◯ Demo.3,700,000 people participate. / 仏史上最大のデモに 全土で370万人参加

2015-01-12 12:17:25 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

2015-01-12 12:17:25 Kyodo News.

French history is whole in the biggest demonstration, and 3,700,000 people participate.

The street French weekly publication paper shooting complains of a series of victim's mourning by terrorism and license of an expression on the 11th, and which is Paris, the citizens who demonstrate in a march (Reuters = Kyodo )

[Paris Kyodo] weekly publication paper shooting received a series of terrorism on the 11th, and the French Department of the Interior announced a participant of the large-scale demonstration performed in Paris at 1,200,000-1,600,000 people. A demonstration participant by whole including Paris reached total of 3,700,000 people, and we assumed "French, historic, biggest". A French public radio told.

Even if it had passed from starting at 3:00pm for several hours in Paris, a flow of the person who buried a main street wasn't cut off. Many young people and others cried to the REPYUBURIKKU (republic) square which became a starting point for gathering "They united." etc. until late evening.

Demonstration of the scale developed hundreds of thousands of 100,000 people from tens of thousands of people at all part by 300,000 people and Bordeaux in Lyon besides Paris.

2015/01/12 05:55 [Kyodo News]

2015-01-12 12:17:25 共同通信社

仏史上最大のデモに 全土で370万人参加





2015/01/12 05:55 【共同通信】

◯ Demo.More than 1,600,000 people participate. テロに抗議のデモ行進 160万人以上参加

2015-01-12 09:45:26 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

«Je suis Charlie»(私はシャルリだ) ...

2015-01-12 07:28:36 NHK

The demonstration march which is a protest in terrorism More than 1,600,000 people participate.
January 12 4:42.

The demonstration march which is a protest in terrorism More than 1,600,000 people participate.
The large-scale demonstration march which receives a series of terrorism of which 17 people have died in France, mourns a victim and protests against terrorism was performed in Paris.
More than 1,600,000 people participated in demonstration, and the decision which unites beyond the race and the difference in the religions and confronts terrorism was indicated once more.

Demonstration has started at a republic square near headquarters in a newspaper company in Paris marauded on from the afternoon on the 11th (Japan time, a little past 11 o'clock p.m. for 11 days).
People of various political parties, races and religions participated in demonstration including the victim's family and the staff of a newspaper who came under surprise attack, and I walked 3 kilometers of distance.
French souls and others of a country beyond 40 and an engine as well as Orlando president participated, too, and a Jordanian Abdullah king participated from Islam various countries in addition to a German Merkel prime minister and a British Cameron prime minister, too.
The form of the Israeli NETANIYAFU prime minister who usually opposes and Chairperson Abbas of Palestine temporary autonomy government was also seen.
A square around the site and a road were buried by many people and were the state which is to the extent you can't get a movement, at 1:00, but the people who participated put up "«Je suis Charlie»(私はシャルリだ) ...and the written placard which indicate solidarity to a marauded newspaper company, and walked while chorusing a French national anthem with loud voice.
A participant is thought to reach at most 1,600,000 people according to the French Department of the Interior, and when Paris was freed from Nazis Germany in the Second World War, French media "are historical demonstration in since then", I'm telling etc..
Marseille and Chubu Lyon which are the south in France, like, demonstration is performed and a participant including Paris is thought to exceed 3,700,000 people.
We assumed that I had not still left the threat of terrorism in France, and the most high-level cautious condition was being laid out, but after I rallied a policeman beyond 5000 people and a soldier by demonstration and defended, there was no big confusion.

World leaders protest against terrorism.
With the heads by which French Orlando presidents gathered from each country at a presidential palace before demonstration at the front, "Paris is the capital of the world today. The whole country will stand up.".

On the 11th, a German Merkel prime minister stated "The person who does the power for freedom, equality and Hiroyoshi found out that there are many. Germany which was here and France kept a friendship for various process historically, and he boasted to be able to encourage French people at this difficult time as a German government." according to the interview of a press corps.

Prime Minister British Cameron contributed his animation to Twitter after demonstration march, and stated "It was very impressive experience. Putting up a word of "«Je suis Charlie»(私はシャルリだ) ...and "for me, Jewish" etc. wouldn't be forgot many people gathered, and in order to indicate solidarity with a victim."
On it, ", even the United Kingdom has to be confronted with a threat of fanaticism-like Isramic militant, young people, in a radical thought, dispatch I have to be fighting against a movement." as, the decision which works on counter-terrorism measures was expressed.
An Italian RENTSI prime minister stated "We gathered here for Europe to issue the message that we defeat a threat of terrorism certainly." and emphasized the posture which doesn't yield to terrorism.
A doubt All prime minister in Turkey where a Muslim commands majority pointed out "It was the threat with the to be encouraged and to be big radical tendency after an economic crisis." by the after press conference with which he participated in demonstration.
The movement which tries to reject a Muslim and an emigrant at Europe indicated anxiety to be out on it, and "People different in religion and culture coexisted, and the environment that no one is excluded should be maintained." was stated.

The circle which is mourning by all the countries
A march by a citizen is performed at world all part on the 11th according to a large-scale demonstration march's being performed in Paris in France, and a circle of mourning is expanding.
Among these citizens beyond 20,000 people gathered at the center of the town in metropolitan Brussels in Belgium, and they demonstrated in a march.
A participant paraded a town while putting up the banner which has "for me, SHARURI" and the written paper which indicate solidarity to a marauded newspaper company and appeals citizen's union.
Approximately 1000 people also gathered in metropolitan Buenos Aires in South America Argentina, and a French national flag was shaken, and marched in a town while inserting the pen which symbolizes freedom of an expression in the sky.
The lady who participated in a demonstration march, "Whatever kind of thing there is, the freedom which will be reported should be maintained by democracy society. I think of terrorism's having occurred in France very sadly.", I was speaking.

An assembly was also performed by these other ones in London in the United Kingdom, Madrid in Spain and Moscow in Russia on the 11th, and a victim of terrorism was mourned.

2015-01-12 07:28:36 NHK

テロに抗議のデモ行進 160万人以上参加
1月12日 4時42分

テロに抗議のデモ行進 160万人以上参加




