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日本麻酔科学会 第28回山村記念賞受賞講演 NO.2 参考文献と図表

2009年08月19日 01時40分18秒 | 講義録・講演記録 3

1)Members of the American College of Chest Physicians/Society of Critical Care Medicine Consensus Conference Committee. American College of Chest Physicians/Society of Critical Care Medicine Consensus Conference: definitions for sepsis and organ failure and guidelines for the use of innovative therapies in sepsis. Crit Care Med 1992;20: 864–74.
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20)Lutterloh EC, Opal SM. Antibodies against RAGE in sepsis and inflammation: implications for therapy. Expert Opin Pharmacother 2007; 8:1193-6.
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22)Jesmin S, Gando S, Matsuda N, Sakuma I, Kobayashi S, Sakuraya F, et al. Temporal changes in pulmonary expression of key procoagulant molecules in rabbits with endotoxin-induced acute lung injury: elevated expression levels of protease-activated receptors. Thromb Haemost 2004;92:966-79.
23)Matsuda N, Hattori Y, Takahashi Y, Nishihira J, Jesmin S, Kobayashi M, et al. Therapeutic effect of in vivo transfection of transcription factor decoy to NF-κB on septic lung in mice. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol 2004;287: L1248-55.
24)Matsuda N, Hattori Y, Takahashi Y, Jesmin S, Gando S. Nuclear Factor-κB decoy oligonucleotides prevent acute lung injury in mice with cecal ligation and puncture-induced sepsis. Mol Pharmacol 2005;67:1018-25.
25)Matsuda N, Yamazaki H, Takano KI, Matsui K, Takano Y, Kemmotsu O, et al. Priming by lipopolysaccharide exaggerates acute lung injury and mortality in responses to peptidoglycan through up-regulation of Toll-like receptor-2 expression in mice. Biochem Pharmacol 2008;75:1065-75.
26)Matsuda N, Yamamoto S, Yokoo H, Tobe K, Hattori Y. Nuclear factor-κB decoy oligodeoxynucleotides ameliorate impaired glucose tolerance and insulin resistance in mice with cecal ligation and puncture-induced sepsis. Crit Care Med 2009 in press.
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31)Kamiyama K, Matsuda N, Yamamoto S, Takano K, Takano Y, Yamazaki H, et al. Modulation of glucocorticoid receptor expression, inflammation, and cell apoptosis in septic guinea-pig lungs using methylprednisolone. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol 2008;295:L998-1006.
32)Matsuda N,Takano Y,Kageyama S,Hatakeyama N,Shakunaga K,Kitajima I,et al. Silencing of caspase-8 and caspase-3 by RNA interference prevents vascular endothelial cell injury in mice with endotoxic shock. Cardiovasc Res 2007;76:132-40.
33)Matsuda N, Yamamoto S, Takano KI, Kageyama SI, Kurobe Y, Yoshiwara Y, et al. Silencing of Fas-associated Death Domain Protects Mice from Septic Lung Inflammation and Apoptosis. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2009;79:806-15.
34)Ye X, Ding J, Zhou X, Chen G, Liu SF. Divergent roles of endothelial NF-κB in multiple organ injury and bacterial clearance in mouse models of sepsis. J Exp Med 2008;205:1303-15.

図 NF-κB活性化の古典的経路
 Nuclear factor-κB(NF-κB)は,5種類のサブタイプからなるRel/ NF-κBファミリーの総称であり,非炎症病態ではI-κB(inhibitory κB)と結合し,核内移行が阻止され,細胞質内に存在する。敗血症などの全身性炎症病態では,Toll-like受容体,IL-1受容体,TNF受容体などの炎症性受容体の各リガンドとの反応により,IRAK(Interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase),TRAF(tumor necrosis factor receptor –associated factor),TAK1(TGF-βactivated kinase 1)などのリン酸化酵素が活性化し,さらに細胞質内でIKK(inhibitory κB kinase)が活性化される。これにより,IKKのターゲット分子であるI-κBがリン酸化されると,I-κBは細胞質内でマルチユビキチン化を受け,細胞質内消化を受け,ペッドキャップ構造のとれた2量体NF-κBが核内へ移行し,DNA上のκB領域と結合することで炎症性分子の転写が高まる。NF-κBデコイ核酸を用いた遺伝子治療は,2量体NF-κBを補綴する2本鎖オリゴヌクレオチドとして作用し,細胞質内でDNA上のκB領域と競合し,NF-κB活性化を抑制する。

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