◯ Flu Risk.【インフルエンザによる重症化や合併症の可能性の高い人】

2015-01-22 08:04:21 | fuckin Health & Med. 最先端. 健康と医学

2015-01-22 08:04:21 Home medicine house.

Explanation in a home medicine house

The person who has high possibility with aggravation and complications due to influenza

● More than 65-year-old senior citizen
● Smoker
● Chronic respiratory organ disease: Person with asthma, chronic bronchitis, pulmonary emphysema and low lung function
● A chronic heart, a disease: Person with valvular disease of the heart and congestive failure
● Metabolism, a disease: Person with diabetes and a heavy liver trouble
● Person with chronic renal insufficiency, haematological disorder and the immunosuppressed state

2015-01-22 08:04:21 家庭医学館



◯ Tokyo is also a Target. リスク拡大…安倍首相の“積極平和主義”で東京もターゲット

2015-01-22 07:58:51 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

2015-01-22 07:38:43. nikkan-gendai.com

By "positive pacifism" of a risk expansion... Abe prime minister, Tokyo is also a target.

January 22, 2015

The guard in Tokyo is scanty/, (C) daily Genda

The guard in Tokyo is scanty /, (C) daily Gendai

It's said that it's further down and the target by which Japan is also terrorism without fail to have become clear by a hostage event of 2 Japanese. Anyhow "Islamic nation" for, Japan, I consider "I advanced and participated in a crusade." Even if terrorism occurs in Tokyo eventually, it isn't strange.

Mr. Tetsuo Maeda, the military critic says so.
"Japan was a special country formerly for Middle Eastern countries. The Arabian people felt a sympathy in Japan. It's also because a weapon had not been exported, the reason was different from various countries of Europe and America, and that military were dispatched to the Middle East. I associated by the equal distance with Israel and with Palestine and also formed diplomatic relations with Iran in the back where a revolution broke out. However the eyes to Japan had begun to change with dispatching Japan Self-Defense Forces at an Iraqi war a little. A worrying one is that Prime Minister Abe who puts up "positive pacifism" is going to move forward< right of collective self-defense> and< arms export>. Moreover, Islamic nation, it's for an enemy in perfection. I have turned it. If I try to put up "positive pacifism" and fight a war with the United States just as it is, terrorism is identified by Islamic extremist with the United States, and would be targetted certainly,".

■ Depending on a movement of Abe political power, risk expansion

They're the Japanese coming into action at a foreign country and an overseas Japanese-affiliated firm that danger of terrorism damage is high. Of course, thin Tokyo of guard will be a suitable target for a terrorist.

"He may not come tightly, but Japanese grasps a Japanese thing more than Japanese considers Islamic extremist. Islamic nation was often also checking Japanese Government this time. When taking the European and American private citizen who bombs Islamic nation as hostage, they're requesting a stop of an aerial bombardment and are requesting the ransom of 200,000,000 dollars of Japan where money at 200,000,000 dollars was paid. A movement of the world is suppressed. Depending on a movement of Abe political power, more danger will rise." (Mr. Maeda from the front)

Islamic nation announces "2 hostages are executed within 72 hours." A time limit is drawing near every moment. Prime Minister Abe is taking with the etc. against which national life and assets "are defended", but Japanese danger keeps being strengthened.

2015-01-22 07:38:43. nikkan-gendai.com





 日本人2人の人質事件でハッキリしたのは、この先、間違いなく日本もテロのターゲットになるということだ。何しろ「イスラム国」は、日本を「進んで十字軍に参加した」とみなしている。 いずれ、東京でテロが起きてもおかしくない。






◯ Japan "doesn't learn history".ロシア外務省、岸田氏発言に反発 日本は「歴史学ばず」

2015-01-22 07:18:57 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

2015-01-22 07:18:57 Kyodo News.

The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Mr. Kishida rebel against a remark Japan "doesn't learn history".

[Moscow association] when the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs made them contrast a problem of the Northern Territories with Ukraine problem on the 21st, and I rebelled against Kishida Fumio Minister of Foreign Affairs's stating "change of original form by the power", and insisting on justice of the possession of Northern Territories, I "don't wish Japan to learn from a lesson of history", and, criticized statement was issued.

"Japan of militarism destroyed the current state before the Second World War by the military power with Nazis Germany, and many countries were occupied." is stated, and insists that the Northern Territories were the Russian territory as a result of the great war. "Mr. Kishida is going to correct the cause of the war and general understanding of a result." and, I accentuated.

2015/01/22 01:32 [Kyodo News]

2015-01-22 07:18:57 共同通信

ロシア外務省、岸田氏発言に反発 日本は「歴史学ばず」



2015/01/22 01:32 【共同通信】