting for 1999 years.2015-01-07 , Tokyo local gov announced a popular warning fastest . There aren't few people guarding by a mask, but after all, it's simply the immunity power whether infection can be blocked. How is a specialist preventing? It was the expert of the immunology and asked Tokyo Medical and Dental University honorary professor and Mr. Kouichirou Fujita.

"There is a wave during one day, and for the immunity power to fall in night highly in the daytime, a measure in defenseless night is a key. Weakly, the flu virus is keeping the humidity of the bedroom for 70% by a humidifier in the humidity."

Even if I drink water, humidification of the throat will be done.

"The daytime drinks water of the degree which damps the mouth every 20-30 minutes. I also drink the later when I drank and got up by the restroom in the evening certainly behind the visitor."

The pediatrician who practices a glass isn't little. After examining a patient of infra and a cold, it's the image with which the virus which invaded the mouth is scoured.

■ I sleep, have a meal, take a bath and stop by movement.

Intestinal bacteria in addition to the NK cell for which I compete with a virus and bacteria directly also take charge of immunity. The allotment of roles, intestinal bacteria are 70 percent. It's essential to strengthen them, and that's a meal.

"The dietary fiber included in vegetables, beans and miscellaneous cereals will be feed of intestinal bacteria, and fermented soybeans, kimchi and yogurt fermented food activate activity of intestinal bacteria. A point is how to eat. The engine which gets exercise has "mitochondria engine" using "glycolytic engine" and the protein for which sugar is utilized. When I pass fifties, a mitochondria engine is grains pass the brown rice and the bread by embryo bread more than bread more than rice and cut down carbohydrates as much as possible to become the mainstream, and to take a protein from meat and fish."

When I pass fifties, a mitochondria engine is to become the mainstream, grains pass the brown rice and the bread by embryo bread more than bread more than rice and cut down carbohydrates as much as possible, and to take a protein from meat and fish,".

That Mr. Fujita takes carbohydrates for a meal, only at noon. It does nothing but be a dining room near the office. It's fish whether the ingredients and night are cooked vegetables of vegetables, salad and meat in the morning stickily rice of staple grains, pork miso soup, grilled fish, yam and okra for miso soup, fermented soybeans, salad and noon for the menu of the board. I say "A steak is eaten twice a week." A mitochondria engine is in high gear by such eating habits, and a NK cell and intestinal bacteria start often to function.

"When a body is heated up, a mitochondria engine moves smoothly, so when I have time to spare, I go to a hot spring near the home. The previous bathing which lies idle of course isn't also missed."

To make the life which has plenty of room a motto, I say "If it's OK the next day, I turn work on the next day." If I'm an office worker, a method such work would be difficult, but it should be possible to separate privacy from work tightly at least. It's to make the relaxation time every day.

"When I sit up all night and eat and drink immoderately, the immunity power falls overall. The immunity power is dangerous at low night relatively. It's for it to run a fever in the next morning when I forced myself by a new-year's party. I have everyone acquaintance, so it's inevitable for 1 day, I'm doing staying up late in order to continue for many days."

For movement also to raise the immunity power, movement makes connetions and walks a train as much as possible. Because I drink water, a mask isn't put. A weekend has a good sweat by swimming and a walk in the water at a gym. Because I say "I don't also infect infra for tens of years." by such effort, it's worth trying.

2015-01-20 07:12:12. nikkan-gendai.com

免疫学の権威断言 「インフル対策にはマスクより水を飲む」














