
死ぬまで毎年IRONMAN HAWAIIに出るのが目標!体育2のironmaniaのroad to KONAな日々です!

Only swim due to fatigue...

2014-02-18 14:01:02 | road to KONA
Swim (including private lesson) free style, brest, back, butterfly, flip turn 1200yd2:30

We Blue Ash multisports racing had 7 hills running at downtown of Cincinnati this morning.
But unfortunately I couldn't get up early due to fatigue of yesterday's spinning and weight training...
My heart beat was still fast. So if I'll go running, I wouldn't complete it...

After the oversleep, I took a branch, and went to YMCA at Blue Ash for swimming.
I swam about 1200 yard in two and half hours, including private swim lesson.
It was the first time to spend the long time for swimming after I completed IRONMAN Louisville.

The picture is the icicle of my apartment.


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