

アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): chopped off

2019-05-23 17:40:40 | 日記
2019年5月23日(Thu.) UKでは国民投票のやり直しが議論されているようですが、見通しは不透明です。 何度でもいいますが、あの国民投票の僅差の結果で、EU離脱を決めたこと自体がUKの失敗だったと思えてなりません。 あんなに重大な事柄を、単なる多数決原理で決めることが失策です。

さて、今日は翻訳を割愛します。 事件は中国の湖南省で発生したもので、男性は、顕微鏡手術が出来る病院が見つからずにたらい回しされ、最終的には長沙(湖南省の省都)の病院で接合手術を受けたと言う内容です。 そして、そもそもの原因などは述べられていません(言えないのかも知れませんね)。 ( ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie 5月22日発 )

Man wakes up in agony following booze session to find his penis chopped off

A Chinese man is reportedly recovery after he had his penis chopped off following a night on the booze.

According to STEN, the man known only as Tan was left mortified after he awoken in severe pain only to find his manhood chopped off.

Although Tan has no idea of how his penis became badly severed, it is believed that he woke up to find his genitals almost fully detached from his body following a night of heavy drinking.

The bizarre incident which occurred Hunan, southern China, has now led to a police investigation to find the culprit behind the brutal attack.

Tan who is said to be recovering well following microsurgery was apparently that badly injured he was turned away from a number of hospitals as they were unable to treat him.

However he was eventually treated by surgeons at Changsha Hospital, who say they successfully reattached his organ.


この男性は酒を飲んだ後の出来事だと言っているようですが、普通は、こんなことにはならないでしょう。 そのうち、後日談として詳細情報がリークされるかも知れません。( 原文をサラリと読んでみて下さい。)


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