

ドイツ発(datelined Germany): 'climate change emergency'

2019-05-02 16:03:03 | 日記
2019年5月2日(Thu.) 日本のマスコミは、改元行事一色に染まっているようで、まるで、戦前に回帰したようで、空恐ろしい雰囲気を感じています。やはり、極東の奇異な島国・日本なのでしょうか。皇室行事が政治利用されている感が否めません。 もっと、重要なことがあるのではないでしょうか・・・。

さて、UKでは、気候変動への取組みが本格化するようです。 ( ニュースソース: DWーDE 5月1日発 )

British Parliament declares 'climate change emergency'

Lawmakers have approved a motion requiring the government to make proposals to "restore the UK's natural environment." The move comes after protesters demonstrated for days, causing road closures and transit chaos.
議員達は政府に対して、UKの自然環境を回復(復活)させる提案を求めています。 この動きは道路封鎖などに至った抗議活動を受けてのことです。

After a week and a half of protests in London by climate change activists, the British Parliament has declared a symbolic "environment and climate change emergency." Lawmakers backed a call by Jeremy Corbyn, leader of the opposition Labour Party, for "rapid and dramatic action" to protect the environment.
The non-binding motion calls on Prime Minister Theresa May's government to make proposals to Parliament in the next six months to "restore the UK's natural environment and to deliver a circular, zero waste economy."
The measure was passed as an opposition motion, using a procedure the ruling party typically ignores, and has no direct consequences for policy.
In mid-April, Climate change activists from the Extinction Rebellion protest group launched 11 days of protests in central London. The demonstrations caused road closures and paralyzed the London Underground transit system. The movement has also spread to Germany and other European countries.
In reaction to the motion, the Extinction Rebellion tweeted that lawmakers have started "to #TellTheTruth about climate change & ecological crisis."

(超抜粋) ロンドンにおける抗議活動を受けて、UK議会は、環境と気候変動に関する緊急事態を宣言しました。 議員を代表する一人は、火急且つ劇的な行動が必要であると語っています。この先の6ヶ月間で、UKの自然環境の回復や循環型経済の道筋をつけるよう、政権及び議会に求めています。

・・・ 中略 ( 原文サイトはこちら ) ・・・

Save Mother Earth!
Beginning April 15, protesters with Extinction Rebellion took to the streets of London and other cities to demand governments declare a climate and ecological emergency. They occupied key spots in the city, calling on those in charge to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to zero by 2025, halt biodiversity loss and set up citizens' assemblies on climate and ecological justice. ( 注: 原文を読み流して下さい。)



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