

ドイツ: 鶏のレンタル・他にも

2016-04-29 13:41:10 | 日記
2016年4月29日(Fri.) 昨日のドイツ情報です。 鶏やミツバチのレンタルもできるとか・・・。 (ニュースソース: DW-DE 4月28日発)

The joy of renting chickens in Germany
People routinely rent cars, houses and DVDs - but what about chickens, bees and rabbits? They're all for rent in Germany these days.

Rent-a-Huhn: For 75 euros ($85) per week, Ralf-Wigand Usbeck offers five laying hens complete with a mobile coop, a ready-made fence and chicken feed. Usbeck delivers and sets up in the customer's yard. All the customer does for the suggested minimum two-week rental period is water, feed - and collect the eggs. Five hens lay about three eggs a day.

Usbeck only started his business this year, but demand is already enormous, the 57-year-old says. His three coop-and-hens units are just about booked solid to private households, kindergartens and nursing homes through the end of the year, so he's planning on expanding.

Animal rights activists aren't as enthused, however, arguing that animals aren't goods you can pass from one person to the next. The German animal welfare federation agrees, saying renting animals reduces them to objects.

Usbeck begs to differ.

(抜粋)レンタカーや家・DVDを利用することは日常的ですが、鶏・ミツバチ・ウサギなどはどうですか? 近頃、ドイツでは可能になっています。鶏の場合、移動小屋と5羽のチキンとセットアップ込みで、最低2週間からのレンタルが可能です。料金は1週間あたり75ユーロとなっています。水遣りと給餌が必要ですが、毎日3個ぐらいの卵が収穫できます。


Fresh farm eggs

"I love my chickens," Usbeck told DW. Being moved to different yards every few weeks doesn't faze them at all, since the set up always includes the coop they're used to. Chickens aren't like dogs, the father of three boys says and laughs. "They are attached to the person who feeds them."

Usbeck doesn't want to stress the animals with a long transport from his farm in the town of Achim in the northern German state of Lower Saxony, so he rents them out no farther than 150 kilometers away.

"The hens are very relaxed when I pick them up again - and so are the customers, who are often sad to see their feathery friends leave," Usbek says. Many have told the entrepreneur, whose main job is in marketing for a software firm, that listening to the hens clucking and scratching in their enclosure has a soothing effect.

(抜粋)数週間ごとに移動しても、チキンはいつも住み慣れた小屋で過ごすので、彼らを困らせることは全くありません。また、犬と違い、チキンは餌をくれる人になじんで行くそうです。 一方、あまり遠方への移動は好ましくないので、150km以内のエリアに限定しているとのことです。

The bunnies and the bees

Other entrepreneurs in Germany rent out bunnies, bees and even dogs.

This beehive is on the Bundestag's premises in Berlin

There's no work involved at all for people who rent a beehive from Dieter Schimanski in Bremen. The beekeeper founded Bee-Rent to help ensure the survival of Germany's bees. For a monthly fee of 169 euros over a period of 12 months, he delivers the bee box, tends to the bees and harvests the honey for the customer. At an average of 30 kilos per year, that's a sweet treat with no strings attached.

Mandy Schmidt in Dolgen am See near Rostock runs an emergency center for rabbits, and rents the furry bunnies out to people whose rabbit needs a companion.

The list of animals for rent doesn't stop at man's best friend, either. "Our dog is your dog": Katrin Rösemeier founded the Bluebello agency to rent dogs to lonely senior citizens. The Hameln-based agency also delivers the dog food and takes the pet to the vet. Rösemeier promises to take the animal back, too, when and if the aging customer can no longer take care of the pooch.

(抜粋)ブレーメンには、ミツバチ(BOX込み)のレンタルがあります。こちらは月169ユーロで12ヶ月以上の契約、しかし、およそ30kgのハチミツが収穫できるそうです。(価格は高く見えますが妥当かも・・・) また、ウサギをレンタルするところもあるし、独居老人のための犬の貸し出しもあると言っています。




何れにしても、動物・生物と一緒に過ごすことは、癒されることも少なくないでしょう。でも、良いことばかりでもありませんので、その覚悟を持って接する必要があるのでしょう。 また、小さな生き物であっても、彼らの尊厳にも注意を払いたいものです・・・。


明日から数日間、当ブログはお休みします。 それでは、また!

*** 下の写真は、記事内容とは関係ありません。もちろんレンタル品ではありません・・・。


デンマーク: オレガノ(ハーブ)は温室効果ガス削減に寄与

2016-04-28 16:20:20 | 日記
2016年4月28日(Thu.) 昨日のデンマーク情報です。ハーブを料理などに使う方はご存知のオレガノです。それを牛に食べさせると、ゲップに含まれるメタンガスを削減できる・・・と言うニュースです。(ニュースソース: CPH POST ONLINE  4月27日発 )

Oregano to make cow burps more climate friendly
The plant could reduce methane emissions from the bovine beasts by 25 percent

Cow burps account for 40 percent of the Danish agriculture sector's emission of greenhouse gases (photo: iStock)

April 27th, 2016 2:40 pm| by Christian W
A new Danish research project at Aarhus University is looking into how the use of oregano in feed can reduce the production of methane in the guts of organically-raised cows to the benefit of the climate.

The project, undertaken in collaboration with the national organic association Økologisk Landsforening and a number of organic food producers, is investigating whether adding oregano in cow diets can reduce methane emissions from cows by 25 percent.

“We know that organic production contributes positively in a strong of areas such as the environment, biodiversity and animal welfare,” said the environment and food minister, Esben Lunde Larsen.

“But we also realise that it faces challenges in other areas. We can’t stop the cows burping, so it’s essential to try out the researchers’ ideas and look into how organic production can become more climate friendly.”

Milk quality and quantity
Cow burps are about 25 times more potent than CO2 and account for 40 percent of the Danish agriculture sector’s emission of greenhouse gases.

The oregano plant contains essential oils which look to be able to stem the growth of the micro organisms which produce methane. It could also improve the quantity and quality of cow milk production.

The project, which has been given six million kroner by the Environment and Food Ministry’s green development and demonstration program (GUDP), is expecting to generate some initial results in May.

(抜粋)オーフス( Aarhus )大学の研究チームによるレポートでは、このオレガノを牛の飼料に加えた場合、牛のゲップに含まれるメタンガスの、およそ25%を減らすことができると言うことです。

牛のゲップに含まれるメタンガスは、デンマークの農業部門に於ける温室効果ガス排出量の40%を占めるものであり、重要な要素になっていると言います。 オレガノに含まれるオイル成分が、メタンガス生成を抑える作用があることと、同時に、ミルクの量や品質の向上にもつながるとしています。



オレガノ( Oregano )はハーブの代表的なものの一つではないでしょうか。2013年にドイツに滞在した時、マッシュルーム栽培をしている農家でしたが、乾燥したマッシュルームやガーリック、そしてオレガノなども加えて、パスタ用のソース具材も作っていました(販売用)。この時、多用していたのがオレガノです。




温室効果ガス削減・・・、持続可能な社会・世界を築く上でも、こうした地道な取り組みは続けてもらいたいし、情報の共有化も図っていただきたいものです。 一方、同じ目的だと仮定しても、原発利用は、全く期待しません、代償がとてつもなく膨大ですから・・・。

*** 下の写真は、記事内容とは関係ありません。尚、間もなく数日間ブログを休止する予定です。 で、お願いですが、当ブログを途中から読み始めた方も少なくないと思いますが、最初の頃のデンマークやドイツ滞在記あたりもユニーク(?)なものが含まれていると思いますので、そうした記事も読んでいただけると幸いです。


ドイツ: 5月1日の伝統的な催し・いくつかの

2016-04-26 22:24:16 | 日記
2016年4月26日(Tue.) 昨日(25日)のドイツ情報です。それによると、5月1日には、一風変わった伝統的な催しがドイツ各地で行われるようです。(ニュースソース: THE LOCAL DE )

Germany's most bizarre May 1st traditions
May 1st brings out weird and wonderful traditions in Germany, from mountain-top witch parties to day-drinking and dancing. Something wicked this way comes...

Locals from Ruhpolding, Bavaria ride a stolen Maibaum down the street. Photo: DPA.

1. Putting up (and stealing) the ‘May tree’

Left: Dresdeners put up the Maibaum. Right: A young woman climbs the Maibaum in Nesselweg, Bavaria. Photos: DPA.

Similar to the maypole of Anglo traditions, the German Maibaum (May tree) is erected on May 1st or the day before. Residents in Bavaria, East Frisia in Lower Saxony, Baden-Württemberg and elsewhere celebrate this originally pagan ritual each year within their local communities.

The tree (or pole) is decorated with colourful streamers, flowers and in some places with scenes showing local crafts or activities.

Parades, brass band music and sausage-eating usually accompany the event of the actual raising of the tree. And don’t forget the special dark Maibock beer, brewed just for the occasion.

(抜粋)「 Maibaum 」(マイバウム)とは「5月の木」の意味だそうです。昔は、各家の前に立てる風習があったのですが、現在は街の中心に立てることが多いようで、バイエルン州に伝わる伝統のようです(病気や悪魔を除ける意味合い・・・)。

Locals from Ruhpolding, Bavaria ride a stolen Maibaum down the street. Photo: DPA

Perhaps the most thrilling part is the tradition of towns trying to steal one another’s May trees, requiring locals to keeps a close watch day and night to ward off their sneaky neighbours. If and when a tree is stolen, towns must then hash out a ransom for it, usually involving copious amounts of beer and food.

In 2004, some clever thieves used a helicopter to steal a May tree that had been placed atop Germany’s highest mountain, the Zugspitze.

Another challenge in some areas is that people (the Maibaumkraxler in Bavaria) compete to climb the tree to get to the top as fast as possible.

(抜粋)「盗まれたマイバウム」・・・その意味は: 他の街のマイバウムを盗む・・・と言うものです。逆に卑劣な隣人に盗まれないように、昼夜の見張りをするのです。そして、万が一盗まれた場合は、身代金を払わなければならなくて、それは、大量のビールや食べ物も含むそうです。


2. Dancing until May comes

A Tanz in den Mai party in Dortmund. Photo: DPA.

Another tradition often associated with the May tree is Tanz in den Mai, or dancing into May, starting on April 30th and not stopping until every one of your toes are aching.

But getting footloose on the eve of May 1st now also extends outside of the small town circles, with major clubs in big cities planning special events around the tradition.


3. Partying with witches and devils

Celebrations of the 'Witches' Night' in the Harz mountains. Photo: DPA.

The dancing tradition is also associated with Walpurgisnacht or Hexennacht (Witches’ Night), on which Germanic folklore says witches would meet on the peak of Brocken within the Harz mountains to revel with the Devil.

To this day, women in the Harz area (and beyond) will dress up and go dance on the mountain top, warts, horns and all.


4. Jumping over fires

A 'May fire' in Sieversdorf, Brandenburg. Photo: DPA.

Another way to celebrate the witches’ night on May 1st is to light a bonfire, or Maifeuer, and jump over it, though in some regions this isn’t always connected to magical sorceresses.

Other regions like Brandenburg do stick wooden figures of witches into the flames to ward off any evil-doers.


5. Protesting (or perhaps partying)

Berlin's Kreuzberg district turns into a massive street party, while elsewhere in the city more serious activists hold protests on May 1st. Photo: DPA.

A more modern tradition is to use the International Workers' Day as a way to promote labour rights and for left-wingers to protest injustices.

Berlin’s Kreuzberg neighbourhood became a hotbed for such demonstrations in 1987, when riots there were so intense that police had to retreat from the area for hours.

Protests still carry on and sometimes get violent on this day, but there are also now alternative events in Kreuzberg that essentially turn the area into a massive street party, with musical performances, dance parties in Görlitzer Park and endless day-drinking.





それにしても、洋の東西を問わず、各地での伝統を守り続けて欲しいと思います。 一極集中でなく、地域分散型で、持続可能な社会・地域づくりに注力したいものです。但し、原発マネーなどに頼る政治家は、真の政治家(地方議員)ではありません・・・。 その地域の歴史的経緯をも見つめ直しながら、気が付いていない特長を再発見するなどして、それを際立たせて行く・・・。 まァ、容易ではありませんが、諦めてはならないでしょう。


*** 下の写真は、記事内容とは関係ありません。


ドイツ: ビールの話題が続きます

2016-04-24 19:13:14 | 日記
2016年4月24日(Sun.) 今日も、ドイツからビールの話題です。(ニュースソース: DW-DE 4月20日発)

Beer culture - this is how Germany drinks 
The German Beer Purity Law, which will be 500 years old on April 23, 2016, states that only hops, barley, yeast and water can be used to make Germany's favorite drink. Join us on a tour of German beer culture.

Spoilt for choice

Germany is a beer country - and that's a fact. Using only four ingredients German brewers have managed to create over 5,500 brands of beer. And that number is growing because every week a new beer is released on the market. But Germany manages quantity as well as quality: no other European country produces more beer. Last year 95 million hectoliters were produced.

You can always have a beer

When it comes to drinking alcohol, whether at an office party, during intermission at the theater or just relaxing as pictured here in Berlin's Görlitzer Park, beer is always an appropriate choice in Germany, and can be consumed legally in public. For a long time it was seen as a man's drink, but meanwhile it has become the favored alcoholic beverage of 19 to 24 year olds both male and female.

Traditional festivals are a must

Funfair stalls, brass bands and "Schlager" music are the ingredients of a traditional German festival. A challenge to get through unless you consume plenty of beer. For these occasions regional breweries often create a festival beer. The best known of these is probably the Oktoberfest beer, which is made especially for the festival in Munich and served in one liter Bavarian beer mugs.

The corner pub - a temple of German beer

Berlin's corner pubs, like the Willi Mangler in the Schönefeld district, are a part of German beer history. They have also become something of a cult. The mix of stuffy air, no nonsense food and a crowd of regular bar flies is what makes them so charming. Tourists rarely venture here, but residents of the neighborhood come to enjoy their after work beer.

Beer gardens - fun in the sun

Beer gardens are also traditional to German beer culture. These days they can be found all over Germany, but they originate from the beginning of the 19th century in Bavaria. Back then brewers served their beer straight from the cooling cellars along the banks of the river Isar. Especially on hot days the cellar beer gardens were popular among people from Munich.

Bavaria - cradle of the Beer Purity Law

In Bavaria, where the German Beer Purity Law was adopted in 1516, beer has been an established part of life for centuries. Today, Bavaria has no less than 626 breweries, more than in any other state in Germany. In the Middle Ages the breweries were firmly in the grip of monasteries. Some of these still exist, the oldest being Weltenburg Abbey on the Danube.

Once in the right glass: Cheers!

To mark German Beer Day on April 23, here's a quick guide. From left to right: the Berliner Weisse goes in a bowl-shaped glass, Kristallweizen wheat beer in a tall glass, lager is served in a beer mug, followed by a short glass for the dark Altbier, the small, narrow glass for the Cologne Kölsch brew, the rounded glass for Pils beer and finally the Bavarian half-liter beer mug.
(抜粋)4月23日はドイツビールの日だそうです(純粋令制定にちなんで)。 写真にあるように、それぞれのビールに合ったグラスがあり、それを一つ一つ紹介しています。ケルンのケルシュ(右から3番目の細いグラス)や、右端はバイエルンの半リッターサイズのマグ・・・もあります。




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ドイツ: ビール純粋令・5百年を祝す

2016-04-23 15:23:45 | 日記
2016年4月23日(Sat.) 昨日(22日)、ドイツのバイエルン州にあるインゴルシュタット( Ingolstadt )と言う街で、ビール純粋令・制定5百年を祝う催しが行われたと伝えています。(ニュースソース: DW-DE  4月22日)

Merkel toasts 500 years of beer purity law
German Chancellor Angela Merkel praised the "world renown" of German beer in Ingolstadt, at a celebration marking the 500th anniversary of the beer purity law. The age-old rule has remained a staple of beer production.


Hundreds of brewers from Germany and other European countries attended the celebration in Bavaria on Friday, with servers and guards in traditional costumes.

Ingolstadt authorities also set up a special beer fountain for the festivities dedicated to "Reinheitsgebot," the Bavarian "purity decree" on beer procution standards signed on April 23, 1516.

Originally, the rule stated that only water, hops, and malt could be used to make beer. Later, the ingredients list was expanded to include yeast. To this day, the law remains deeply ingrained in the beer making process and brewing traditions, with its legacy shaping modern beer regulations in Germany.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel addressed the guests on Friday, praising the brewers' ingenuity in combining the four ingredients to create countless kinds of beer.

German beers enjoy "world renown," she said.

Merkel also quoted religious reformer Martin Luther who said that "a person without beer has nothing to drink," and statesman Otto von Bismarck who stated that it was a "basic need to talk bad about the government when drinking beer."

In her speech, the chancellor reflected on the new developments in the German "beer culture," noting the growing number of smaller, regional brewers and rising consumption of non-alcoholic beer.

When it comes to beer consumption in general, Germans are in second place per capita, after the neighboring Czechs. However, the average consumption has fallen from 141 liters per person to 98 liters in the last 25 years.

The treasured purity rule also limits modern generations of beer brewers when it comes to new recipes, compared to their colleagues in other European countries.









2013年にドイツに滞在(NRW州)した時の地元ビールは「 Barre 」 でした。また、比較的近いブレーメンにある「 BECKS 」も入手可能ではありました。それにしても、日本の大手ビール会社のような存在はないのです。(ハイネケンはオランダですし・・・。)


下の地図はインゴルシュタットです。  出典: Google Earth

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