


2018-06-07 22:48:16 | 英語特許散策

"(1) Pre-sintering formed body (precursor containing no polyvalent element)

[0123] In a mortar, 5 g of glass particles (aluminoborosilicate-based glass) and a solution of organic binder (solution made by dissolving 0.1 g of organic binder in 0.25 g of solvent (which is also referred to as organic binder solution, hereinafter)) were put, and mixed for 10 minutes by using a pestle. After that, the mixture was put into a 20 mm square metal mold made of SUS, and pressed under a pressure of 20 kg/cm<2>, to be formed in a rectangular parallelepiped shape of 20 mm × 20 mm × 7 mm. Thereafter, this formed product was dried at 80°C for 16 hours, to thereby obtain a precursor of a pre-sintering formed body. 

(2) Addition of polyvalent element

[0124] Onto an entire surface of each of six faces of the precursor of the pre-sintering formed body obtained as above, 1 mL of a solution of the polyvalent element (solution made by dissolving the salt of the polyvalent element in a solvent, in which a concentration of the polyvalent element was adjusted to be 0.5% by mass percentage (which is also referred to as polyvalent element solution, hereinafter)) was uniformly coated to be permeated. The polyvalent element was added so that an amount thereof became about 1,000 mass ppm relative to the mass of the glass particles. Basically, the polyvalent element whose amount is almost the same as the amount of the added polyvalent element remains in the sintered formed body. 

(3) Sintered formed body

[0125] The pre-sintering formed product after being subjected to the addition of the polyvalent element (Example 1) and the pre-sintering formed product on which the addition of the polyvalent element was not performed (Example 2) were put into an electric furnace, a temperature was raised from room temperature to a predetermined debinding temperature at 5°C/minute under an air atmosphere, and the products were retained at the debinding temperature for a predetermined debinding time. After that, a pressure in the electric furnace was reduced to about 10 Pa, the temperature was further raised to a predetermined sintering temperature at 5°C/minute, and the products were retained under the reduced pressure and at the sintering temperature for 10 minutes to be sintered. Thereafter, the temperature was lowered to the room temperature at 5°C/minute, to thereby obtain sintered formed bodies." 

「[0116] (1)焼成前成形体(多価元素を含有しない前駆体)

[0117] (2)多価元素の添加

[0118] (3)焼成成形体

"(Example 3)

[0174] The boron nitride particles 1 were subjected to a heat treatment for 10 minutes in a constant temperature oven at 250°C in the air atmosphere in advance. Regarding the boron nitride particles 1 after the heat treatment, the polarity term of the surface energy were calculated in the same manner as in Example 1. 

[0175] An epoxy resin composition was prepared by the same manner as described in Example 1, except that the boron nitride particles 1 after the heat treatment were used. By using the prepared epoxy resin composition, a B-stage sheet and an epoxy resin cured product were produced in the same manner as in Example 1. Then, in the same manner as in Example 1, the length (cycle length) of one period of the periodic structure, the thermal conductivity, the dielectric breakdown electric field, the presence or absence of the domain, the presence or absence of the smectic structure, the ratio of the smectic domain to the entire resin matrix, and the handling properties of the sheet were confirmed."

「[0160] (実施例3)

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2018-06-07 22:11:53 | 英語特許散策

"[0067] Examples of methods for coating the support with the photosensitive resin composition include methods such as spin-coating using a spinner, spray coating, roll coating, screen printing, blade coaters, die coaters, calender coaters, meniscus coaters, bar coaters, roll coaters, comma roll coaters, gravure coaters, screen coaters, and slit die coaters. In addition, the coated film thickness depends on the coating technique, the concentration of solid in the composition, the viscosity and the like, but usually the film thickness achieved after drying is preferably 0.5 μm to 100 μm. 

[0068] For drying, an oven, a hot plates, infrared ray and the like can be used. The drying temperature and the drying time have only to be in a range in which an organic solvent can be volatilized, and is preferably set, as appropriate, in a range such that the photosensitive resin composition film turns into the uncured or half-cured state. Specifically, it is preferably carried out at 40° C. to 120° C. for one to tens of minutes. In addition, these temperatures may be combined and raised in a stepwise manner, and, for example, heat treatment may be carried out at 50° C., 60° C., and 70° C., each for one minute. 

[0069] The insulating film is one formed by heat-curing the photosensitive resin composition film. As a heat-curing condition, the performance thereof at a temperature of 120° C. to 400° C. is preferable."

「[0074] 感光性樹脂組成物を支持体に塗布する方法としては、スピンナーを用いた回転塗布、スプレー塗布、ロールコーティング、スクリーン印刷、ブレードコーター、ダイコーター、カレンダーコーター、メニスカスコーター、バーコーター、ロールコーター、コンマロールコーター、グラビアコーター、スクリーンコーター、スリットダイコーターなどの方法が挙げられる。また、塗布膜厚は、塗布手法、組成物の固形分濃度、粘度などによって異なるが、通常、乾燥後の膜厚が、0.5μm以上100μm以下であることが好ましい。 

[0075] 乾燥には、オーブン、ホットプレート、赤外線などを使用することができる。乾燥温度および乾燥時間は、有機溶媒を揮発させることが可能な範囲であればよく、感光性樹脂組成物フィルムが未硬化または半硬化状態となるような範囲を適宜設定することが好ましい。具体的には、40°Cから120°Cの範囲で1分から数十分行うことが好ましい。また、これらの温度を組み合わせて段階的に昇温してもよく、例えば、50°C、60°C、70°Cで各1分ずつ熱処理してもよい。 

[0076] 本発明の絶縁膜は、本発明の感光性樹脂組成物フィルムを加熱硬化して形成されたものである。加熱硬化の条件としては、120°Cから400°Cの温度で行うことが好ましい。」 

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2018-06-07 22:04:50 | 英語特許散策

"1. A resin composite, comprising:
a methacrylic resin (A) that comprises no less than 80% by mass of a structural unit derived from methyl methacrylate;
a block copolymer (B) in which a methacrylic acid ester polymer block (b2) is coupled to an acrylic acid ester polymer block (b1); and
0.1 to 3 parts by mass of a hydroxyphenyl triazine-based UV absorber with respect to 100 parts by mass of a total of the methacrylic resin (A) and the block copolymer (B),
the methacrylic resin (A) has a melt viscosity η(A) of 1,500 to 3,500 Pa·s at 220° C. and at a shear rate of 122/sec;
the block copolymer (B) has a melt viscosity η(B) of 75 to 1,500 Pa·s at 220° C. and at a shear rate of 122/sec, and
a ratio η(A)/η(B) of the melt viscosity η (A) to the melt viscosity η(B) is from 1 to 20."

「1. メタクリル酸メチルに由来する構造単位を80質量%以上含有し、且つ220°C、せん断速度122/secにおける溶融粘度η(A)が1,500〜3,500Pa・sであるメタクリル樹脂(A)、および


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2018-06-07 21:42:02 | 英語特許散策

"[0090] In addition, the powder material of (Sr0.965La0.035)TiO3 produced in accordance with the process in the step S4, a Ni powder material, and a Mo powder material are weighed (step S7). Specifically, the materials are weighed such that the molar ratio between Ni and Mo is 0.9:0.1, and the total ratio of Ni and Mo by weight is 80 wt. %, whereas the ratio of (Sr0.965La0.035)TiO3 by weight is 20 wt. %. 

[0091] Subsequently, the powder material of (Sr0.965La0.035)TiO3, the Ni powder material, the Mo powder material, an organic solvent such as toluene and ethanol, and a binder material such as polyvinyl butyral are mixed (step S8). Thus, a mixture containing Ni, Mo, and (Sr0.965La0.035)TiO3 is produced. Thereafter, the produced mixture is molded into the form of a sheet (step S9), thereby producing p-type thermoelectric conversion material sheets for the first thermoelectric conversion elements 111. 

[0092] In addition, an insulating paste for the insulator layers 115 and the insulator part 13 is produced in parallel with the production of the n-type thermoelectric conversion material sheets and the p-type thermoelectric conversion material sheets. In the production of the insulating paste, first, a powder material of Y2O3-doped ZrO2 is weighed (step S10). 

[0093] Next, the powder material of Y2O3-doped ZrO2 and a resin such as a varnish are mixed (step S11). The powder material of Y2O3-doped ZrO2 and an organic solvent such as a varnish can be mixed with the use of a roll machine or the like. Thus, the insulating paste containing the Y2O3-doped ZrO2 is produced."

「[0059] また、ステップS4の工程で生成された(Sr0.965La0.035)TiO3の粉末材料と、Ni粉末材料と、Mo粉末材料と、を秤量する(ステップS7)。具体的には、Ni、Moのモル比が0.9:0.1であり、NiおよびMoを合わせた重量比率が80wt.%、(Sr0.965La0.035)TiO3の粉末材料の重量比率が20wt.%となるように秤量する。 

[0060] 続いて、(Sr0.965La0.035)TiO3の粉末材料と、Ni粉末材料と、Mo粉末材料と、トルエン、エタノール等の有機溶媒と、ポリビニルブチラール等のバインダ材料と、を混合する(ステップS8)。これにより、Ni、Moおよび(Sr0.965La0.035)TiO3を含む混合物が生成される。その後、生成した混合物をシート状に成型して(ステップS9)、第1熱電変換部111の基となるp型熱電変換材料シートが生成される。 

[0061] また、n型熱電変換材料シートおよびp型熱電変換材料シートの生成と並行して、絶縁体層115および絶縁体部13の基となる絶縁ペーストを生成する。絶縁ペーストの生成では、まず、Y2O3が添加されたZrO2の粉末材料を秤量する(ステップS10)。 

[0062] 次に、Y2O3が添加されたZrO2の粉末材料と、ワニス等の樹脂とを混合する(ステップS11)。Y2O3が添加されたZrO2の粉末材料と、ワニス等の有機溶剤との混合はロール機等を用いて行うことができる。これにより、Y2O3が添加されたZrO2を含む絶縁ペーストが生成される」

"[0070] [Preparation of Negative Electrode] 

[0071] Natural graphite, pitch, and carbon black were mixed such that the mass ratio of natural graphite to pitch to carbon black was 91:5:4, whereby the surfaces of graphite particles were coated with pitch and carbon black. Next, the obtained mixture was calcined at 1,500° C. for 24 hours in an inert gas atmosphere, followed by crushing and grinding a calcined product, whereby a negative electrode active material was prepared. The prepared negative electrode active material, carboxymethylceilulose (CMC) serving as a thickening agent, and styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR) serving as a binding agent were weighed such that the mass ratio of the negative electrode active material to CMC to SBR was 98:1:1, followed by dispersing these materials in water, whereby negative electrode mix slurry was prepared. The negative electrode mix slurry was applied to a current collector made of copper foil, whereby a negative electrode mix layer was formed. Thereafter, water was removed by drying, the negative electrode mix layer was rolled to a predetermined thickness, the current collector was cut to a predetermined size, and a nickel tab was attached thereto, whereby a negative electrode was prepared." 

「[0063] [負極の作製]

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2018-06-07 18:44:39 | 英語特許散策

"7. The electrolytic solution for a secondary battery according to claim 1, comprising a lithium salt as an electrolyte.

8. The electrolytic solution for a secondary battery according to claim 7, wherein the lithium salt is at least one lithium salt selected from the group consisting of LiPF6, LiBF4, LiAsF6, LiSbF6, LiClO4, LiAlCl4 and LiN(CkF2k+1SO2)(CmF2m+1SO2) (k and m are each independently 1 or 2).

9. The electrolytic solution for a secondary battery according to claim 1, wherein the nonaqueous solvent is at least one organic solvent selected from the group consisting of cyclic carbonates, open-chain carbonates, aliphatic carboxylic acid esters, γ-lactones, cyclic ethers, open-chain ethers and the fluorine derivatives of these compounds."

「7. 電解質としてリチウム塩を含むことを特徴とする請求項1〜6のいずれか一項に記載の二次電池用電解液。 

8. 前記リチウム塩が、LiPF 6 、LiBF 4 、LiAsF 6 、LiSbF 6 、LiClO 4 、LiAlCl 4 及びLiN(C k F 2k+1 SO 2 )(C m F 2m+1 SO 2 )(k,mはそれぞれ独立に1又は2である)からなる群より選ばれた少なくとも1種のリチウム塩であることを特徴とする請求項7に記載の二次電池用電解液。 

9. 前記非水溶媒が、環状カーボネート類、鎖状カーボネート類、脂肪族カルボン酸エステル類、γ−ラクトン類、環状エーテル類、鎖状エーテル類及びこれらのフッ化誘導体からなる群より選ばれた少なくとも1種の有機溶媒であることを特徴とする請求項1〜8のいずれか一項に記載の二次電池用電解液。」

"9. 9. The electrochemical energy storage device in accordance with claim 5, wherein the second polyatomic anion is at least one selected from the group consisting of complex ions having boron as nucleus, complex ions having phosphorus as nucleus, complex ions having arsenic as nucleus, complex ions having antimony as nucleus, perchlorate ion, sulfonate ions, imide ions, methide ions, alkylphosphate ions, CN<−>, NO3<−>, SO3<−>, SO4<2−>, S2O3<2−>, SCN<−>, CO3<2−>, PO4<3−>, CH3CO2<−>, C2H5CO2<−>, CF3SO3<−>, benzoate ion, oxalate ion, and phthalate ions.

10. 10. The electrochemical energy storage device in accordance with claim 1, wherein
the non-aqueous electrolyte includes an organic solvent and a solute dissolved in the organic solvent,
the solute includes a third polyatomic anion and a third metal ion,
the third metal ion is at least one selected from the group consisting of cations of alkali metals and alkaline earth metals, and
a molar ratio of the third metal ion to the organic solvent in the non-aqueous electrolyte: the third metal ion/the organic solvent=1/2 to 1/6.

11. 11. The electrochemical energy storage device in accordance with claim 10, wherein the organic solvent is at least one selected from the group consisting of cyclic carbonates, cyclic esters, linear carbonates, cyclic ethers, linear ethers, nitriles, and heterocyclic compounds.

12. 12. The electrochemical energy storage device in accordance with claim 11, wherein the organic solvent is at least one selected from the group consisting of propylene carbonate, dimethyl carbonate, tetrahydrofuran, and dimethoxyethane."

「9. 前記第二多原子アニオンが、ホウ素を核とする錯体イオン、リンを核とする錯体イオン、ヒ素を核とする錯体イオン、アンチモンを核とする錯体イオン、過塩素酸イオン、スルホン酸イオン、イミドイオン、メチドイオン、アルキルホスフェートイオン、CN < - > 、NO 3 < - > 、SO 3 < - > 、SO 4 < 2- > 、S 2 O 3 < 2- > 、SCN < - > 、CO 3 < 2- > 、PO 4 < 3- > 、CH 3 CO 2 < - > 、C 2 H 5 CO 2 < - > 、CF 3 SO 3 < - > 、安息香酸イオン、シュウ酸イオンおよびフタル酸イオンよりなる群から選択される少なくとも1種である、請求項5または6に記載の電気化学エネルギー蓄積デバイス。 

10. 前記非水電解質が、有機溶媒および前記有機溶媒に溶解する溶質を含み、 

11. 前記有機溶媒が、環状カーボネート、環状エステル、鎖状カーボネート、環状エーテル、鎖状エーテル、ニトリル類および複素環化合物よりなる群から選択される少なくとも1種である、請求項10に記載の電気化学エネルギー蓄積デバイス。 

12. 前記有機溶媒が、プロピレンカーボネート、ジメチルカーボネート、テトラヒドロフランおよびジメトキシエタンよりなる群から選択される少なくとも1種である、請求項11に記載の電気化学エネルギー蓄積デバイス。」 

"5. The non-aqueous electrolyte secondary battery according to claim 1, wherein the non-aqueous electrolyte contains a cyclic carbonate compound having an unsaturated group, a chain carbonate compound, an unsaturated diester compound, a halogenated cyclic carbonate compound, a cyclic sulfite ester compound or a cyclic sulfuric acid ester compound."


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2018-06-07 17:23:33 | 英語特許散策

"[0067] Examples of the organic solvent include aprotonic high-dielectric constant solvent such as ethylene carbonate and propylene carbonate; acetates such as dimethyl carbonate and ethylmethyl carbonate; and aprotonic low-viscosity solvent such as propionate esters. Preferably, the aprotonic high-dielectric constant solvent and the aprotonic low-viscosity solvent may be mixed at an appropriate ratio. Further, an ionic liquid using imidazolium, ammonium, or pyridinium cations may be used. The counter anion is not particularly limited. Examples of the counter anion include BF4<−>, PF6<−>, and (CF3SO2)2N<−>. The ionic liquid and the organic solvent may be mixed to be used. 

[0068] From the viewpoint of electric conductivity, the concentration of the lithium salt in the electrolyte solution is preferably 0.5 to 2.0 M. The conductivity of the electrolyte at the temperature of 25° C. is preferably 0.01 S/m or more. The concentration is adjusted depending on the type and concentration of the electrolyte salt. 

[0069] Moreover, in the electrolyte solution according to the embodiment, various kinds of additive may be added as needed. Examples of the additive include vinylene carbonate and methylvinylene carbonate for the purpose of improving the cycle life, biphenyl and alkylbiphenyl for the purpose of preventing the overcharge, various carbonate compounds, various carboxylic acid anhydrides and various nitrogen- or sulfur-containing compounds for the purpose of deoxidation and dehydration."

「[0065] また、有機溶媒としては、例えば、エチレンカーボネート、プロピレンカーボネート、等の非プロトン性高誘電率溶媒や、ジメチルカーボネート、エチルメチルカーボネート、等の酢酸エステル類あるいはプロピオン酸エステル類等の非プロトン性低粘度溶媒が挙げられる。これらの非プロトン性高誘電率溶媒と非プロトン性低粘度溶媒を適当な混合比で併用することが望ましい。更には、イミダゾリウム、アンモニウム、及びピリジニウム型のカチオンを用いたイオン性液体を使用することができる。対アニオンは特に限定されるものではないが、BF 4 < − > 、PF 6 < − > 、(CF 3 SO 2 ) 2 N < − > 等が挙げられる。イオン性液体は前述の有機溶媒と混合して使用することが可能である。 

[0066] 電解液のリチウム塩の濃度は、電気伝導性の点から、0.5〜2.0Mが好ましい。なお、この電解質の温度25°Cにおける導電率は0.01S/m以上であることが好ましく、電解質塩の種類あるいはその濃度により調整される。 

[0067] 更に、本実施形態の電解液中には、必要に応じて各種添加剤を添加してもよい。添加剤としては、例えば、サイクル寿命向上を目的としたビニレンカーボネート、メチルビニレンカーボネート等や、過充電防止を目的としたビフェニル、アルキルビフェニル等や、脱酸や脱水を目的とした各種カーボネート化合物、各種カルボン酸無水物、各種含窒素及び含硫黄化合物が挙げられる」

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2018-06-07 17:04:03 | 英語特許散策

"[0065] The separator is not particularly limited as long as the separator is stable relative to the electrolyte solution and has the good liquid retaining property. General examples thereof include porous sheets of polyolefin such as polyethylene or polypropylene, and nonwoven fabrics. 


[0066] The electrolyte is contained in the positive electrode active material layer 14, the negative electrode active material layer 24, and the separator 18. The electrolyte is not particularly limited. For example, according to the embodiment, an electrolyte solution including lithium salt (electrolyte aqueous solution or electrolyte solution using organic solvent) may be used. The electrolyte aqueous solution, however, has an electrochemically low decomposition voltage, so that the withstand voltage at the time of charging is restricted to a low value. For this reason, the electrolyte is preferably an electrolyte solution using organic solvent (nonaqueous electrolyte solution). As the electrolyte solution, an electrolyte solution obtained by dissolving lithium salt in a nonaqueous solvent (organic solvent) may preferably be used. The lithium salt is not particularly limited, and any lithium salt that can be used as electrolyte in a lithium ion secondary battery may be used. Examples of the lithium salt that can be used include inorganic acid anionic salt such as LiPF6 and LiBF4, LiCF3SO3, and organic acid anionic salt such as (CF3SO2)2NLi."


[0064] (電解質) 
電解質は、正極活物質層14、負極活物質層24、及び、セパレータ18の内部に含有させるものである。電解質としては、特に限定されず、例えば、本実施形態では、リチウム塩を含む電解液(電解質水溶液、有機溶媒を使用する電解質溶液)を使用することができる。ただし、電解質水溶液は電気化学的に分解電圧が低いことにより、充電時の耐用電圧が低く制限されるので、有機溶媒を使用する電解液(非水電解質溶液)であることが好ましい。電解液としては、リチウム塩を非水溶媒(有機溶媒)に溶解したものが好適に使用される。リチウム塩としては特に限定されず、リチウムイオン二次電池の電解質として用いられるリチウム塩を用いることができる。例えば、リチウム塩としては、LiPF 6 、LiBF 4 、等の無機酸陰イオン塩、LiCF 3 SO 3 、(CF 3 SO 2 ) 2 NLi等の有機酸陰イオン塩等を用いることができる。」

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2018-06-07 16:57:20 | 英語特許散策

"12. A method of producing a porous carbon electrode substrate for a fuel cell by impregnating carbon fiber paper consisting of an organic high-molecular compound as a binder and carbon fibers with an average diameter smaller than 5 [mu]m and an average fiber length of 3 to 10 mm with a thermosetting resin; curing the thermosetting resin by heating and pressing treatment; and then carbonizing the paper. 

13. The method of producing a porous carbon electrode substrate for a fuel cell as claimed in claim 12, characterized in that said carbon fiber paper is the carbon fiber paper as claimed in claim 5. 

14. The method of producing a porous carbon electrode substrate for a fuel cell as claimed in either claim 12 or claim 13, characterized in that said heating and pressing treatment is carried out continuously in a whole length of the carbon fiber paper. 

15. The method of producing a porous carbon electrode substrate for a fuel cell as claimed in any one of claims 12 to 14, characterized in that prior to said heating and pressing treatment, the carbon fiber paper impregnated with the thermosetting resin is pre-heated. 

16. The method of producing a porous carbon electrode substrate for a fuel cell as claimed in any one of claims 12 to 15, characterized in that said heating and pressing treatment is carried out using a continuous type hot press machine equipped with a pair of endless belts. 

17. The method of producing a porous carbon electrode substrate for a fuel cell as claimed in any one of claims 12 to 15, characterized in that said heating and pressing treatment is carried out using a continuous type hot roll press machine. 

18. The method of producing a porous carbon electrode substrate for a fuel cell as claimed in any one of claims 12 to 17, characterized in that at the time of said heating and pressing treatment, the pressure application is carried out at a line pressure of 1.5*10<4 >to 1*10<5 >N/m." 

「【請求項12】 バインダーとしての有機高分子化合物と炭素繊維とからなり、該炭素繊維が平均直径5μm未満かつ平均繊維長が3~10mmの細繊維を含む炭素繊維紙に、熱硬化性樹脂を含浸し、加熱加圧により該熱硬化性樹脂を硬化し、次いで炭素化する燃料電池用多孔質炭素電極基材の製造方法。

【請求項13】 前記炭素繊維紙が請求項5記載の炭素繊維紙である請求項12記載の燃料電池用多孔質炭素電極基材の製造方法。 【請求項14】 前記加熱加圧を炭素繊維紙の全長にわたって連続して行う請求項12または13記載の燃料電池用多孔質炭素電極基材の製造方法。 【請求項15】 前記加熱加圧に先立って、熱硬化性樹脂が含浸された炭素繊維紙を予熱する請求項12~14のいずれか一項記載の燃料電池用多孔質炭素電極基材の製造方法。 【請求項16】 一対のエンドレスベルトを備えた連続式加熱プレス装置を用いて前記加熱加圧を行う請求項12~15のいずれか一項記載の燃料電池用多孔質炭素電極基材の製造方法。 【請求項17】 連続式加熱ロールプレス装置を用いて前記加熱加圧を行う請求項12~15のいずれかに記載の燃料電池用多孔質炭素電極基材の製造方法。 【請求項18】 前記加熱加圧に際して1.5×104~1×105N/mので加圧する請求項12~17のいずれか一項記載の燃料電池用多孔質炭素電極基材の製造方法。」
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2018-06-07 16:45:45 | 英語特許散策

"1. A method of manufacturing an electrode for a secondary battery using a hot-gas drying furnace, the hot-gas drying furnace including:
a conveying roller for conveying a collector sheet to which a paste for the electrode is applied;
a nozzle for blowing a hot gas which is a heated gas onto the paste;
a gas supply fan and a gas supply duct for supplying the hot gas to the nozzle;
a heater for heating the gas to be supplied to the nozzle, which is disposed in the gas supply duct;
a control device for adjusting an output of the heater;
a gas exhaust fan and a gas exhaust duct for discharging the hot gas after being blown onto the paste; and
first, second and third temperature sensors, the method comprising:
a step of measuring, using the first temperature sensor, a temperature of the hot gas at a first position which is a blowing position of the nozzle;
a step of measuring, using the second temperature sensor, a temperature of the hot gas at a second position which is a flow area of the hot gas blown through the nozzle, the second position being situated downstream of the first position in a flow direction of the hot gas blown through the nozzle;
a step of measuring, using the third temperature sensor, a temperature of the hot gas at a third position which is a flow area of the hot gas blown through the nozzle, the third position being situated downstream of the second position in the flow direction of the hot gas blown through the nozzle;
a step of calculating, using the control device, an amount of decrease in temperature of the hot gas at the first position caused by evaporative latent heat of the paste based on the temperature of the hot gas measured by the second temperature sensor and the temperature of the hot gas measured by the third temperature sensor;
a step of adding, using the control device, the calculated amount to a set temperature of the hot gas at the first position to modify the set temperature of the hot gas at the first position; and
a step of adjusting, using the control device, the output of the heater depending on a difference between the modified set temperature of the hot gas and the temperature of the hot gas measured by the first temperature sensor."


 前記電極用ペーストに加熱された気体である熱風を吹き付けるためのノズルと、 前記ノズルに熱風を供給するための給気ファンおよび給気ダクトと、 前記給気ダクトの途中に配置される、前記ノズルに供給する気体を加熱するためのヒータと、 前記ヒータの出力を調整するための制御装置と、 前記電極用ペーストに吹き付けられた後の熱風を排気するための排気ファンおよび排気ダクトと、 を備えた熱風乾燥炉による二次電池用電極の製造方法であって、 前記ノズルの吹き出し位置である第一の位置における熱風の温度を第一の温度センサによって測定し、 前記ノズルから吹き出された熱風の流れ方向において、前記第一の位置よりも下流側に位置する、前記ノズルから吹き出された熱風の流れ場である第二の位置における熱風の温度を第二の温度センサによって測定し、 前記ノズルから吹き出された熱風の流れ方向において、前記第二の位置よりも下流側に位置する、前記ノズルから吹き出された熱風の流れ場である第三の位置における熱風の温度を第三の温度センサによって測定し、 前記制御装置によって、 前記第二の温度センサにより測定した熱風の温度と、 前記第三の温度センサにより測定した熱風の温度と、に基づいて、 前記電極用ペーストの蒸発潜熱に起因する前記第一の位置における熱風の温度低下量を算出し、 前記第一の位置における熱風の設定温度に、算出した前記温度低下量を加算して、前記第一の位置における修正した熱風の設定温度を算出し、 前記修正した熱風の設定温度と前記第一の温度センサにより測定した熱風の温度の差分に応じて、 前記ヒータへの出力を調整する、 ことを特徴とする二次電池用電極の製造方法。」
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2018-06-07 12:42:42 | 英語特許散策
  • US8268928(JP)
  • "1. A thermoplastic polymer composition, comprising: 
  • an acrylic block copolymer (A; and an acrylic resin (B),
  • wherein
  • (i) the acrylic block copolymer (A) comprises, in its molecule, at least one structure where polymer blocks (a2), mainly comprising, in polymerized form, a methacrylic ester unit, are bonded to both ends of a polymer block (a1) mainly comprising, in polymerized form, an acrylic ester unit,
  • (ii) the acrylic block copolymer (A) has a weight-average molecular weight of 10,000 to 100,000,
  • (iii) the acrylic block copolymer (A) comprises: 
  • an acrylic block copolymer (A1) comprising a polymer block (a2) content of 40% by mass or more and 80% by mass or less; and
  • an acrylic block copolymer (A2) comprising a polymer block (a2) content of 10% by mass or more and less than 40% by mass,
  • (iv) the acrylic resin (B) mainly comprises, in polymerized form, a methacrylic ester unit, and
  • (v) a mass ratio of the acrylic block copolymer (A) to the acrylic resin (B), [(A)/(B)], is in a range of 97/3 to 10/90."

  • 「【請求項1】  アクリル系ブロック共重合体(A)とアクリル樹脂(B)とを含む熱可塑性重合体組成物であって;アクリル系ブロック共重合体(A)が、アクリル酸エステル単位を主体とする重合体ブロック(a1)の両末端にそれぞれメタクリル酸エステル単位を主体とする重合体ブロック(a2)が結合した構造を分子内に少なくとも1つ有するアクリル系ブロック共重合体であり、重量平均分子量が10,000~100,000であって;  アクリル系ブロック共重合体(A)が、重合体ブロック(a2)の含有量が40質量%以上80質量%以下であるアクリル系ブロック共重合体(A1)と重合体ブロック(a2)の含有量が10質量%以上40質量%未満であるアクリル系ブロック共重合体(A2)を含み;  アクリル樹脂(B)が、主としてメタクリル酸エステル単位から構成され; アクリル系ブロック共重合体(A)とアクリル樹脂(B)との質量比〔(A)/(B)〕が97/3~10/90である熱可塑性重合体組成物」
  • US2013137766(JP)
  • "1. A (meth)acrylic polymer (A) comprising:
  • 4.5 to 7.5% by mass of a monomer (a) unit;
  • 0.3 to 3.2% by mass of a monomer (b) unit; and
  • 89.3 to 95.2% by mass of a monomer (c) unit,
  • wherein
  • the monomer (a) unit is an acrylic acid ester unit having a hydrocarbon group with 1 to 11 carbon atoms and one ethylenically unsaturated bond in the molecule,
  • the monomer (b) unit is a monomer unit having two or more ethylenically unsaturated bonds in the molecule, and
  • the monomer (c) unit is a (meth)acrylic acid ester unit other than the monomer units.
  • 2. The (meth)acrylic polymer (A) according to claim 1, wherein
  • the monomer (c) unit comprises a monomer (c1) unit, a monomer (c2) unit, and a monomer (c3),
  • the monomer (c1) unit being a methyl methacrylate unit,
  • the monomer (c2) unit being a methacrylic acid ester unit having an alicyclic hydrocarbon group with 6 to 20 carbon atoms,
  • and the monomer (c3) unit being a methacrylic acid ester unit other than the methacrylic acid ester (c2) unit a methacrylic acid ester unit having a hydrocarbon group with 3 to 10 carbon atoms."

  • "4. A (meth)acrylic resin composition comprising
  • 100 parts by mass of the (meth)acrylic polymer (A) according to claim 1 and 0.002 to 0.7 part by mass of an olefin-alkyl(meth)acrylate copolymer (B)."

  • 「【請求項1】
  •  単量体(a)単位4.5~7.5質量%と、 単量体(b)単位0.3~3.2質量%と、 単量体(c)単位89.3~95.2質量%とを含有し、 単量体(a)単位は、炭素数1~11の炭化水素基を有し、分子中に1個のエチレン性不飽和結合を有するアクリル酸エステル単位であり、 単量体(b)単位は、分子中に2個以上のエチレン性不飽和結合を有する単量体単位であり、 単量体(c)単位は、前記の単量体単位以外の他の(メタ)アクリル酸エステル単位である、(メタ)アクリル重合体(A)。

    【請求項2】 単量体(c)単位が、単量体(c1)単位、単量体(c2)単位及び単量体(c3)単位を含有し、 単量体(c1)単位は、メタクリル酸メチル単位であり、 単量体(c2)単位は、炭素数6~20の脂環式炭化水素基を有するメタクリル酸エステル単位であり、 単量体(c3)単位は、メタクリル酸エステル(c2)単位以外のメタクリル酸エステ単位であって、炭素数3~10の炭化水素基を有するメタクリル酸エステル単位である、請求項1に記載の(メタ)アクリル重合体(A)。」

  • 「【請求項4】
  •  請求項1~3のいずれかに記載の(メタ)アクリル重合体(A)100質量部及びオレフィン-(メタ)アクリル酸アルキル共重合体(B)0.002~0.7質量部を含有する(メタ)アクリル樹脂組成物。

  • US2014323290(JP)
  • "1. A photocatalyst-carrying structure provided with a carrier and a photocatalyst layer carried on the carrier with an adhesive layer there between; wherein, the adhesive layer contains an aqueous silicone-modified resin.
  • 2. The photocatalyst-carrying structure according to claim 1, wherein the aqueous silicone-modified resin is a resin obtained by emulsion polymerization of a monomer in the presence of an emulsifier in an aqueous medium, and is further modified with silicone using a compound having a silicone structure.
  • 3. The photocatalyst-carrying structure according to claim 1, wherein the aqueous silicone-modified resin is an aqueous silicone-modified (meth)acrylic resin.
  • 4. The photocatalyst-carrying structure according to claim 2, wherein the monomer consists of a (meth)acrylate monomer selected from the group consisting of acrylic acid esters, methacrylic acid esters and mixtures thereof, and at least one type of comonomer selected from the group consisting of acrylamide monomers, methacrylamide monomers, vinyl monomers, ethylenic unsaturated monomers having a carboxylic acid group, vinyl cyanides, aromatic vinyl monomers, vinyl halides, butadiene and ethylene that is capable of copolymerizing with the aforementioned (meth)acrylate monomer."

  • 「【請求項1】担体と、接着層を介して前記担体に担持された光触媒層とを備えた光触媒担持構造体であって、 前記接着層は、水性シリコーン変性樹脂を含む光触媒担持構造体。 
  • 【請求項2】 前記水性シリコーン変性樹脂が、単量体を乳化剤の存在下、水性媒体中において乳化重合し、さらにシリコーン構造を有する化合物を用いてシリコーン変性された樹脂である請求項1に記載の光触媒担持構造体。
  •  【請求項3】 前記水性シリコーン変性樹脂が、水性シリコーン変性(メタ)アクリル樹脂である請求項1または2に記載の光触媒担持構造体。 
  • 【請求項4】 前記単量体が、アクリル酸エステルメタクリル酸エステルおよびそれらの混合物よりなる群より選択される(メタ)アクリレート単量体と、アクリルアミド単量体、メタクリルアミド単量体、ビニル単量体、カルボン酸基を有するエチレン性不飽和単量体、シアン化ビニル、芳香族ビニル単量体、ハロゲン化ビニル、ブタジエンおよびエチレンからなる群より選択され、前記(メタ)アクリレート単量体と共重合可能な少なくとも1種のコモノマーである請求項2または3に記載の光触媒担持構造体。」

    "9. The resin paste composition according to claim 1, wherein the organic compound is at least one compound selected from the group consisting of an acrylic compound, an epoxy resin, a silicone resin, a urethane resin and an acrylic resin.

    10. 10. The resin paste composition according to claim 9, wherein the organic compound is at least one compound selected from the group consisting of an acrylic compound, an epoxy resin and an acrylic resin.

    11. 11. The resin paste composition according to claim 10, wherein the organic compound is an acrylic compound.

    12. 12. The resin paste composition according to claim 11, wherein the acrylic compound is an acrylic ester compound or a methacrylic ester compound."

  •   有機化合物が、アクリル化合物、エポキシ樹脂、シリコーン樹脂、ウレタン樹脂、及びアクリル樹脂、から選択される一種以上である請求項1~8のいずれかに記載の樹脂ペースト組成物。
  • 【請求項10】
  •   有機化合物が、アクリル化合物、エポキシ樹脂、及びアクリル樹脂から選択される一種以上である請求項9記載の樹脂ペースト組成物。
  • 【請求項11】
  •   有機化合物が、アクリル化合物である請求項10記載の樹脂ペースト組成物。
  • 【請求項12】
  •   アクリル化合物が、アクリル酸エステル化合物又はメタクリル酸エステル化合物である請求項11記載の樹脂ペースト組成物。」
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