


2016-07-31 13:46:33 | 日記
2016年7月31日(Sun.) 7月も今日で終わり、明日からは、早くも8月ですね。 Celtic Calendar(ケルトのカレンダー)では、今日は夏の最終日で、明日からは秋に入るそうです。 アイルランドの歴史や文化に接していると、そんな情報も入ってきます。 

<原文の一部: サイトa/ちょうど1年前の記事です。>
Lughnasa Eve Blessings
July 31, 2015 by Bealtaine Cottage in ancient Ireland, blessings, celebrations, Lughnasa

Today is the final day of summer in the Celtic Calendar…Happy Lughnasa!
May the days of harvest be filled with abundance and delight!
As the Earth offers up her bounty, may your heart be filled with thanks.
Enjoy the coolness of the early morning air as the days move inexorably toward Autumn.
Take time to preserve your harvest for the months ahead…
Bless you all!

(抜粋)'Lughnasa'(注: Lunasa ルナサは、アイルランド語で8月を意味しています。) ケルティック・カレンダーで7月31日は、夏の最終日です。 収穫の日々が、豊穣と喜びに満ち溢れますように!  ・・・

<原文の一部: サイトb>

Lughnasadh (Festival of Lugh) is the first of three harvest festivals. In Irish Gaelic, and a slightly different spelling, Lunasa is the word for August. In the Christianized version, it is called Lammas (meaning Loaf-Mass or the Feast of Bread, at which time the first loaves of the season were blessed by the church). The hot days of August are now upon us, much of the earth is dry and parched, but we still know that the bright reds and yellows of the harvest season are just around the corner. Apples are beginning to ripen in the trees, our summer vegetables have been picked, corn is tall and green, waiting for us to come gather the bounty of the crop fields. Now is the time to begin enjoying the fruits of our labors, both on the table and in our lives. We honor this holiday to celebrate the first harvest, and the Celtic God Lugh, the sacrificed King of the Grain. Grain has held a place of importance in civilization back nearly to the beginning of time. Grain became associated with the cycle of death and rebirth. In early Ireland, it was a bad idea to harvest your grain any time before Lughnasadh — it meant that the previous year’s harvest had run out early, and that was a serious failing in agricultural communities. However, on August 1, the first sheafs of grain were cut by the farmer, and by nightfall his wife had made the first loaves of bread of the season. Lughnasadh is a day of honoring Lugh, the Celtic craftsman god. He is a god of many skills, and was honored in various aspects by societies both in the British Isles and in Europe. Lughnasadh is still celebrated in many parts of the world today, and his influence appears in the names of several European towns. In our modern world, it’s often easy to forget the trials and tribulations our ancestors had to endure. For us, if we need a loaf of bread, we simply drive over to the local grocery store and buy a few bags of prepackaged bread. If we run out, it’s no big deal, we just go and get more. When our ancestors lived, hundreds and thousands of years ago, the harvesting and processing of grain was crucial. We honor our ancestors and the hard work they had to do in order to survive. This is a good time to give thanks for the abundance we have in our lives, and to be grateful for the food on our tables. As we enjoy nature’s abundance, what can we give in return? Lughnasadh is a time of transformation, of rebirth and new beginnings. Because of its association with Lugh, The Many-Skilled One, Lughnasadh is also a time to celebrate talents, skills and craftsmanship. What are your talents and gifts? How can you share those talents and gifts with others? Now is the time of year to work on developing your own talents. Learn a new craft, or get better at an old one. Start a creative project, write a book, play a musical instrument, sing a song, dance, paint. Learn a magickal skill, such as Divination or Herbology. Whatever you choose to do, this is the right season for rebirth and renewal.

(抜粋)Lughnasadh (Festival of Lugh)は、3つある収穫祭の最初に相当するものです。Lunasaは8月を意味しています。宗教的な意味合いとしては、パンの饗宴の意味合いもあります。8月1日は、収穫の季節への曲がり角でもあり、リンゴが熟し始めたり、夏野菜の収穫が始まったり、トウモロコシも成長します。 私達は、最初の収穫と、the Celtic God Lugh(ルー、ルーク)を祝います。穀物を8月(Lughnasadh)より前に収穫することは好ましくなく、8月1日に最初の一束を農夫が収穫し、日暮れまでに、妻がパンを焼きます(そのシーズンの始まりとして)。 ルークは、職人の神と言われており、またその名はヨーロッパ各地の地名にもつながっています(注: リヨンもその一つ)。そして、「変化」のタイミングでもあって、何か新しいことへの挑戦を始めることにもよい・・・と。 何を選ぶにせよ、生まれ変わりや再挑戦などに適した時期なのです。(注: かなり抜粋しました。)


ケルトに伝わるルナサ(8月)の意味するところが、多少は紹介できたでしょうか。 ケルト神話などを読むと、関連する内容も登場してきますし、アルスター地方で有名なク・ホリン(ホリンの猛犬、アルスターの番犬)の父親がルー(ルーク)としている神話もあります。そして、アイルランドの英雄の一人として、今に伝えられていて、首都ダブリンの中央郵便局(GPO)にク・ホリンの彫像が設置されています。(関連する話題は、以前の当ブログでUPしています。 1916年のイースター蜂起など)





*** 下の写真は、記事内容とは関係ありません。



ドイツ: 今年のオクトーバー・フェストへの備えは?

2016-07-30 13:38:58 | 日記
2016年7月30日(Sat.) 梅雨も全国的に明けましたが、少しスッキリしていない空模様です。 さて、ドイツ・バイエルン州では連続的にテロのような殺傷事件が発生していましたが、約1ヶ月半後に開催となるオクトーバー・フェスト(州都ミュンヘン、毎年開催)への準備・検討が進められているようです。 (ニュースソース: DW-DE 7月28日発 )

Backpack ban? Munich's Oktoberfest rethinks security
After a spate of violence in Bavaria, Oktoberfest organizers are out to make the annual beer celebration as safe as possible. The world-famous festival will be smaller than usual, with only few new Features introduced.
(抜粋)バックパック禁止? ミュンヘンのオクトーバー・フェストではセキュリティーについて再考しています。

Security is the highest priority at Munich's Oktoberfest this year, organizers said on Thursday - just days after several incidences of violence had hit the state of Bavaria.

"It's about having maximum impact," said Oktoberfest head and deputy mayor of Munich Josef Schmid. Counting some six million visitors each year, the event is one of the largest folk festivals in the world.

Schmid said that precise security measures still needed to be worked out for the event, which runs from September through October 3. Suggested changes include a backpack ban and mobile fences surrounding the Oktoberfest grounds.

Munich Mayor Dieter Reiter told local Bavarian broadcaster BR earlier this week that a backpack ban would be considered.

"The Oktoberfest is not so expensive that people need to bring a backpack to carry their money," pointed out Toni Roiderer, a spokesman for the Oktoberfest tent owners. Tent owners echoed his opinion, saying that backpacks just get in the way anyway.

Backpacks could be banned this year

Josef Schmid also made it clear that he didn't want to sacrifice the festive atmosphere at Oktoberfest. "We have a huge festival that we don't want to be spoiled. I hope that people come. It would be wrong to withdraw and stop celebrating. That's what the terrorists want," he told the local newspaper "Münchner Merkur."

Oktoberfest smaller than usual
During the first week of Oktoberfest, a Bavarian agricultural festival will also be taking place on a portion of the Theresienwiese, where the annual beer celebration is held. That means Oktoberfest will be a bit smaller this year than it normally is.

Typically, there are a few new rides announced to be featured at the fairgrounds each year, but 2016 will be an exception. Updates have been made, however, to the food service. Among other changes, a new yogurt stand will offer all varieties of the stuff - including vegan versions made with soy milk.

Organizers hope the spirit of Oktoberfest remains, despite heightened security measures

The price of beer rises slightly every year, and this year is no different. The standard one-liter mugs will go for between 10.40 and 10.70 euros ($11.44 - 11.77). According to the organizers, that represents a 3.11 percent increase over last year's beer prizes. Festival-goers who want to pace themselves with a non-alcoholic beverage between beers won't save much, with soft drink prices ranging from 8.27 to 9.27 euros.

It remains to be seen whether the recent series of attacks in Bavaria will keep visitors away from Oktoberfest this year. On July 18, a 17-year-old refugee injured several people on a commuter train near Würzburg with a knife. Then, on July 22, an 18-year-old killed nine people, mainly minors, as well as himself in a shooting spree in Munich. And on July 24, a suicide bomber injured 15 people near Ansbach, also in Bavaria.

Oktoberfest boss Josef Schmid says that in any case "security is the first priority."
(抜粋)何れにしても、今年の規模はやや小さくなりそうです。また、ビールの値段は1リットル・マグで10.4~10.7ユーロで、約3%強高くなりそうです(毎年の傾向ですが)。 ・・・・・・ 最後に、副市長は何れにしても「安全が最優先」と語りました。




ところで、最近は麦芽100%のビールを飲むようにしています。 発泡酒の多くは遺伝子組み換え原料(GMO)を使っているようです。安全性に疑問があることは各国の研究機関等が発表しているようですが、日本は大丈夫なのでしょうか。通常の飲料等にも使われている恐れがあります。報道機関も、そうした特集を組んで欲しいものです。

メーカーは、「安定供給のため」とか言っているようですが、優先すべきは違うところにあるのではないでしょうか。利益最優先主義は「経済を最優先します」とする誰かの言葉と同じでしょう。 間違った判断だと思います。

さて、最近は、スタウト( Stout: ギネスかキリン)を飲むことが多いです。黒ビールの一種と言うことになりますが、味わいもあるしスッキリしていて、まるでポーター( Porter )のようです。 本場のアイルランドで飲めたら良いのですがね(ポーターはロンドン発祥ですが)。

*** 下の写真は、記事内容とは関係ありません。


デンマーク: ポケモンGOで交通事故死か?

2016-07-29 21:12:53 | 日記
2016年7月29日(Fri.) オリンピック開催まで1週間になっていますが、明るいニュースは少ない印象です。 デンマークでの1件の交通事故(自損事故)で、車内からポケモンGOが作動中のスマホが発見されています。 事故原因は???  (ニュースソース: THE LOCAL DK 7月28日発 )

Danish Pokémon hunter killed in traffic accident

Pokémon Go players in Copenhagen. The hugely popular app was recently made available to Danish Pokemon fans. Photo: Emil Hougaard/Scanpix

Published: 28 Jul 2016 12:43 GMT+02:00
A 21-year-old man was found dead in a traffic accident near Aarhus on Thursday, according to a press release issued by the local police.

The man was driving a small delivery van, and in a comment to TV2, police said they found the popular Pokémon Go app still running on the man’s phone when they arrived on the scene.

“When we arrived at the scene of the accident, we found his phone unlocked with the Pokémon app running. We cannot know for certain whether he was playing the game at the time of the accident, however,” Jørn Kristen Nielsen from the Himmerland local police told TV2, although there is reason to believe this was the case.

“Normally a phone will lock itself if it is not in use, but we found his phone unlocked with the app running,” he noted.

Police were first notified of the accident at 5:17am on Thursday and were on site 10 minutes later. The officers estimated that the accident likely occurred up to an hour prior to their arrival.

The Pokémon Go app has been a global phenomenon since it was introduced earlier this month. Denmark is no exception to the new craze, with police districts across the country fielding calls from concerned residents reporting the suspicious behaviour of what turned out to be Pokémon Go players.

The game’s popularity in Denmark led the Copenhagen Vestegns Police to issue guidelines for players, telling them to carefully consider how their behaviour appears to others, to never enter private property and to be sure to look up from their phones to avoid traffic accidents.

The Technical University of Denmark (DTU) also had to issue a warning to Pokémon Go players who tried to break into a construction site on university grounds to play the game.

(抜粋)木曜日、オーフスの近くでの交通事故で、21歳の男性が死亡しました。 彼は小さなデリバリーバン(配達用のバン)を運転していたのですが、事故現場に警察が到着した時には、車内にあったスマホのポケモンGOが作動中の状況にあったそうです。









*** 下の写真は、記事内容とは関係ありません。


デンマーク: 物議をかもした写真展、開催中

2016-07-28 13:31:39 | 日記
2016年7月28日(Thu.) ヌード写真を公共の場で展示して良いのかどうか、地元警察とのやりとりを経て、展示にこぎつけたようです、首都コペンハーゲンで。 (ニュースソース: THE LOCAL DK 7月26日発 )

Nude photo exhibition opens in Copenhagen

Mathilde Grafström's photographs are intended to show that there is nothing wrong with the female body. Photo: Mathilde Grafström

Published: 26 Jul 2016 09:09 GMT+02:00
A controversial nude photo exhibition by the artist Mathilde Grafström finally opened on Copenhagen’s Nytorv square on Monday after months of wrangling with the local police.

The exhibition was previously banned by the police due to the piquant nature of the photos, and has been the cause of considerable debate about whether – and to what extent – nudity should be allowed in the public space.

The Female Beauty: Nude in the Public Space exhibition will run from July 25th to August 5th and features nude pictures of female amateur models in nature.

Grafström has repeatedly argued that the photos are not at all intended to be sexual, and that they are instead about combating women’s negative self-image of their bodies.

“It's important for me that my models understand that the pictures I want to make of her is not about how she looks physically, but about the life energy and beauty she contains,” Grafström writes on her website.

Grafström’s exhibition was attended by Danish Minister for Culture, Bertel Haarder, who gave the opening speech.

“I believe she has a point when she says that many people have a wrong or unresolved relationship with their body,” said the minister.

A number of women, including some of the models featured in the exhibition, showed up nude to the event in support of Grafstöm’s message.

One of them, Sine Simonsen, hoped that the exhibition would have a positive impact on women in particular.

“I hope that the next time they are at the beach and their bikini has gotten a little wet, they will feel fine just taking it off,” Simonsen told TV2.

More details about the exhibition and the full gallery of pictures can be found on Grafström’s website.

(抜粋)デンマークの芸術家(Mathilde Grafström)による写真展がコペンハーゲンで開催されています。当初は、地元警察の反対にあっていたのですが、協議・交渉の末に、展示可能となりました。(展示会: 7月25日~8月5日)




尚、詳細な情報や写真は、芸術家のウェブサイト(上記 URL)で見ることができます。






それにしても、「卑猥・猥褻」などと言う観念は、作り出されたものかも・・・。 (行き過ぎたものは流石にダメなのでしょうが。) 


全ての人の、それぞれの人格や尊厳を認め、お互いにそれらを損ねる行為・言動は慎むべきことでしょうし、ましてや、歪んだ解釈や理解で、殺傷に及ぶなどと言う行為は論外です。 抑圧された者が陥り易い現象であるのならば、その抑圧となっている根本原因を是正することも必要なのかも知れません。


*** 下の写真は、記事内容とは関係ありません。


ドイツ: 'copycat'(模倣犯)を生ずる危険

2016-07-27 21:16:47 | 日記
2016年7月27日(Wed.) 昨日も北部フランスの教会でテロ事件が発生しています。まるで連鎖しているかのように発生していますが、このことに関してドイツ・DWーDEが、一つの示唆に富んだ記事を配信しています。 ( 7月26日発 )

Mass killers inspire 'copycat' attackers
There is growing evidence that an act of mass murder will inspire others to commit similar crimes. Media reports on carnages like the ones in Munich or Japan, play a crucial role in spawning "copycat" killers.
(抜粋)大量殺人は、'copycat' (模倣・犯)をもたらします。  それには証拠があります。メディアによる大虐殺の報道(例えば、ミュンヘンや日本での事件のような)が、模倣犯を増殖させる重要な役割を果たしてしまうのです。

On July 22, Ali David S. struck the Olympia shopping mall in Munich, exactly five years after right-wing extremist Andres Breivik killed 77 people in Norway. There is a possibility that the Norwegian was a role model for the Munich killer.

Statistician Sherry Towers of Arizona State University has looked into what she calls "the contagion effect" of mass shootings.

Towers' team determined that mass killings - events with four or more deaths - created a "contagious" period that lasted an average of 13 days. One attack at a school seemed to spark the idea in other vulnerable youth.

This kind of "contagious thinking" is not implausible, Towers says. Young people could be susceptible to the idea of suicide if they read about it in the media. There are also indications that reports on murder and suicide lead to an increase in those crimes, she explains.

"It occurred to us that mass killings and school shootings that attract attention in the national news media can potentially do the same thing, but at a larger scale," Towers says in a statement about the 2015 study.


大量殺人(定義: 4人以上の殺害事件)は、平均的に13日間の「伝染」期間を生むと言います。学校での一つの攻撃(事件)は、他の傷つき易い若者に影響を与える傾向が見られます。

「伝染的な思考」は、必ずしも信じ難いものではないと、この統計学者は言います。若者は、メディアで自殺に関する記事を読むと、その考えを受け入れる可能性があります。 また、同様に、殺人や自殺の記事は、そうした犯罪を増加させる兆候もあると説明しています。


A shooter killed 19 people in a home for the disabled in Japan's Kanagawa prefecture(日本・神奈川県の事件)

Identification with killers
"Mass killers are always copycat murderers," the Action Alliance School Shooting Winnenden tells DW, adding that "they look for role models, who they emulate and even want to surpass."

Mass murderers plan their attack weeks in advance, says Britta Bannenberg, lawyer and criminologist in Giessen in southern Germany. Many of them write diaries or invent stories, in which they describe the incident. They surround themselves with real and fake weapons, write farewell notes and think about what they will wear during the shooting.

They read about other such incidents, look at documentaries and videos," Bannenberg explains, adding that the killers also play target video games, also known as ego-shooters, to imagine for themselves how it would be to implement their plan.

The media is indispensable for copycat attackers because it provides information about previous killings. News outlets play an important role because the attacker identifies with figures of revenge and role models who have committed similar crimes in the past, Bannenberg says.




A word of caution
News organizations need to pay attention to the choice of words while reporting on such incidents, says Loren Coleman, author of the book "The Copycat Effect: how the media and popular culture trigger the mayhem in tomorrow's headlines."

According to Coleman, one should not, for example, report on "successful" gun attacks or "failed" suicides. Stereotypes such as "the boy next door" or "loner" should also be avoided, he adds.

Journalists need to ensure that they report objectively on such events, says German psychologist Jens Hoffman, referring to the 19-year-old killer who shot down 16 members of his school in Germany's Erfurt in 2002.

"If young killers like Robert Steinhäuser are neither demonized nor presented as innocent, then their biographies will depict the inner conflict and their weakness. In this manner, the mass murderer's function as a role model can be diminished."
(抜粋)このような事件に際して、報道機関は言葉を選ぶなどの十分な注意を払う必要があると、別の専門家は言います。(”模倣犯効果”: 著者)

また、例えば"successful" gun attacks や"failed" suicides 、さらに、定型文句としての"the boy next door" or "loner" などは避けるべきだとも言っています。

ジャーナリストはこうした事件の取扱いを客観的に行う認識が必要であると、ドイツの心理学者は言います。彼は、2002年に Germany's Erfurt で発生した16人を学校で殺害した19歳による殺人事件に関与しました。






*** 下の写真は、記事内容とは関係ありません。 (Barbara Palvin)

