

アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): Several people injured

2019-11-30 17:58:12 | 日記
2019年11月30日(Sat.) 日本国内報道は未チェックですが、アイルランドのサイトによると、ロンドンでもオランダのハーグでも刃物による襲撃事件が発生しているようです。(ニュースソース: The Liberal.ie 11月29日発 )

Breaking: Several people injured after man attacks shoppers with a bladed weapon in The Hague
速報: ハーグで、刃物による買い物客への襲撃によって数人が負傷しています。

There are reports this evening that several people have been injured after a man attacked shoppers with a bladed weapon in The Hague.

It is understood that the man managed to slip away in the ensuing confusion.

The attack happened just hours another man went on stabbing rampage across London Bridge. It is unclear whether or not both incidents are linked.

(注: 原文を読み流して下さい。)




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ドイツ(Germany 🇩🇪): Climate change protests

2019-11-29 18:18:33 | 日記
2019年11月29日(Fri.) 桜を見る会に関する闇のような情報に触れると、安倍政権は政治の私物化と隠蔽・改竄に明け暮れる許されざる巣窟のようにしか見えません。そして、類は友を呼ぶ・・・と言うことでしょうか、反社会勢力との繋がりを見ていると。

さて、もっと気候変動対策に、日本も取り組むべきでしょう。(ニュースソース: DWーDE 11月29日発 )

Climate change protests: Marches worldwide ahead of UN talks
As part of a fresh round of global climate protests, demonstrations are planned in more than 500 German cities — from Aachen to Zwickau. In Berlin alone, over 50,000 protesters are expected in the government district.
(抜粋)気候変動に関する抗議: 国連の会議開催に向けて抗議活動が世界的に広がっています。

Message for the government
Activists and schoolchildren in Sydney kicked off a fresh round of global protests against climate change on Friday, picketing the headquarters of Australia's ruling party. The protesters — brandishing placards that read "You're burning our future" and chanting "we will rise" — turned out as Sydney was again enveloped in toxic smoke caused by bushfires.
(超抜粋)シドニー(注: オーストラリア)でも金曜日の活動が開始。プラカードには、“貴方は私達の未来を燃やしている。” そして、“私達は立ち上がる” などと書かれています。シドニーでは森林火災による煙に覆われているのです。

(注: 転載を部分的に省略しています。)

Three days before the start of the UN climate conference in Madrid, people were set to take to the streets on Friday in 2,400 cities across 157 countries to protest government inaction on climate change.
The Fridays for Future movement expects around 100,000 climate strikers to participate in Germany. Their demands include:
An end to fossil fuel subsidies;
Switching off a quarter of all coal-fired power stations;
Renewable sources to cover 100% of Germany's energy needs by 2035.
The European Parliament on Thursday voted to declare an EU-wide climate emergency. The resolution called on the bloc to cut emissions by 55% by 2030 to become climate neutral by 2050.

Fridays For Future のドイツでの活動はおよそ100,000人の参加者になっています。彼らの要求は、化石燃料の使用を終わらせることも含まれています。また、再生可能資源によるエネルギー需給100%を、2035年までにすることも含まれています。
木曜日のEU議会では、EU全体としての気候危機が宣言されています。(注: 原文を読み流して下さい。)

・・・ 原文サイトはこちら ・・・



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アイスランド(Iceland 🇮🇸): The Unique Light of Winter

2019-11-28 16:18:35 | 日記
2019年11月28日(Thu.) 北欧の長い夜は既に訪れているようです。(ニュースソース: iceland monitor 11月27日発 )

The Unique Light of Winter: Video

This is the time of year when daylight in Iceland is in ever shorter supply. The light during these short days, though, can be very beautiful when skies are clear. This was the case yesterday morning when mbl.is photographer Hallur Már flew over Hafnarfjörður, south of Reykjavík, and recorded the video above.

The song accompanying the video is a recent recording of Draumaprinsinn, by Ragnhildur Gísladóttir, sung by Jófríður Ákadóttir.

Sunrise in Reykjavík today is at 10:33 am and sunset at 3:58 pm. In North Iceland, daylight is even scarcer, with the sun rising in Akureyri at 10:38 and dropping the curtain at 3:22 pm. You can look up the timing of today’s sunrise and sunset in every part of the country here on vedur.is, and visit the website almanak.hi.is to find out what to expect in the coming months.

(超抜粋)アイスランドの日中の時間が短い時期になっています。これらの日には、空がクリアならばとても美しいものになります。この映像は昨日の朝のもので、レイキャビク南部で撮影されたものです。(意訳)(注: 映像も原文サイトでご覧下さい。)
レイキャビクの本日の日の出は10:33、日の入りは午後3:58です。アイスランド北部では、さらに日照が乏しく、Akureyri では、日の出が10:38、カーテンを下ろす(日の入り)のは午後3:22です。(注: 原文サイト内のリンク先では、さらなる関連情報が得られます。 ご関心のある方は、原文サイトこちらへ )




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アイスランド(Iceland 🇮🇸): Banning Cars to Fight Pollution

2019-11-27 18:56:30 | 日記
2019年11月27日(Wed.) それにしても、芸能人の薬物騒動に関するマスコミの取り上げ方には辟易します。それよりも重要な課題が山積しているでしょう、日本や世界レベルで・・・。

さて、アイスランドでのこうしたした取り組みも、全体を動かすキッカケの一つになって行くように感じます。(ニュースソース: ICELAND REVIEW 11月26日発 )

New Law Allows Banning Cars to Fight Pollution

Icelandic municipalities will be able to limit or even temporarily ban vehicular traffic to reduce pollution levels when new traffic legislation takes effect in January, RÚV reports. The legislation aims to decrease particulate pollution, which has plagued urban areas in Iceland, particularly on still, dry winter days.

Particulate pollution in the Reykjavík capital area has exceeded safe limits 14 times this year, while nitrogen dioxide (a gas present in car exhaust) has been measured above safe limits on three occasions, one of which was yesterday. To combat the issue, municipalities will soon be permitted to banning or limit traffic when air pollution levels are high, or there is a risk of pollution levels exceeding safe limits.


Many forms of restrictions

The restrictions can take many forms, as outlined in the legislation. Municipalities will be able to temporarily lower speed limits on certain streets or restrict larger vehicles. They will also be able to ban private vehicles in specific areas. Such a ban would not apply to all vehicles, however, but rather would be based on licence plates. For example, one day cars with licence plates ending in an odd number would be banned from certain areas, and then next cars with licence plates ending in an even number.

Enthusiasm varies

City Councillor and Chairperson of Reykjavík’s Environment and Health Committee Líf Magneudóttir expressed enthusiasm for the legislation. “This is a very welcome licence as municipalities have long called for different measures than just restricting the travel of people with respiratory illnesses or restricting children’s outdoor activities,” she stated in an interview. “Now we can finally do something about the issue when the legislation takes effect.” Lif stated that she has put together a task force to prepare how the legislation would be applied. “This is a huge project, as I see it. This is a public health issue, this is a health issue and of course also an environmental issue.”

Municipal authorities in Akureyri, North Iceland, are less keen on applying restrictions to traffic, according to RÚV’s sources, even though the town of 19,000 has also faced elevated particulate pollution levels due to cars. While a recent attempt to combat the issue by spreading saltwater on roads proved effective, the town’s residents complained it resulted in dirty cars.

(注: 和訳を省略します。原文を流し読みして下さい。)



また、口先だけの、“真摯に受けとめ” とか、“丁寧に説明して行く” などと言う誤魔化し答弁は不要です。

話題は異なりますが、反社会勢力が桜を見る会に出席していたことに対し、“結果的に入っていたと言うことでしょう” などと他人事のように答弁することを許してはなりません。一体、誰が招待したのか、そして、それを誰が承認したのか、その点も追及すべきです。そして、反社会勢力との繋がりなども明らかにした上で一掃すべきでしょう、悪の巣窟のような政治体制を。

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ドイツ発(datelined Germany): CO2 emissions gap

2019-11-26 18:28:54 | 日記
2019年11月26日(Tue.) 地球温暖化は待ったなし。新たな実態が報道されています。(ニュースソース: DWーDE 11月26日発 )

CO2 emissions gap: UN report warns of 'collective failure to act'
Unless global greenhouse gas emissions fall by 7.6 per cent each year, the world will fail to meet the 1.5°C temperature goal of the Paris Agreement, a report from the UN Environment Programme warns.

Signing up to the Paris Climate Agreement in 2015, world leaders agreed to limit global warming by the end of the century to 1.5 degrees Celsius, ideally, and certainly no higher than 2 degrees C.
But a United Nations report published today says either goal is a long way off.
Instead of cutting emissions, humans released more CO2 in 2018 than ever before, according to the annual Global Emissions Gap Report. Last year, 55.3 gigatons of global CO2 were pumped into the atmosphere, up from 53.5 gigatons in 2017.
Global temperatures are set to rise about 3.2 degrees C by 2100, the report says, bringing catastrophic weather including hotter, deadlier heatwaves and more frequent floods and drought.

しかし、国連の本日の発表によると、2018年の二酸化炭素排出は55.3ギガトンを大気に放出しました。2017年の53.5ギガトンから上昇しました。 (注: 原文を流し読みして下さい。)

Little change from big polluters
"Our collective failure to act early and hard on climate change means we now must deliver deep cuts to emissions — over 7 per cent each year, if we break it down evenly over the next decade," said Inger Andersen, Executive Director of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP). From 2030, 15 gigatons of CO2 would have to be cut each year, she added. This is roughly the annual emissions of the EU, India, Russia and Japan combined.
Efforts to reduce CO2 emissions would have to increase five-fold to reach the 1.5 degrees C target — a projection already made in a previous version of the report. The difference, however, said Anne Ohlhoff, a co-author of the 2019 report, is that time is slowly running out.

・・・ 以下、転載省略。  原文サイトはこちら ・・・




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